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T echnique 


World War 


Assistant Professor of Political Science , 
The University f Chicago 


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To my Parents 


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Among the libraries which I have used, special acknowledge- 
ment is due to the Musis et biblioth&que de La guerrs (Paris). 
Among the propagandists and journalists with whom I 
have consulted and debated, it would be invidious to dis- 
tinguish. Within the academic ranks, I owe a personal 
and professional debt of formidable proportions to Charles 
E. Merriam, Chairman of the Department of Political 
Science of the University of Chicago, who has not only 
encouraged this, as indeed every effort to depart from the 
beaten path of formalism, but who has placed his special 
experience as a member of the staff of the Committee of 
Public Information in Italy during the War at my disposal. 
Quincy Wright, Professor of Political Science in the same 
institution, has rescued me from several mistakes. Imper- 
fections of conception and execution are my own doing. 



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The Matter in Hand 


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' ll . 

Propaganda Organization 


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War Guilt and War Aims 


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Satanism .... 


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The Illusion of Victory . 





Preserving Friendship 


• • 

1 14 


Demoralizing the Enemy 


• • 



Conditions and Methods of 

Propaganda : 

A Summary 


• • 



The Results of Propaganda 


• • 


Note on Bibliography . 


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• • • • • 


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There are abundant signs of interest in international 
propaganda since the War of 1914. Several books have 
been published by men who held responsible propaganda 
posts during the War. Creel in fhp Upi^d States Stuart 
in England, Nicolai in Germany, and Waitz and Tonnelet 
in France, have published much of their record to the world. 
Individual propaganda agents of high and low degree have 
written their memoirs, and international propaganda is 
alluded to in every reminiscence and apology of post- 

armistice times. 

The professors and the graduate students and the 
publicists have swollen the flood of systematic speculation 
about, and systematic examination of, the subject. Among 
the conspicuous names in Germany, where the best work 
has been done, are Johann Plenge, Edgar Stem-Rubarth, 
Ferdinand Tonnies, and Kurt Baschwitz. 1 Research mono- 
graphs of some value have been prepared by Schonemann, 
who wrote in German on the United States, Marchand, 

1 For the titles of their books, and the writings referred to elsewhere in 
this chapter, see the bibliography. 


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who wrote in French on certain aspects of German pro- 
paganda, Wiehler, who wrote in German on special problems, 
and several others. D^martial dissected his own French 
and Allied propaganda during the War in a brilliant 
contribution to the de-bunking of world opinion. Members 
of the new propaganda, or publicity, profession have begun 
to rationalize their own practices. The books by Bemays 
and Wilder and Buell are pioneers in this direction. Univer- 
sities have begun to offer courses of lectures upon the new 
technique, and vast collections of War propaganda have 
been assembled at Stuttgart, Paris, London and Staiiford. 

There are many reasons why the role of propaganda 
s in international politics, and especially in war-time, is 
receiving more careful scrutiny to-day than heretofore. 
There is a new inquisitiveness abroad in the world. Some 
of the people who in the years before the War were disposed 
to accept the changing tides of international animosity 
and friendship as inevitable manifestations of the cosmic 
Tate, which commanded the sun to rise or .the rain to fall, 
have become suspicious of the supernatural or the imper- 
sonal character of these events. A word has appeared, 
which has come to have an ominous clang in many minds 
— Propaganda. We live among more people than ever, who 
are puzzled, uneasy, or vexed at the unknown cunning 
which seems to have duped and degraded them. It is 
often an object of vituperation, and therefore, of interest, 
discussion and, finally, of study. 

These people probe the mysteries of propaganda with 
that compound of admiration and chagrin with which 
the victims of a new gambling trick demand to have the 





thing explained. T hat credulous ut opianism, which fed 
upon the mighty words which exploited the hopes of the 
mass in war, h as in many minds given wav to cyn icism 
and disenchantment, and with these earnest souls pro- 
paganda is a far more serious matter. Some of those who 
trusted so much and hated so passionately have put their 
hands to the killing of man, they have mutilated others 
and perhaps been mutilated in return, they have encouraged 
others to draw the sword, and they have derided and 
besmirched those who refused to rage as they did. Fooled 
by propaganda ? If so, they writhe in the knowledge that 
they were the blind pawns in plans which they did not 
incubate, and which they neither devised nor comprehended 
nor approved. 

In the defeated countries, such as Germany, the military 
people have seized upon propaganda to save their own 
faces. They declare that their army was never defeated 
by the battering of Allied battalions, but that the nation 
collapsed behind their lines because all the alien and radical 
elements in the population were easy marks for the seductive 
bait of foreign propaganda. This is plausible to the public 
because people were everywhere warned during the war 
to beware the noxious fumes of enemy propaganda. The 
Germans were wrought up over “ Reuter, the fabricator 
of War lies," Northcliffe, " The Minister of Lying," and the 
Allies, the " All-lies." They were, therefore, predisposed 
to attach very great importance to propaganda. Since the 
War Germany has been shorn of military strength, and 
must, therefore, rely upon subtler means of protecting 
and advancing its interests than armed coercion. Patriotic 




Germans are anxious to understand the nature of the non- 
coercive weapon which was wielded so successfully to their 
discomfiture in war-time, and there is to-day a more 
luxurious flowering of treatises upon international pro- 
paganda (its nature, limitations and processes) in Germany 
than anywhere else. 

In some measure the present occupation with propaganda 
i s du e jo,__thfi outright pacifists. There is a "widespread 
belief that fighting is due to ill-will, and that, if war is to 
cease, there must be a " moratorium on hate." Can pro- 
paganda furnish a weapon of direct attack upon the 
psychology of nations, and expose the ways and means of 
sowing confidence where mistrust rankles ? 

This whole discussion about the ways and means of 
controlling public opinion testifies to the collapse of the 
traditional species of democratic romanticism and to the 
rise of a dictatorial habit of mind. As long as the democrats 
were in opposition, they were free to belabour the fact of an 
infallible though almighty king with the fantasy of an 
all-wise public. Enthrone the public and dethrone the 
king ! Pass the sceptre to the wise ! ' U 

Familiarity with the ruling public has bred contempt. 
Modern" reflections upon democracy boil down to the pro- 
position, more or less contritely expressed, that the 
democrats were deceiving themselves. The public has not 
reigned with benignity and restraint. The good life is 
not in the mighty rushing wind of public sentiment. It is 
no organic secretion of the horde, but the tedious achieve- 
ment of the few. The lover of the good life no longer 
consults Sir Oracle ; he pulls the strings of Punch and 





Judy. Thus argues the despondent democrat. Let us, 
therefore, reason together, brethren, he sighs, and find the 
good, and when we have found it, let us find out how to 
make jip the public mind to accept it. Inform, cajole, bam- 
boozle and seduce in the name of the public good. Preserve 
the majority convention, but dictate to the majority I 

To the sombre curiosity of the discouraged democrat 
must be added the analytical, motive of the social scientist. 
The division of social thinking has at last reached a point 
which enables a few people to achieve a fixed preoccupation 
with the explanation of how the social wheels go round, 
wholly apart from any pressing anxiety to steer them in 
any particular direction. Their business is to discover 
and report, not to philosophize and reform. They are 
more anxious to gratify their curiosity than to follow the 
footsteps of the deity who created man in his own image. 

The people who probe the mysteries of public opinion 
in 'politics must, for the present, at least, rely'' upon some- 
thing other than exact measurement, to confirm or discredit 
their speculations. Generalizations about public opinion 
stick because they are plausible and not because they are 
experimentally established. They fall by the wayiide, 
when others, who have had experience with the kind of 
fact which they purport to describe, disagree witfi the 
original observer. Sometimes this disagreement is sharp 
and emphatic, because it comes from people who have tried 
to use existing notions about public opinion in their efforts 
to control it. This is the engineering test. It is employed 
by propagandists and publicity-men of all sorts and shapes. 

Conjectures in the field of public opinion are particularly 




susceptible to engineering tests. But much of the literature of 
public opinion is of such abstruse and indefinite character 
that it defies empirical verification. There is a plethora of 
theories about something known as public opinion in general, 
and a paucity of hypotheses about public opinions in particu- 
lar. When the field of public opinion is split into the problems 
of explaining and controlling opinions about policies, 
attitudes toward persons and groups, and attitudes toward 
the various modes of political participation, some more 
tangible progress may be expected. 

The role of opinion in international politics is peculiarly 
worthy of study, because it is a matter of growing importance. 
We are witnessing the growth of a world public, and this 
public has arisen in part, because international propaganda 
has at once agitated and organized it. Interests overlap 
boundaries. It is a mere fiction that the citizens and the 
governments of each country refrain from meddling in 
affairs which are technically within the competence of 
another. In the summer of 1925, for instance, the German 
Reichstag was engaged in considering a proposal to levy 
protective duties upon agricultural and manufactured 
commodities. Theoretically, this is a domestic question, 
and is reserved for the exclusive determination of whoever 
happens to live inside the boundaries of the juristic entity 
called Germany. But in point of fact, external interests 
were affected, and they brought pressure to bear in their 
own behalf. American manufacturers, whose goods would 
be barred if the tariff went into operation, joined forces with 
British, French and German interests and sent their agents 
to Germany. They sought to reach the Press and to 





strengthen the hands of the elements inside Germany, who 
stood out against the bill. 

Such private influe ncing as this is no longer the exception, i 
but the custom. Corporations, for instance, find it con- j 
venient to subsidize newspapers abroad ; and influencing | 
is by no means confined to unofficial persons. Governments > 
take an active hand in the game. The prestige-propaganda' 7 
of the Japanese on the exclusion question, the " myth of a 
single guilty nation ” propaganda of the Germans against 
the Versailles settlement, and the Soviet propaganda for 
American recognition are current cases. The new organs 
of international government are in close touch with interests 
inside each nation. The Intematiorthl Labour Office 
co-operates with those who wish to procure the ratification 
and the enforcement of the draft conventions of the Inter- 
national Labour Conference. 

Official propaganda often takes the form of encouraging 
patriotic societies with branches abroad. The League of 
Germans Abroad claims to have 150 locals in Germany and 
in foreign countries, and the Union for Germanism Abroad 
says that it has over a million members in Germany and 
Austria. There are special organizations for Austria, 
Schleswig, the Saar Territory, Danzig, Czecho-Slovakia, 
Poland, the Tyrol, the Danube and overseas. These 
associations exist to keep alive a sentiment of cultural 
unity and may, in times of emergency, go further. 

Governments smile benevolently upon certain inter- 
national societies, such as the Alliance Francaise and the 


English-Speaking Union. They keep open channels of 
influence, which may be valuable in times of strain. 




There are innumerable official and unofficial propagandas 
to instigate revolution, secession, or racial, cultural, geo- 
graphical and religious unity. Such are suggested by these 
words : Communism, Irish Independence, Pan-Islam, Pan- 
Slav, Pan-America, Pan-Europe, League of Nations Union. 
There are propagandas on behalf of political personalities, 
for it is important to procure a favourable reception for 
every ambassador at a new post. 

It is public opinion and propaganda in war-time which 
calls forth the most strenuous exertions. The condpc t of 
war, conceived as a psychological problem, may be stat ed 
in terms of mo ral. A nation with a high moral is capable 
of performing the tasks laid upon it because of a certain 
momentum, which can only be measured when serious 
resistances appear. The conventional signs of high moral 
are enthusiasm, determination, self-confidence, absence of 
carping criticism and absence of complaint. Almost every 
fact may' have its implication for moral. The calorics in 
the official ration, the supply of cigarettes, the opportunities 
for recreation, the confidence of officers and public men, 
the smart demeanour of the troops, the mode of inflicting 
discipline ; all this, and more, affects the fighting vim and 
tenacity of the military and civil population. 

The problem of maintaining moral is only in part a 
problem of propaganda, because propaganda is but one of 
the many devices which must be relied upon. Its scope 
is limited though important. By propaganda is not meant 
the control of mental states by changing such objective 
conditions as the supply of cigarettes or the chemical com- 
position of food. Propaganda does not even include the 

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stiffening of moral by a cool and confident bearing. It 
IfiffiTS solely to the control of opinion b y significant symbols , 
or, to speak more concretely and less accurately, by stories, 
rumours, reports, pictures and other forms of social com- 
munication. , Propaganda is concerned with the manage- 
ment of opinions and attitudes by the direct manipulation 
of social suggestion rather than by altering other conditions 
in the, environment or in the organism. 

Propaganda is one of the three chief implements of 
operation against a belligerent enemy : — 

Military Pressure (The coercive power of the land, sea 
and air forces). 

Economic Pressure (Interference with access to sources 

of material, markets, capital and labour power). 

>. Propaganda (Direct use of suggestion). 

Negotiation is a method of influencing foreign states 
with which one is not in active combat. By negotiation is 
meant the official exchanges which look toward agreement. 

X Mediati on between contending parties and submission to 
arbitration are both commonly invoked. A government 
influences its own people by legislation, adjudication, 
policing, propaganda, and ceremonialism. For the soldiers, 
whom it has under the most complete control, it must 
make adequate provision of necessities and relaxation on 
pain of trouble. It drills them into a unified missile of 

During war much reliance must be placed on propaganda 
to promote economy of food, textiles, fuel, and other com- 
modities, and to stimulate recruiting, employment in war 

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industries, service in relief work, and the purchase of b» 

But by far the pnt*»nt rnlf* r^f propaganda is to mol 
the anim osity oL *hp community against the enemy 
maint ain frie ndly relations with neutrals and allies, to arc 
_th£_c£ulrals- against the enemy, and to break mp the 
wall of e nemy ^ptaffnnispi. In short, it is the si&nifica. 
of propaganda for international attitudes in wa\ wh 
renders it of peculiar importance. \ 

International war propaganda rose to such ama^u 
dimensions in the last war, because the communization\ 
warfare necessitated the mobilization of the civilian mine ; 
No government could hope to win without a united natioi 
behifid it, and no government could have a united nation 
behind it unless it controlled the minds of its people. The 
civilians had to be depended upon to supply recruits for 
the front and for the war industries. The sacrifices of war 
had to be borne without complaints that spread dissension 
at home and discouragement in the trenches. 

Now the civilians cannot be subjected to the same dis- 
cipline as the soldiers. The effect of the drill to which the 
soldier is subjected is thus described by Maxwell : — 

the individual becomes highly imitative, conforming his 
movements in every respect to those of the drill-sergeants. 
He is not permitted to make the slightest alteration in the 
movements which he is shown, and is stopped again and 
again until at last his movements are satisfactory. A,t 
this stage in a soldier’s training his behaviour is almost 
mechanical, and the unity achieved throughout the group 
is very little higher than that displayed by a machine. . . . 
The mere fact that each man acts like his neighbour 
enables the individual to rely upon the co-operation of 
his fellows with reference to the common end. On the 





parade ground each man soon discovers that every member 
of his unit is co-operating with him in the evolution in . 
progress. In the trenches he is confident that the men on 
either side of him are doing the same, and that the divisions 
on the flanks of his own divisions are co-operating for the 
common end. It is through discipline that it is achieved 
(this co-operation) in the Army, and the mutual trust 
engendered has the effect of welding what might otherwise 
be only a mechanical organization into a living unity . 1 

Active service brings with it a tendency to relapse to 
the primitive. Many observers have said that it is the 
simple bed-rock things that matter most. It is food and 
drink and smokes and sleep and warmth and shelter and 
creature comforts that bulk largest at the front. The 
human values and sentiments are left to atrophy for want 
of stimulation. The quiet influence of the presence of 
friendly scenes and faces is lost. The influence of certain 
of the more complex forms of religion is less. * 

Military life approximates the aggregation of disciplined i 
men in a dehumanizing environment. The civilian lacks 
the automatic discipline of drill and remains in an environ- 
ment in which his sentiment-life (his human life) continues. 
Civilian unity is not achieved by the regimentation of ; 
muscles. I t is achieved bv a repetition of ideas rath er \ 
t han movemen ts. The civilian mind is standard ized by 
new s and not by drills. Propaganda is the method by which 
this process is aided and abetted. 

The intentional circulation of ideas by propaganda helps 
to overcome the psychic resistances to whole-hearted parti- 
cipation in war, which have arisen with the decay of personal 

1 A Psychological Retrospect oj the Great War, p. 162. 

• Sec Maxwell. as cited. 100. 

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loyalty to chiefs. Peace has come to be regarded as the 
normal state of society, and not war. There are ideologies 
which condemn war either as something bad in itself, or as 
the product of a detested order of society. Propaganda is 
- t he war of ideas on ide as. 

This study is a preliminary and highly provisional analysis 

• of the group of propaganda problems connected with the 
I control of international antipathies and attractions in war- 

* time. How may hate be mobilized against an enemy ? 
How may the enemy be demoralized by astute manipulation ? 
How is it possible to cement the friendship of neutral and 
allied peoples ? 

It is not proposed to write history, but to describe tech- 
nique. When the war has receded further into the past, 
it will be possible to write at least a fragmentary history of 
the international propaganda of the time. The aim of 
the present inquiry is at once more modest and more am- 
bitious than this. It is more modest in that it has chosen 
but a few of the facts which will be included in a compre- 
hensive history. It is more ambitious in that it has under- 
taken to evolve an explicit theory of how international 
war propaganda may be conducted with success. • It relies 
almost exclusively upon American, British, French and 
German experience. 

Why not postpone the theory of method until the history 
is finished ? The answer is that we knew enough about the 
history to justify a provisional study of technique, and a 
technical study at this time will perhaps improve the quality 
of the forthcoming history. After all, the relation between 
the student whose main interest is in the mechanism and 


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the student whose chief concern is what happened in a 
particular circumstance is reciprocal. In a sense, the 
scientist and the engineer ask questions for the historian 
to answer, and the historian reports upon the probable 
influence of specific factors in a definite set of past circum- 
stances. The lines are never mutually exclusive, for the 
historian is continually uncovering a new example of method, 
while the technical student is often able to plug a gap in 
chronology through his researches. 

The procedure in this investigation has been to stick 
close to common-sense analysis. There are many seductive 
analogies between collective behaviour and the behaviour 
of individuals in a clinic, 1 but the analogies are too easily 
strained in the making. Clinical psychology is too rudi- 
mentary to carry an imposing superstructure. The present 
study goes no further than to develop a simple classification 
of the various psychological materials, which have been 
used to produce certain specified results, and to propose 
a general theory of strategy and tactics, for the manipulation 
of these materials. Subsequent inquiry and criticism may 
find other categories which are at once more accurate and 

1 See, for example. Miss Playne's book called The Neuroset of Nations. 

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Inside a democratic count ry there is a certain pre sumption 
against^ovemmenT propaganda. As Representative Gillett, 
commenting upon the Creel Bureau, said, admitting that 
it has not been conducted in a partisan spirit : 

That is the great danger of such a bureau as this, because 
we must all admit that if any administration has in its 
power a Bureau of Public Information, as it is called, but 
really an advertising bureau, a propaganda bureau, a 
bureau of publicity, to exploit the various acts and depart- 
ments of the Government, it is a very dangerous tiling in a 
Republic ; because, if used in a partisan spirit or for 
partisan advantage of the administration, it has tremendous 
power, and in ordinary peace-time I do not think any party 
or any administration would justify it or approve it.* 

The truth is that aU governments are engage d to som e 
e xtent in propaganda a s par t of their ord ina ry peac e-time 
functions. They make propaganda on behalf of diplomatic 
friends or against diplomatic antagonists, and this is 
unavoidable. While, therefore, the presumption exists 
against propaganda work by a democratic government, this 
statement should not be taken too literally. 

During the war-period it came to be recognized that the 
mobilization of men and means was not sufficient ; there 
must be a mobilization of opinion. Power over opinion, 

1 U.S. Cong. Rec , 65th Cong , 2nd Sess., p. 7915. 






as over life and property, passed into official hands, because 
the danger from licence was greater than the danger of 
abuse. Indeed, there is no question but that government 
management of opinion is an unescapable corollary of large- 
scale modem war. The only question is the degree to which 
the government should try to conduct its propaganda 
secretly^ and the degree to which it should conduct it openly. 
As far as the home public is concerned, there is nothing To 
be gained by concealment, and there is a certain loss of 
prestige for all that is said, when secrecy is attempted. The 
carrying power of ideas is greatly increased when the 
authority of the government is added to them. With 
certain insignificant exceptions (the smuggling of propaganda 
material into adjacent enemy countries), nothing is lost, if 
all propaganda operations in neutral and allied countries 
are carried on openly. Otherwise, indeed, suspicion and 
distrust may exist where complete confidence and under- 
standing are indispensable. The United States Committee 
on Public Information was undoubtedly correct in notifying 
neutral governments of what they wanted to do inside 
neutral borders. 


It is bad tactics, however, to announce blatantly to the 
enemy that a “ Director of Propaganda in Enemy Coun- 
tries " has been named. As Sir Herbert Samuel said in 
the House of Commons, when Lord Northcliffe was appointed 
to this post in 1918 : 

Possibly the Germans may regard Lord Northcliffe, the 
proprietor of the Daily Mail and the Evening News, in 
much the same light as we may regard Count Reventlow. 
What should wc think, if wc heard that an official announce- 
ment had been made by the German Government, that they 




had appointed Count Reventlow as the Director to carry on 
propaganda in the United Kingdom, and in other Allied 
countries ? 1 

Assuming, in principle, that propaganda should be con- 
ducted in the open by a belligerent government, the pro- 
blem of organization presents itself. What agencies should 
carry on the work, and to what degree is unity of command 

*^»ypra 1 fj^yprnmgpj — sprvirp^ into t he active control of 
ce rtain stream s of information, and international attitudes 
are to some degree involved with the rest. There is the 
Fo reign Office a t home, and the Di plomatic and Consu lar 

home, and the Military and Naval -Attaches abroad. There 
is the General Staff and the Field Headquarters. There are 
the various service ministries engaged upon problems of 
supply and internal regulation. The mere enumeration of 
these agencies is sufficient to remind one of the evident 
proposition that the influencing of attitudes is implicit in 
every function, and that it is incapable of complete segrega- 
tion in anything like the degree to which, let us say, 
the purchasing of horses can be confined to a particular 

^Disunity brings danger$. The Foreign Office and the 
Field Headquarters may hold out contradictory inducements 
to the enemy and cast the whole propaganda of demoraliza- 
tion into disrepute. The military people at home may 
announce the destruction of public buildings in the occupied 
zone, much to the consternation of the diplomatic representa- 
1 103 H. C. Deb. 5s., col. 1410. 27 February, 1918. 





tives in neutral countries. There is always the possibility that 
bad news of different kinds may break simultaneously and 
produce an unwonted state of depression if each service 
gives its own news to the public. The news of a naval loss, 
a military loss and an aviation loss may come when there 
is a shortage of flour, and when there is a prickly set of wage 
and price problems agitating the prints at home. If this 
news were handled through a central clearing house, it 
could be distributed over a period of time and nullified by 
the more favourable aspects of the general situation. 

the military people publish the same pamplilet that the 
diplomatic service publishes, and distribute it through 
the military attaches abroad when the diplomatic attaches 
have already doled it out, no good purpose can be served. • 
It is difficult to work out a revision of general policy in the 
light of propaganda efforts, where there is no continuing 
mechanism for keeping tab on the whole range of propaganda 
work. The backwardness of certain departments, which 
may be opposed to publicity, may produce a repercussion 
of uneasiness and distrust. There may be delay in shifting 
the personnel devoted to propaganda work to the sectors 
where the most effect can be secured. 

Some of these dangers may be offset by the dangers of 
unity. Any scheme of unity runs the risk of antagonizing 
the amour profre of some service and of ruining moral. If 
the control of foreign and domestic propaganda were inte- 
grated too tightly in the hands of one man, the one or the 
other might suffer from the preconceptions of the responsible 
head. Their requirements are so different that only a 




rare combination of talents can be relied upon to develop 
both of them to the highest efficiency, 

The balance seems to point toward, unity as more desirable 
than disunity, but it seems to justify a scheme of organiza- 
tion which preserves a considerable degree of autonomy to 
the constituent services. What are the possible forms of 
organization ? There might be a single propaganda execu- 
tive. There might be a committee of executives, each 
responsible for some branch of propaganda work, such as 
i propaganda against the enemy, propaganda in neutral and 
allied countries, propaganda among civilians, and propaganda 
in the fighting forces. In any case, the propaganda work 
in training camps, at the front, in rest camps, on shipboard, 
and in transit, would vest largely in the military and naval 
authorities. A third method is to arrange a common Press 
conference for all departments, but to leave all other forms 
of effort to the regular agencies affected, which would 
I especially be the Foreign Office, General Headquarters, the 
^^Ayar Department, and the Ministry of the Interior. Broadly 
^ speaking, the United States adopted the first expedient in 
the last war, Great Britain, the second, and Germany, the 

, A Committee on Public Information was appointed, by 
order of the President, soon after the entrance of the United 
States into the War. It was composed of the Secretaries 
of the Navy and War Departments, the Secretary of State, 
and Mr. George Creel. This was equivalent to* appointing 
a separate cabinet member for propaganda, in fact, and 
\ * Mr. Creel was responsible for every aspect of propaganda 
; work, both at home and abroad. One result of this method of 





organization was to confer upon the representatives of the 
Committee abroad something of the prestige of three great 
government departments, and to satisfy the self-esteem of 
each one. 

While the American system sprang into existence at a 
single stroke, and remained substantially unaltered during 
the .War, the British system went through a long and 7 
intricate series of changes. As Major-General Sir George 
Aston wrote : 

Party politicians are suspicious folk, unwilling to trust 
ifny Government with money to spend on propaganda, for 
fear that they will spend it in their own interest rather 
than the country’s. So the Parliamentary War Aims Com- 
mittee was established with representatives of all parties. 
The Committee was charged with Home Propaganda, and 
came in for much criticism. 1 

A small department was set up at Wellington House in 
the office of the Insurance Commissioners to prepare pam- 
phlets and leaflets. Wellington House initiated the Bryce j 
Report,, which was one of the triumphs of the War, on the 
propaganda front, but most of its material was put out as } 
though it were a private and not an official agency. A films ' 
and wireless committee was later set up under Mr. Mair, but 
its relation to the Home Office and the Foreign Office was 
uncertain. A Press Bureau was improvised in August, 1914, 
and was later adopted by the Home Office. The Foreign 
Office was meanwhile engaged in the following activities, 
according to a statement in Parliament by the Under- 
secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Acland) : 

1 *' Propaganda and the Father of It,” Cornhill Magazine, N.S., v. 48 : 
233 - 241 . 


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We are taking steps to see that there is supplied to the 
Pres* in neutral countries not only news strictly so-called, 
but also news which we take here to be rather common- 
place, but which is of real interest to other countries, as to 
the condition of this country, and information with regard 
to trade, and with regard to employment, and with regard 
to recruiting, and with regard to all such matters as to 
which the condition of this country is really of interest to 
our friends. 1 

In January, 1917. the Department of Information was 
organized. Colonel Buchan had charge of four widely 
scattered services, and was responsible to the war Cabinet 
and the Prime Minister. An Advisory Committee was 
established, which consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Lord 
Burnham, Mr. Robert Donald, and Mr. C. P. Scott. When 
Lord Northcliffe proceeded on his mission to America, Lord 
Beaverbrook was appointed to this Committee, and later. 
Sir George Riddell was added. Things were still at loose 
ends under this sj'stem, and Sir E. Carson, a member of the 
War Cabinet, was asked to co-ordinate the various agencies. 
The War Department had organized a separate service for 
the purpose of conducting propaganda against the German 
Army, and the civilian peoples. Finally, in February, Tf)iS, 
Lord Beaverbrook was made Minister of Information, 
occupying the post of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 
At the same time Lord Northcliffe was named Director of 
Propaganda in Enemy Countries, and Directors were 
appointed for neutral countries for intelligence, and for 
cinematograph propaganda. Lord Northcliffe was tech- 
nically responsible to Lord Beaverbrook in respect of finance, 
but, in fact, he had the right of direct access to the Prime 

* 66 H. C. Dtb, 5s., col. 549, 9 Septemter, 1914. 




Minister and the War Cabinet. Confusion was worse con- 
founded by locating the Enemy Propaganda Department in 
the British War Mission with which Northcliffe had been, 
working for some months past. Informal conferences were 
inaugurated to co-ordinate efforts, and later a Propaganda 
Policy Committee was presided over by Lord Northcliffe. 
A working unity was actually achieved, although at the 
expense of many weary months and years of bickering and 
duplication. 1 The Italians arrived at this same method of 

(The most important difference between the American and 
the British plan was that the latter put foreign and domestic 
propaganda in the hands of co-ordinate officials. When the 
technicalities of the matter are allowed for, the British sys- 
tem clearly made no distinction between Northcliffe and 
Beaverbrook, for instance, who both had direct access to the 
Prime Minister and the War Cabinet. The British, in 
effect, laid equal emphasis upon the necessity for depart- 
mental autonomy in dealing with home, empire, neutral, 
allied, and enemy propaganda. The extraordinary diver- 
sity of foreign interests to which the British were appealing 
probably justified this procedure, because the problems 
which were presented were highly distinct.* The Americans 

1 The attitude of the Foreign Office clique toward the Beaverbrook 
ministry is reflected in the comments of the anonymous author of The 
Pomp of Power. He says that a group of experts on foreign affairs refused 
to work under the direction of Beaverbrook and migrated to the Foreign 
Office. Beaverbrook relied .upon Canadians " whose experience of foreign 
affairs and whose knowledge of foreign languages was as limited as his 
own." Beaverbrook has told his own story in Politicians and the Press. 
Lord Bertie, British Ambassador to France, lamented that for two years 
(until 1917) the Foreign Office failed to establish a Press bureau in Paris. 
{Diary, 1914-18, II : 203.) 

* This will appear especially in connection with a later point. 


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came into the War, when it was neither their business to 
win the neutrals, nor to play one group against another. 
They had a very simple propaganda message to get 
across (American preparations ; a Wilsonian Peace), 
and it could be vested in one executive without much 

I It was the Germans who had a minimum of co-ordinated 
propaganda effort. Each Department went ahead in its 
own way, and the only formal co-operation was in the Press 
conference, which met two or three times a week. The 
War Ministry, the General Staff, the Navy Department, the 
District Military Authorities, the Colonial Office, the Post 
Office, the Interior Department, the Treasury Department, 
the Food Ministry, and eventually, the Foreign Office took 
part. The chairmanship was passed round in a rotating 
system, and the co-operating journalists chose a committee 
to speak for them. 

The Military Authorities had to build their work from the 
ground up. 1 At the outbreak of the War there was but a 
single official who had contact with the Press. But they 
soon evolved an extensive Press service to report military 
operations, to edit the Field Press, to control the admission 
of home papers to the army, and to carry on propaganda 
against the enemy. 

The Foreign Office was slow in clearing for action, but in 
October, 1914, when the check on the Marne had deferred 
the prospects for peace, a special Zentralstelle jiir Auslands- 

1 Nicolai complains that the Reichstag failed to vote them enough money 
to develop a satisfactory Press section before the war, because “ in peace 
times the Press was conceived as a partisan instrument.” Nicolai, 
Nachrichtendicnst, Prase u. Volkss/itnmung, p. 53. 





diens t was created. This was a very busy bureau and 
published an imposing array of propaganda material. 

As the War developed, the c onflict between military a nd | 
c ivil authorities became more and more acute. The 
military men went into a paroxysm of rage when the peace 
resolution was moved by Erzberger in 1917, as they had 
when Bethmann-Hollweg held out the olive branch in 1916. 
The military’ authorities had no patience with palaver 
about peace ; they wanted a victorious peace of dictation. 
Ludendorff granted an interview to the Berlin Press in which 
these views were put before the people. Instantly the Left 
and Centre took up the challenge, and assailed the military 
for trying to interfere in politics. The Chancellor, to avoid 
being caught between partisan fires, refused, as had his 
predecessor, to create a separate Minister of Propaganda. 

1 he military authorities had proposed this on three different 
occasions, for they had already begun to feel the effects of 
Allied propaganda. At last the G.H.Q. tried to reach the 
home public directly by establishing a special Press service 
called the Deutsche Kriegsnachrichten, which, in spite of the 
opposition of the large papers, prospered. At the direction •'« 
of General Ludendorff ^n elaborate plan of patriotic 
stimulation was drawn up. It was designed to reach the 
civilian and the fighting population. 1 

There were other tentative gestures toward the formation j 
of a special propaganda agency to co-ordinate German ^ 
efforts at home and abroad, but all of them failed. Private 
citizens organized the Wagner Culture Committee, to spread 
pro-German propaganda very early in the War, but its work 

1 The memorandum of July 29 , 1927, is printed in Nicolai, p. 119 ff. 




lacked both prestige and deftness. ^Germany suffered from 
the overzealous efforts of private persons to fill the gaps left 
by Government omissions^ Professor Lamprccht spoke 
with contempt of the educated man who “ obtained the 
largest possible goose quill, and wrote to all his foreign 
friends, telling them that they did not realize what splendid 
fellows the Germans were, and not infrequently adding that, 
in many cases, their conduct required some excuses. . . . 
The consequences were gruesome.” In 1916, some of the 
civilian authorities commended the movement to form a 
Deutscher National- Ausschuss, but this was still a private 
venture. Chancellor Hertling at last took some steps 
toward unified control in August, 1918, but his measures 
'Sverc both inadequate and tardy. 

C The French kept their propaganda in the hands of the 
Established diplomatic, military and naval agencies. 
Occasionally they supplemented the work abroad by 
sending out a High Commissioner, who combined propa- 
ganda, economic and other functions, as did the temporary 
war missions of all the allied powers. The Matson dc la 
Presse had its agents attached to the legations abroad. 1 

When Allies arr... fight ing together, the problem of co- 
ordinating their propagand as and their policies arises. 
Inter-Allied co-operation in the last War was in a rudi- 
mentary stage at the time of the Armistice. When Lord 
Northcliffe became head of the British Enemy Propaganda 
Department in February, 1918, he called a preliminary 

1 A committee to conduct artistic propaganda abroad was formed in the 
spring of 1918 under the direction of the Minister for Education and Fine 
Arts. Besides the Mai son de la Presse there were unofficial members from 
organizations like the Chambre syndicate de la haute couture. Journal 
Ofjiciel, 8th March, 1918. 

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conference on inter-Allied propaganda. One of the parti- 
cipating experts, Mr. Wickham Steed of The Times, writes 
that M. Henri Moysset, chief private secretary to the French 
Minister of Marine, spoke as a French representative, and 
insisted upon the imperative necessity for creating a 
“ Thinking General Staff ” to unify the effort exerted by 
the Allies in enemy and neutral countries. The Conference 
did actually appoint Professor Borghese (Italy), Mr. Steed 
and M. Moysset, with the expectation that they would 
co-operate in Paris, but jealousy of Moysset is said to have 
prevented the full development of the work. 1 The Allies 
conducted a formal conference in August, 1918, and their 
most successful common venture was a Permanent Inter- 
Allied Commission at the Italian G.H. Q. 

Although the problem of organizing international pro- 
paganda campaigns was not satisfactorily solved in the late 
War, the experience of the Allies in certain other projects 
was complete enough to reveal sound principles of adminis- 
tration. Sir Arthur Salter, who digested his experience; 
with the Inter-Allied Shipping Control with such skill, has 
generalized the conditions of continuing co-operation upon 
executive matters between independent governments. 

Contact, and indeed regular j^opJ act, must be established 
between the appropriate permanent officials of the several 
national administrations. It is important that these 
officials should (where possible) continue to exercise \ 
executive authority in their own departments and, where 
geographical reasons prevent this, that they should, at 
least, be specialists, and continue to exercise a decisive 
influence on them. The officials must enjoy the confidence 
of the respective ministers, must keep in constant touch 

1 Steed, Through Thirty Years, II : 196. 




with their policy, must, within a considerable range, be 
able to influence their action, and they must have an 
accurate knowledge of the limits of their own influence. 1 

He declares that they must work together in sufficient 
intimacy to develop trust or knowledge of the limits within 
which they may trust one another, and that they must 
endeavour to develop such relations as will enable them, 
without disloyalty to their own governments, to discuss 
policy frankly in the earlier stages before it has been for- 
mulated in their own countries. The formal authority 
may best be supplied by the occasional meeting of the 
responsible ministers. Formal meetings of international 
representatives ought to be solely for the purpose of rati- 
fying agreements already arrived at informally. Even minor 
negotiation should never be in the nature of a bargain. 

Salter argues that the arrangement which he suggests, is 
an appropriate solution of the role of committees in adminis- 

Nothing is so ineffective as a committee which consists 
of persons, each of whom has no specialized function and 
no personal executive authority, and yet tries to direct 
executive action. But if a number of persons, each of 
whom has a direct executive authority, which he continues 
to exercise in his own special sphere, meet from time to 
time, in order to dovetail their common measures and 
adjust them to a common plan, and then return to their 
departments to put into effect what they have agreed 
the committee is an effective instrument of co-operative 

Assuming that the problem of co-ordinating inter-ally 
propagandas can be satisfactorily disposed of, our attention 

1 J. A. Salter, Inter-Allied Shipping Control, p. 237. 





may revert to the problem of domestic organization. Once 
agreed that unity should be attained, the issue then arises 
as to whether the propaganda organization should seek to 
work through the existing diplomatic machinery abroad, 
or whether it should assemble separate staffs for that type 
of propaganda work. War seemed. to ghnw that 

spe ci a l ad hoc agencies should be established abroad, even 
though the diplomatic staffs were often resentful of their 
new colleagues in the foreign field. Mrs. Vira B. Whitehouse, 
for instance, was sent to Switzerland by the Committee on 
Public Information. The Legation met her cordially, but, 
owing to the vagueness with which her instructions were 
defined, refused to give her the recognition. and the facilities 
which w,ere indispensable to her work. It was only after a 
special trip to Washington that a long and vexatious cam- 
paign of polite sabotage was surmounted. 1 

The diplomatic service is less likely to possess the type of 
personnel necessary to cope with a new and experimental 
service, such as propaganda, than an agency whose staff is i 
explicitly recruited for the purpose. In some cases, too, 
the gum shoe tradition is detrimental to efficiency. The 
tactics of the American Committee on Public Information, 
which explained its purpose to the neutral government in 
whose territory it wished to operate, shocked many diplo- 
mats, who were trained in stealthiness. 

What about the personnel of the propaganda service ? 
The director of each major branch ought to be a man whose 
prestige equals that of the policy-determining officials. Now 
policy and propaganda should work together, hand and 

1 A Year as a Government Agent tells the story. 

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• ! glove. General Ludcndorff, whose astute observations on 
) ; propaganda have won general recognition, has written that 
} j “ Goo d propaganda must keep well ahead of actual political 
events. It must act as a pace-maker to policy and mould 
public opinion, without appearing to do so.” 1 The worst 
thing possible is for the propagandists and the diplomats to 
contradict one another openly. As a member of the House 
of Commons declared in discussing the problem : “ Nothing 
can be more serious than a double voice in our Foreign 
Affairs.” * 

It is important to give the propag andist a place, not only 
in the actual execution of policy, but in the formation . 
Policies are not safely formulated without expert information 
on the state of that opinion upon which they rely for success. 
Those who are occupied with propaganda live under circum- 
stances in which the daily balancing and weighing of delicate 
currents of public sentiment is their job. Now the full 
import of estimates of the state of public opinion cannot be 
realized unless they are urged by personalities whose prestige 
is at least the equal of those who have the deciding hand in 
matters of policy. It is not necessary that the heads of the 
propaganda services should formally occupy ministerial 
or cabinet posts, but they should have ministerial or cabinet 
influence, in fact. 

This, I submit, is a legitimate inference from the role 
which Lord Northcliffe played in Great Britain. When he 
took over the Enemy Propaganda work, he quickly became 
aware of the crucial importance of forcing a decision upon 

1 See Mcinc Kriegsetinnerungen, pp. 284-313. 
• 109 H. C. Deb, 55., col. 987. 

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certain hitherto uncertain and contradictory questions of 
policy. The British Government had joined others in making 
contradictory promises to the Italians, and to the South 
Slavs, and it was high time for the obscurity to be dispelled. 
He demanded prompt action by the Cabinet, and was so 
successful that the scruples of Downing Street and of Italy 
were swept aside in time for a great propaganda offensive, 
to be launched against the Austro-Hungarian troops, which 
had the effect of forcing the postponement of the Piave 
offensive . 

The offensive was timed for April, 1918, and, 
according to Wickham Steed and Sir Campbell Stuart it 
was postponed until the end of June, because of the 
demoralizing inroads of Allied propaganda on the Southern 
Slav regiments. 

In the United States it was of no particular importance 
that Mr. Creel lacked prestige. The foreign policy of the 
country was made by President Wilson, and it happened to 
have great propaganda value. 

Is it desirable for the leaders of propaganda to be recruited 
from among the most powerful newspaper proprietors and 
editors ? The selection of such a man is certain to arouse 
nasty insinuations in the legislature. After the announce- 
ment that a number of editors and proprietors had been 
appointed to posts in the British sendee, a member of the 
House rose to inquire : 

Is it the intention of the Government to " nobble ” every 
editor in London ? (The editors of the Express, Times, 
Daily Mail, Evening Post, Chronicle and certain other 
leading papers were involved.) 


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Mr. Austen Chamberlain put the criticism with less brevity 
and more wisdom. 

As long as you have the owner of a newspaper as a 
member of your Administration, you will be held respon- 
, sible for what he writes in the newspapers. You would 
■ not allow a colleague, not the owner of a newspaper, to go 
down and make speeches contrary to the policy of His 
Majesty's Government, or to attack men who are seving 
His Majesty’s Government. You cannot allow them, in- 
stead of making speeches, to write articles or to permit the 
articles to be written in their newspapers. My right hon. 
Friend and his Government will never stand clear in the 
estimation of the public, and will never have the authority 
which they ought to have, and which I desire them to have, 
until they make things quite clear, open and plain to all 
the world and sever this connection with the newspapers. 1 

The Prime Minister, Mr. Lloyd George, minimized the 
force of tliis objection by directing attention to the fact 
that : 

the rule which applies to all company directors and pro- 
fessional men joining the Government must be applicable 
also to newspapermen, and as soon as the two Ministers 
were appointed, they gave up all direction of their papers.* 

To this, Mr. Chamberlain replied by denying that the 
analogy of a private company is applicable to the Press. 

If its independence is supposed to have been sacrificed 
by the acceptance of Ministerial obligations, then the Press 
loses its freedom, and with its freedom Joses its authority. 

He deplored certain unfortunate coincidences. After an 

attack in the Press upon certain ministerial colleagues : 

the Government finds it impossible, thereafter, to retain 
in office the officials who are specially attacked, and the 

1 103 H. C* Deb, 55., col. 657. * 104 H. C. Deb., 5s.. col. 40. 

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people who arc specially associated with those attacks . . . 
are shortly thereafter found, in this case, on their 
individual merits, and that alone, to be indispensable to 
the Government in particular offices . 1 

Mr. Lloyd George replied to these insinuations by saying 
that he knew there would be a row about these appointments, 
and that he was right, hut that he had found that on ly 
n ewspapermen could rea lly do the job. 

It is true that newspapermen are the most desirable, but 
it is not, therefore, necessary to choose one of the biggest 
owners and editors. If a less conspicuous man is selected, 
he is, however, liable to snubs, as a mere second-rater. 
England chose her Hearst to conduct propaganda against 
the enemy ; the United States chose a man of tremendous 
energy’, but little reputation. Any proprietor who has had 
sufficient strength to make his mark has undoubtedly 
contracted enough animosities to impair his usefulness, and 
the same thing is true of a journalist or editor. The sticking 
point is the one to which Mr. Chamberlain referred, and the 
humbler journalist is free from objection on this count. It 
would, therefore, seem that the balance of the scale on 
this particular matter inclines toward the American 

There is no doubt about the superlative qualifications of 
newspapermen for propaganda work. The stars in the 
propaganda firmament during the world war were mostly 
journalists, though there were a few literary men, like H.G. 
Wells, and widely travelled and alert historians, like Seton- 
Watson. And the journalists who delivered the goods were 

1 104 H. C. Deb., 5s . col. 76. 




not, primarily, the editorial writers. They were men, whose 
primary business was reporting or editing the news. North- 
cliffe was essentially a reporter, and Steed had spent long 
years in the foreign service of The Times. 

Newspapermen win their daily bread by telling their 
I tales in terse, vivid style. They know how to get over to 
j the average man in the street, and to exploit his vocabu- 
r lary, prejudices and enthusiasms. As Mr. Spencer Hughes 
remarked in the House of Commons, they are not hampered 
by what Dr. Johnson has termed " needless scrupulosity." 
They have a feeling for words and moods, and they know 
that the public is not convinced by logic, but seduced by 

What not to do has been nowhere better illustrated than 
in Germany. The Prussian officer who had charge of the 
propaganda work for the General Staff was a most sincere 
and conscientious gentleman. He had. however, a singular 
unfitness for his job, as this story will show'. An American 
newspaperman in Berlin had known him for some time. 
Shortly after the Allies had created a tremendous uproar 
about the execution of Nurse Cavell, the French executed 
two German nurses under substantially the same circum- 
stances. Not a murmur in the German Press. The 
American saw the official shortly afterwards and asked — 

Why don't you do something to counteract the British 
propaganda in America ? 

Why. what do you mean ? 

Raise the devil about those nurses the French shot the 
other day. 

What ? Protest ? The French had a perfect right to 
shoot them ! 



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Which, of course, was probably true, but utterly irrelevant 
to propaganda. A Prussian officer simply could not look 
at the situation with the naive indignation of an untutored 
civilian. But it was civilians whose opinions were ulti- 
mately deciding. 

Propaganda personnel ought to be recruited from am ong 
tf iose who possess intimate knowledge of the group to which 
t hey are supposed to ap peal, " Hansi,” whose real name 
was Waitz, was an Alsace-Lorrainer, who had fled to France 

in the Summer of 1914, to escape punishment at the hands 
of the German authorities for his seditious propaganda. 
He organized the French propaganda against the Germans, 
and his beautiful and highly idiomatic German was buttressed 
by a complete knowledge of local allusions. He very pro- 
perly lays it down that propaganda should be well written 
for whaJfStgr audience it is intended. 

Bismarck's ..sense of the important led him to take 
infinite" pains in matters of style. Busch, his propaganda 
secretary, tells about an article which he read over to 

It was to be dated from Paris, and published in the 
Kolnische Zeiiung. He said. “ Yes. you have correctly 
expressed my meaning. The composition is good, both as 
regards its reasoning and the facts which it contains. But 
no Frenchman thinks in such a logical and well-ordered 
fashion, yet the letter is understood to be written by a 
Frenchman. It must contain more gossip, and you must 
pass more lightly from point to point. A Parisian Liberal 
writes the letter and gives his opinion as to the posi- 
tion of his party toward the German question, express- 
ing himself in the manner usual in statements of that 
kind." 1 

1 Busch. Bismarck. 1 : 8. 

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Within recent years there has been a development which 
may transform the personnel question in the future. Pro - 
paganda has become a profess ion. The modern world is 
busy developing a corps of men who do nothing but study 
the ways and means of changing minds or binding minds to 
their convictions. Propaganda, as remarked in the opening 
pages of this study, is developing its practitioners, its pro- 
fessors, its teachers and its theories. It is to be expected 
that governments will rely increasingly upon the professional 
propagandists for advice and aid. 

Yet another question of propaganda organization is the 
problem of co-ordinating the efforts of central and local 
branches of the service. Ambassador Bemstorff complains 
of the inadequacy of the material sent to America by the 
German in Berlin, 

the Press-service (German) never succeeded in adapting 
itself to American requirements. The same may be said 

of most of the German propaganda which reached America 
in fairly large quantities since the third month of the War, 
partly in German and partly in not always irreproachable 
English. This, like the Press telegrams, showed a complete 
lack of understanding of American national psychology. 
The American character, I should like to repeat, is by no 
means so dry and calculating as the German picture of 
an American business man usually represents. The out- 
standing characteristic of the average American is rather 
a great, even though superficial, sentimentality. There 
is no news for which a way cannot be guaranteed through 
the whole country, if clothed in a sentimental form. Our 
enemies have exploited this circumstance with the greatest 
refinement, in the case of the German invasion of “ poor 
little Belgium, ” the shooting of the “ heroic nurse,” Edith 
Cavell, and other incidents. Those who had charge of the 
Berlin propaganda, on the other hand, made very little of 
such occurrences on the enemy side, c.g., the violation of 





Greece, the bombing of Corpus Christi procession in 
Karlsruhe, etc. One thing that would have exerted a 
tremendous influence in America, if its publicity had been 
handled with only average skill, was the suffering of our 
children, women and old people, as a result of the British 
hunger blockade — that they have made no attempt to 
bring to the notice of the world. 1 

He also complains that Berlin sent arguments instead of 
news, — - — 

Here was the opinion of the man on the spot. He felt 
that the men at the centre were messing their job, His 
own anxiety to take advantage of what he calls the “ senti- 
mentality " of the American mind, led him to encourage a 
movement which was ultimately ruined because the central 
authorities failed to support it. Bemstorlf tells the story 
thus : 

Since the Lusitania catastrophe I had adopted the x 
principle, and put it into practice as far as possible, of v 
leaving the propaganda to our American friends, who were 
in a position to get an earlier hearing than we, and in any 
* case understood the psychology of the Americans better 
than the Imperial German agents. Indeed, the words 
“ German propagandist ” had already become a term of 
abuse in America . . . a Citizen’s Committee for Food 
Shipments ” was formed, whose activities spread through 
the whole country and were avowedly pro-German. A 
special function of the committee of Dr. von Mach as 
executive chief was a month of propaganda throughout 
the country with the object of obtaining the means to 
supply the children of Germany with milk. The English 
control of the post even led to the bold plan of building a 
submarine, to run the milk through the English blockade. 

The propaganda was very vigorously attacked by the 
greater part of the American Press, but pursued its course 
unafraid, collected money, submitted protests to the State 
Department against the attitude of the Entente, and so on. 

1 My Three Years in America, p. 53. 




Dr. von Mach succeeded in bringing the matter to the 
notice of the President, who actively interested himself in 
it, and promised to see that the milk should pass the English 
blockade and reach Germany in safety. Accordingly, the 
State Department instructed the American Embassy in 
Berlin to issue a statement. Meanwhile, the well-known 
American journalist, McClure, returned from a tour of 
investigation in Germany, where he had been supported 
in every way by the German Government Departments. 
He gave a very favourable account of the milk question, 
as of the feeding of infants in general, and this gave rise 
to the first disagreeable controversy. McClure took up 
an unyielding attitude. Unfortunately, however, the 
State Department then published an equally favourable 
report, which, coming from the American Embassy and 
published with the approval of the Foreign Office in Berlin, 
caused the complete collapse of Dr. von Mach. This 

incident made a most painful impression in America, and 
led to a scries of bitter attacks on Dr. von Mach and the 
whole movement, which was thus exposed in a most 
unfortunate light. The favourable report on the milk 
question was drawn up by a Dr. E. A. Taylor, and 
definitely confirmed and, indeed, inspired by the German 
authorities. 1 

The Ambassador related this incident to discredit the 
central authorities, but perhaps greater responsibility rested 
on him for pursuing a policy which he had reason to know 
was distasteful to those authorities. And in this case the 
better reason seems to be on the side of Berlin, for they knew 

that to advertise a milk shortage would be to encourage 
the tenacious fighting spirit of the Allies and, in particular, 
to tighten the economic boycott of Germany. The man on 
the spot, Bernstorff, knew the value of a sentimental appeal, 
and he was right in this ; but he was unwilling to bend his 

1 Bcraslorff, p. 259. 





judgment to that of the central authorities and to refrain 
from encouraging a certain type of propaganda, which was 
likely to produce more harm than good. This incident 
illustrates the necessity for harmonious relations between 
the men at the centre and the men at the circumference, for 
Bernstorff was right in some particulars, and the central 
authorities were right in others. In most cases, Bernstorff 
was better advised than Berlin. Harmonious relations 
depend upon congenial personnel and can be but slightly 
affected by the mechanisms of organization. 

While the discussion of propaganda organization had thus 
far dwelt upon problems of administration, there is no 
question of organization of more interest to the student of 
political science than the proper relation between legislative 
control and propaganda departments. 

P ropaganda is likely to be abused to promote pers onal 
and partisan e nds, and the line of distinction between a 
private advantage which is incidental to a legitimate public 
advantage, and a private advantage which brings no over- 
whelming public advantage, is difficult to draw. A member 
of the British Parliament once called attention to a laudatory 
illustrated biography of the Prime Minister which was 

being circulated at public expense as part of British war 
propaganda. ‘ Of course, it could be said that confidence 
in the Prime Minister was peculiarly necessary to war 
moral, and that such an expenditure was fitting and proper. 
It could also be said that the tone of the book was too full 
of adulation to free it from partisan suspicion. 

Mr. Creel once put his foot in it by thanking God that 

1 109 H. C. Deb., 5s., col. 978. 




the United States had been unprepared for war. To the 
Republicans this seemed to be the baldest possible attempt 
to whitewash the Democratic administration, and a fiery 
controversy broke out on the floor of Congress. Mr. Rainey 
came to the aid of the besieged head of the Committee on 
Public Information, by reminding the House that the 
Republicans had possessed power for sixteen consecutive 
years, right down to the two years before the European 
War, and if the Chairman had returned thanks for unpre- 
paredness, he was returning thanks for the Republicans 
even more than for the Democrats. 1 

Sometimes it appears to be in the public interest, for 


] current facts to be suppressed, but this is liable to the 
gravest abuse, for it is also to the interest of those in power, 
to suppress facts, in order to avoid criticism. Legislative 
bodies look with a suspicious eye upon any evidence of 
partisan concealment. During a time when the American 
aviation programme was an object of uneasy attention, 
certain aeroplane photographs were released by the Com- 
mittee on Public Information with sub-titles of this nature : 
" Though hundreds have already been shipped, our factories 
have reached quantity production, and thousands upon 
thousands will soon follow." It was obvious that, if 
news of this character was circulated among the American 
people, the public would look with impatience upon the 
opposition Senators who were condemning the Adminis- 
tration for the inadequacy of its aviation policy.* The 
Republicans in the Senate turned their heavy artillery on 

1 US Cong. Rtc., 65th Cong.. 2nd Sess., p. 4859. 

• US, Cong. Bee., 65th Cong., 2nd Sess., pp. 4254 ft. 

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the Committee. The Committee claimed to have based its 
optimism upon authorized information from the aeroplane 
authorities. This appeared to be the truth, but there was 
no doubt that the report conveyed an exaggerated idea to 
the public. 

In another case there was good frima facie evidence 
for suspecting that the Naval authorities had used the 
Committee to mislead the public. On the fourth of July, 
1917, the public was congratulated upon the fact that our 
transports had arrived on the other side, although “ twice 
attacked by German submarines.” A correspondent of the 
Associated Press, who was reported to have been aboard 
the transports, sent back a story to the effect that the sea 
had been smooth, and the voyage uneventful. Even such 
administration organs as the New York Times joined in the 
demand for an explanation. The Republicans launched into 
a terrific tirade against the Committee, the Navy Depart- 
ment and the whole Administration. It eventually appeared 
that the transports had gone over in four divisions, and that 
two of them had encountered no trouble, but that two had 
encountered submarines. 1 Here was a case in which public 
sentiment was genuinely disturbed by an apparent fabrica- 
tion, and Congress did right in ventilating its suspicions. 
But it did so in an insulting manner, which was well cal- 
culated to diminish public confidence in the integrity and 
competence of those responsible for conducting the War. 

As Winston Churchill has agreed, the reasons “ certainly 
had weight ”* which moved the censorship to discourage or 

1 U.S. Cong. Rec., 65th Cong., 1st Scss., pp. 4811 ff. 

1 Winston Churchill. The World Crisis. 1916-18. I : 12. 

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forbid the “ writing up " of any general other than the 
Commander-in -Chief in France and Britain. But the 
unavoidable result was to entrench the Commander-in-Chief 
in public esteem when good reason existed for removing 
him. The general public in Britain banked upon Kitchener 
long after the better informed were aware of the short- 
comings of “ Lord K of Chaos.” The French people relied 
upon Joffre long after the experts began to take his stolidity 
for stupidity and his equanimity for insensitivity. Legis- 
latures and cabinets were highly taxe4 in inventing adroit 
means of kicking these leaders upstairs, and clearing the 
road for more capable chiefs. They had to reconcile the 
diverging claims of competence and public confidence. 

Still another danger of abusing p ropaganda agencie s lies 
in the possibility that public propaganda may be misused 
for co mmercial and class purp oses. An attack upon the 
British Ministry of Information was made in Parliament by 
Mr. Leif Jones, who pointed to suspicious circumstances. 
First he gave the business connections of the most prominent 
men in the Ministry : 

Lord Beaverbrook ... is a director of seven companies 
(was said to have withdrawn from active control). ... Mr. 
Snagge is Secretary to the Ministry. He is a director of 
nine companies, and chiefly interested in rubber. The 
Director of Information in Scandinavia and Spain is Mr. 
Hambro, a member of the House, a banker, a railway 
director. . . . Take the Director of Propaganda for Switzer- 
land — Mr. Guinness, who is director of nine companies. . . . 
Colonel Bryan, who assists in American propaganda, is 
director of six companies, mainly interested in ships and 
ship-building. Colonel Galloway, Assistant Director of 
Hospitality, is a director of five or six companies. . . . Mr. 
Cunliffc Owen is a director of thirty-six companies. I 





understand they are all tentacles of a great tobacco trust, 
of which Mr. Cunliffe Owen is vice-chairman. This gentle- 
man is placed in charge of propaganda throughout Asia 
and the Far East, including Japan. 

He then proceeded to the point of his remarks : 

I have a record of a very extraordinary film which is 
being performed now. . . . The title of the picture was 
” Once a Hun, always a Hun.” It first of all depicts two 
German soldiers in a ruined town in France. They meet 
a woman with a baby in her arms, and strike her to the 
ground. The two German soldiers then gradually merge 
into two commercial travellers, and are seen in an English 
village after the war. One of the travellers enters a 
small village general store, and proceeds to show to the 
shopkeeper a pan. The shopkeeper at the beginning is 
somewhat impressed by what is offered him for sale, when 
his wife comes in and, turning the pan upside down, sees 
marked on it ” Ma,de in Germany.” She then indulges in 
a good deal of scorn at the expense of the commercial 
traveller and calls in a policeman, who orders the German 
out of the shop. A final notice, flashed on the screen, was 
to the effect that there cannot possibly be any more trading 
with these people after the war, and under this statement 
were the words, " Ministry of Information.” The question 
of the policy of trade after the war has got to be decided 
by this country, but I hope the Ministry of Information 
does not intend to decide it before we have an opportunity 
even ol discussing the Government policy , 1 

The attack was much more than a bare insinuation that 
capitalistic interests had suborned national propaganda. 
Tt alleges that the Ministry of Information was committing 
the country in advance to a policy which the legislature had 
not yet decided upon. The famous pronouncement by 
Lord Northcliffe at the end of the War had something of 

1 logH. C. Deb., 53., cols. 95 5ft. 

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A - ■*“ 

the same significance.', Northcliffe was a member of a 
committee appointed by the British Cabinet to develop a 
formula of peace terms (war aims). He met with the 
representatives of the War Cabinet, the Admiralty, the War 
Office, the War Aims Committee, and the Official Press 
Bureau. The agreed formula was first given out by Lord 
Northcliffe in an address before the United States’ officers 
in London, on October 22nd, 1918. On the 4th of November 
they were published in The Times under the title “ From War 
to Peace,” from whence they were reproduced around the 

<It is always possible that propaganda will prejudice the 
position of a minority group in the community The Irish 
members of Parliament protested against the Ministry on 
account of some aspects of its American propaganda. 
Mr. Devlin declared. 

One of the books, which has been published in America, 
is called " The Oppressed English,” written by Ian Hay. 
This is a book, paid for by the Ministry of information. . . . 
Although it has been sent all round America, it has not 
been allowed in this country. (It is) a tissue of falsehoods 
from beginning to end . 1 

Since propaganda agencies on a large scale were novelties 
of the last war in democratic countries, the legislative control 
of their expenditures was poorly organized at first. The 
funds for British propaganda were mostly taken from the 
general vote of supply for " His Majesty’s Foreign and other 
Secret Services.” The Creel Bureau was at first constituted 
by Executive Order and financed from the $100,000,000 

1 109 H. C. Deb., 53., col. 1029. 

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appropriation granted to the President for the general 
promotion of the defence of the country. When the abuse 
of the Creel Bureau reached the peak of insinuation and 

distrust, Mr. Creel decided to force an investigation by the 


Appropriations Committee, by applying to Congress for a 
specific appropriation. After a hearing, which consumed 
three days, the Committee endorsed an appropriation for a 
million and ' a quarter dollars, and commended the past 
record of the bureau . 1 In the future it will probably be 
possible to provide for propaganda work by direct appro- 
priation from the beginning. 

The legislatures discussed the details of propaganda 
administration rather freely during the last War. Mr. T. P. 
O'Connor was anxious to remove the vexatious system of 
censorship, which had been introduced at the outbreak of 
the War, and which had aroused so much opposition from 
American newspapermen. In September of 1914 he 

There is no public opinion in the world which ought to 
be so well informed with regard to the causes of the War. 
or the incidents of this War, or the principles of this War, 
as the opinion of the United States of America. ■ 

Complaints were often made that the British propaganda 
was lagging behind the German propaganda in neutral 

Congress was far from reticent in criticmng the work of 
the Committee on Public Information. Senator Lodge 
uttered a solemn warning against German peace propaganda, 

1 H. Doc., No. ii 68, 65th Cong., and Seas. ; U.S. Cong. Rec., 65th Cong., 
and Sess., pp. 7910 ff. 

•60 H. C. Deb., 5s., col. 759 - 

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and attacked a book entitled Two Thousand Questions and 
Answers about the War, which had been issued by the Com- 
mittee with an Introduction by Mr. Creel. An officer 
of the National Security League had characterized it as 
a “ masterpiece of German propaganda,” and Mr. Lodge 
called to it the attention of the Senate. The defence 
given by Mr. Creel was that he had written the preface with- 
out reading the book, which he received from Mr. Albert 
Shaw, who in turn had come into the possession of the 
manuscript from an Englishman of undoubted integrity ; 
that he had become uneasy about the document when his 
attention had been called to certain passages, and was 
revising it. 1 

On another occasion. Senator Poindexter, who had acted 
as something of an atrocity hound during the War, accused 
the Committee of defending the Germans because a statement 
had been issued under its authority denouncing the story 
of an American sergeant, who had been crucified by the 
Germans.* Senator Lenroot, of Wisconsin, defended the 
Administration, saying : 

there was a general inference drawn that that (crucifixion 
and similiar atrocities) was a general practice. If it was 
not true, I think it is the duty of the War Department to 
deny it. The parents of these boys are suffering agonies 
enough now, without being led to believe that unspeakable 
outrages are being committed upon all of our American 
soldiers who may be captured. 

The legislative proceedings are full of attacks upon the 
personnel of the propaganda services. The tenor of much 

1 U.S. Cong. Rec., 65th Cong.. 2nd Scss., pp. 1037 ti. 

* Same, pp. 9056 ff. 

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of this criticism may be gathered by perusing these Con- 
gressional remarks upon Mr. Creel : 

Mr. Penrose (Senator from Pennsylvania). I do not see 
why we should permit men like Mr. Creel, for instance, 
whose scurrilous and defamatory utterances on the Con- 
stitution of the United States were read in this body the 
other day, to be holding an office and publishing a publicity 
chronicle, when he is smeared all over with treason . 1 

Mr. Longworth (Representative from Ohio). Mr. 
Speaker, if I have any apologies to make to tliis House or 
anybody for the opinion that I enunciated about this 
man who, the day before yesterday, insulted the patriotism 
of the American people, and to-day insults the American 
Congress, it is that my language was far too temperate 

Mr. Sherman (Senator from Illinois). Congress is 
stigmatized as a slum by a public officer created by an 
Executive Order, and paid by an appropriation made by 
the body he traduces. . . . After this, any servile deputy 
candle-snuffer is at liberty to revile us at pleasure. Any 
gangrened egotist afflicted with an ingrowing conceit may 
hereafter spurn Congress, and demand appropriations to 
feed him with the complacent assurance that precedent 
now justified everything.* 

The immunities of Congress were used so recklessly that 
Mr. Creel was led to remark, 

The heavens may fall, the earth may be consumed, but 
i the right of a Congressman to lie and defame remains 
| inviolate . 4 


Lord Northcliffc and the others in England came in for 
the severest censure, but Parliament conducted itself with 
more restraint and dignity than Congress. 

1 U.S. Cong. Rec., 65th Cong.. 2nd Sess., p. 4827. 

a Same, p. 4974. • Same, p. 8990. 

4 Creel, How We Advertised America, p. 52. 




It is abundantly clear from this review of the relations 
between legislatures and propaganda bureaux that there is 
bound to he ample opportunity for misunderstanding, 
criticism and suspicion. Unless the legislature is informed 
— «nd critical, the propaganda branches may be perverted to 
partisan, personal and class ends ; if the legislature is 
superfluously critical, the confidence of the public in its 
leaders may be destroyed, and moral impaired. It is 
humanly improbable that a satisfactory' middle course can 
be steered, since this depends upon the voluntary restraint 
of the legislature. The only hope lies in confidential and 
informal relations between administrators and legislators, 
supplemented by an appeal to publicity when the legislator 
can justify such conduct to his own conscience. Personal 
explanations at the dinner table, the clubhouse, the lounge, 
or the street comer, are the lubricants of the great and 
complicated machinery of government. 1 
, This completes our survey of the problem of organizing 
a war-time propaganda service to influence international 
attitudes. The succeeding chapters will outline the nature 
of the psychological appeals which appear to be necessary 
to accomplish the purpose of such a mechanism — the 
instigation of animosity toward the enemy, the preservation 
of friendship between allies and neutrals, and the 
demoralization of the enemy. 

1 The problem of arriving at a financial estimate of what may be accom- 
plished by propaganda is broached in a succeeding chapter. 


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So great are the p syc holo gical r esistances to war in mod em ) 
nations tha t every war must appear to be a war of de fence j 
against a menacing, murdprmi^ agg ressor. There must be 
no ambiguiTy^ abbut whom the public is to hate. The war 
must not be due to a world system of conducting inter- 
national affairs, nor to the stupidity or malevolence of all 
governing classes, but to the rapacity of the enemy. Guilt 
and guilelessness must be assessed geographically, and all 
the guilt must be on the other side of the frontier. If the 
propagandist is to mobilize the hate of the people, he must 
see to it that everything is circulated which establishes the 
sole responsibility of the enemy. Variations from this theme 
may be permitted under certain contingencies which we ; 
shall undertake to specify, but it must continue to be the 
leading motif. 

The governments of Western Europe can never be per- 
fectly certain that a class-conscious proletariat within the 
borders of their authority will rally to the clarion of war. 
Before 1914 the growth of the Social Democrats in Germany, 
the vogue of anti-patriotism in France, and the rising star 
of the labourers in England, filled the governing classes with 
foreboding. It was freely predicted that mobilization could 
be paralysed by a general strike, and that social revolution 
might raise its ominous head. 



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To the uncertainties of proletarian sentiment must be 
added the vagaries of conciliatory opinion. When the crisis 
of 1914 arose in Great Britain, it was at once evident that 
powerful elements in the Cabinet, the Liberal Party, the 
literary and even the financial world were opposed to inter- 
vention to aid France. The columns of the Daily News, a 
Left Wing Liberal organ, the Manchester Guardian, another 
Liberal paper, and the Labour Leader were flooded with 
letters, editorials and manifestos of protest against the idea 
of British participation in the impending struggle on the 

Let us remember, admonished the Daily News on the 
29th day of July 

that the most effective work for peace that we can do is 
to make it clear that not a British life shall be sacrificed 
for the sake of Russian hegemony of the Slav world. 

On the following day it wrote that the 

free peoples of France. England and Italy should refuse to 
be drawn into the circle of this dynastic struggle. 

On the first of August, the News published a bitter protest 
against the policy of intervention, under the well-known 
initials, “ A.G.G." The title was “ Why we must not 

For years under the industrious propaganda of Lord 
Northcliffe, Mr. Strachey, Mr. Maxse, and the militarists, 
this country has been preached into an anti-German frame 
of mind that takes no account of the facts. Where in the 
wide world do our interests clash with Germany ? Nowhere. 
With Russia we have potential conflicts over the whole of 
South-Eastern Europe and Southern Asia. 

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The Bishop of London. J. Ramsay MacDonald, Keir 
Hardie, Thomas Hardy, J. J. Thomson, Gilbert Murray, and 
scores of lesser celebrities protested against British aid to 
France and Russia on many different grounds. Most of 
these men were not proletarian internationalists, and they 
found reasons to object to war on grounds of the national 
interests of England. Most of them implied that war might, 
under some circumstances, be legitimate, but in the hour of 
decision they shrank from believing that the hour had come. 
Now, it is hard to conceive of an international complication 
in which divergent interpretations of national interest, 
nurtured by aversion to war and ruthlessness, will not 
precipitate dissent and controversy. O^hc conciliatory frame 
of mind is prone to temporize and find good reason for delay. 

Certain business and banking interests, when pulled up 
short by the prospect of imminent war, tiy to put on the 
brakes. That such international bankers as the Speyers 
and the Bonns were restraining influences during the first 
and second Moroccan crises is generally known. A less 
successful instance of such pressure upon those who wield 
political power is revealed by Wickham Steed, of the 
London Times. In the midst of the crisis in 1914 the 
financial editor of that paper, Mr. Hugh Chisholm, was 
urgently invited to call upon the head of one of the largest 
financial houses in the City. The financier told him flatly 
that the pro-war editorials in The Times must cease. They 
were hounding the country into war. The City of London 
was on the verge of a disaster, such as the world had never 
seen. Strict neutrality was the only course for England to 
adopt. He produced a message which he had just written 



to the head of the Paris house of his family, in which the 
alarming statement was made that the writer had only a 
billion pounds in the Bank of England and £ 800,000 in the 
Union of London and the Smith’s Bank with which to meet 
engagements, and that the margin about obligations was so 
slight that the Paris house must refrain from drawing cheques 
or bills upon him. The Times, it may be added, did not 
succumb to this pressure, although certain members of the 
Cabinet were strongly moved by it. 1 

Every resource must be exploited if such inconvenient 
currents are to be turned aside. T he identification of a 
p articular f oreign nation as the enemy may be established 
b y three lines of inferenc e. \ It invariably mobilizes fi rst, 
in the days of crisis (either openly or secretly), and commits 
acts of war, and by doing so, reveals a criminal anxiety to 
press matters to a finish. More than that, it invariably 
incriminates itself by endeavouring to manoeuvre our govern- 
ment into the position of an aggressor during the feverish 
negotiations preceding the final break. Behind all this, 
there invariably stands a record of lawlessness, violence and 
malice, which offers unassailable proof of a deliberate intent 
to maim or destroy us. 

A typical bill of indictment is the one drawn up by Le 
Petit Journal, one of the “ Big Five " of the Paris Press, on 
the 3rd of August. It gave its version of the war under the 
heading, " Machiavellian Duplicity.” Germany secretly 
connived at the formulation of an unacceptable ultimatum 
to Serbia. She perfidiously protested her desire for peace. 
She tried to divide the Allies by urging France to apply the 

1 Steed, Through Thirty Years, II : 8. 





pressure to Russia which she refused to apply to Austria. 
She tried to manoeuvre France into the position of an aggressor 
in the eyes of England, by asking France to denounce the 
Alliance with Russia, or to declare her willingness to fight 
with Russia. Germany opened hostilities against France 
and violated French territory before she broke off diplomatic 
relations. She violated the neutrality of Belgium in the 
face of a solemn promise to protect it. In so doing, she was 
acting in complete harmony with her historical traditions of 
ruthless and barbarous dealing. Frederick the Great and 
the robbery of Maria Theresa are earnests of this. 

These indictments come with peculiar weight from his- 
torians and from other men who are credited in the public 
mind with the single-minded pursuit of truth. German 
scholarship leaped to the colours in the last War in the 
famous and unforgettable manifesto, signed by ninety-three 
of her most illustrious intellectuals. Attached to the docu- 
ment were such names as Ehrlich, Behring, Rontgen, 
Ostwald, Hamack, Schmollcr, Brcntano, Ncmst, Haupt- 
mAn, Sudermann, Eucken, Wundt, Eduard Meyer, Lam- 
precht, Wilamowitz, Humperdinck, Reinhardt and Lieber- 
mann. Serious historians and journalists combined to 
elucidate the responsibility of Germany's enemies in such 
co-operative ventures as Zum geschichllichen Verstandnis des 
grossen Krtcges by A. O. Meyer, Graf Ernst Reventlow, 
R. Nebersberger, C. H. Becker, G. Kiintzel and F. Meinecke 
(2 Aufl., Berlin, 1916). The forward policy of Russia in 
Europe, since her humiliation in the East at the hands of 
Japan, the lust for revenge in France, and the jealousy of 
Germany’s expansion by England were the cardinal points 




in interpreting, the -War. The immediate diplomacy of the 
conflict showed that Russia, secretly encouraged by France, 
had seized upon the Serbian complication to provoke a 
general war. Russia had mobilized first, and had actually 
invaded German territory, as, indeed, had the French, before 
the severance of diplomatic relations. The envious English, 
ostensibly neutral, but bound by secret understandings, had 
grasped their opportunity to crush the competitor, whose 
naval and commercial supremacy must be forestalled at all 
costs of morality and decency. 

The crisis burst on France and Belgium with such 
paralysing suddenness and such devastating consequences, 
that there was little need for elaborate rationalizations about 
the instigator of the War. The Germans had to explain 
the war in the West, because they were in foreign territory, 
and, therefore, prima facie the aggressor. It was in Britain, 
^with its territory intact and the issue of war or peace undeter- 
mined for many agonizing hours after the die was cast on 
the continent, where discussion and rationalization played 
an influential part. Masterly appeals to the national interest, 
after the style of The Times on 31st July, were necessary to 
carry conviction to the more articulate elements of the 
community that Germany should be treated as an immediate 
and overwhelming menace. It argued : 

A German advance through Belgium to the north of 
France might enable Germany {o acquire possession of 
Antwerp, Flushing, and even of Dunkirk and Calais, which 
might then become German naval bases against England. 
That is a contingency which no Englishman can look upon 
with indifference. But if it is merely a contingency, why 
should England not wait until it is realized before acting 





or preparing to act P Because in these days of swift decision 
and swifter action, it would be too late for England to act 
with any degree of success after France had been defeated 
in the North. . . . Even should the German navy remain 
inactive, the occupation of Belgium and Northern France 
by German troops would strike a crushing blow at British 
security. We should then be obliged alone- and without 
Allies to bear the burden of keeping up a Fleet superior 
to that of Germany and of an army proportionately strong. 
This burden would be ruinous. 

In the United States, where the issue of war or peace hung 
in the balance longer than in Great Britain, the disagreement 
over which group of belligerent powers was the enemy drew \ 
forth an unparalleled mass of rationalizations, suitable for 
circulation by the protagonists of either set. The historians 
and the other seekers of the truth were no more reticent 
than their German colleagues in putting the blame on the 
enemy for the calamity of war, once war came. The curious 
fact that in such emergencies the truth seekers find different 
truths, and that the differences are territorially segregated 
according to national boundaries, is once more exemplified 
in the Oxford War pamphlets, the Princeton symposium, 
or the Chicago war series, when they are placed side by side 
with the German literature alluded to above. The facility 
with which sincere and dextrous hands may shape cases on 
either side of a controversy, leaves no doubt that, in the 
future, the propagandist may count upon a battalion of 
honest professors to rewrite liistory, to serve the exigencies 
of the moment, and to provide the material for him to scatter 
thither and yon. 

There are, no doubt, profound psychological dispositions, 
which facilitate the work of the propagandist in fastening 




war guilt upon the technical enemy. Just what these 
tendencies are is a matter of obscurity and dispute, but 
perhaps the most ingenious explanation is the one put for- 
ward by Baschwitz, who describes the mind of the publi c 
as in conflict between the disagreeable fact of war and t he 
wish to believe that the good is triumphant in the universe. 
It must, therefore, be that one’s own nation is vindicating 
the right against the wrong. 1 Speculations of this sort are 
hazardous in the extreme, and the propagandist is content 
to accept the aid of his anonymous allies, while he busily 
multiplies the evidence of the responsibility of the enemy. 
He instigates or welcomes such a windfall as accrued to the 
cause of the Entente in the last War, when an eloquent 
volume, J'accuse (Lausanne, 1915), came from the pen of 
Richard Grelling, a native of Switzerland and close student 
of Germany. He bestirs himself to counter-attack against 
such telling thrusts, as did the Germans who brought 
Grelling’s son, Kurt, to publish Anti-J’accuse at Zurich, in 
1916. He scans the horizon for new material as the War 
evolves, as did the Germans when they scrutinized the cap- 
tured Belgium archives for material, which might incriminate 
the Entente, and broadcasted everything which seemed to 
do so. 

Now the task of the propagandist is just begun, when he 
fastens the guilt of willing the War upon an opposing nation. 

“No sooner is the enemy located than the nation discharges 
its energies, churned in the crucible of hours and days of 
suspense, in instantaneous movements of defence and counter- 
attack. In the very act of delivering the blow the nation- 
4 See Baschwitz. Det Massenwahn, passim. 




calls for unity and victory. It is the business of the propa- 
gandist to amplify and repeat the call. 

As early as the 29th of July, 1914, the London Times 
called upon all parties to " Close Ranks.” The Kaiser 
united his people behind him, when he declared that he 
knew no party more. The Fascio came in Italy and the 
" Union sacrte " was proclaimed in the French Parliament. 
The sensational appeal of Gustave Herv6 to the ranks of 
Labour was broadcasted far and wide. Herv6 was a notorious 
sans-patric who had belittled patriotism as an implement 
of capitalistic exploitation. On the very brink of the War 
he changed the name of his paper. La Guerre Sociale, into 
La Victoire and pleaded with all the ardour of his fervent 
spirit for unity : 

Amis socialistes, amis syndicalistes, amis anarchistes, 
qui n’etes pas seulement l'avant-garde idealiste de l’huma- 
nitd ; mais qui £tes encore le nerf ct la conscience dc l’arm6e 
fran<;aisc, la patric cst en danger ! 

La patrie de la Revolution est en danger !‘ 

The call of the Empire — “ Your King and Country calls 
you ” — buried the hatchet in Ireland and brought recruits 
from all over the British dominions. The work of the 
Overseas League and the Victoria League in strengthening 
the ties of friendship and affection was vindicated. In 
order to illustrate the unity of the Empire, a number of 
profusely illustrated volumes were put out, showing the 
history of British beneficence and the degree of Empire 
co-operation at the front. There is India and the War, for 
example, edited with an introduction by Lord Sydenham 

1 La Guerre Sociale. July 31, 1914. 




•( T 9 T 5)» which glorifies British rule in India, and has page 
after page of coloured pictures, showing Indian regiments 

in native uniforms. 

The call to unity is essentially a call to history, and the 
memory of a common past has powerful sentimental value. 
La Libre Parole for the second of August, 1914 , thus 
admonished its readers : 

Ilaut les cocurs ! La France de Jeanne d’Arc, de Louis 
XIV et de Napoleon, la France de Bouvines, de Valmy, 
de Jena, et de Montmirails n’a rien perdu de scs antiques 

None of the sentiments which are deeply imbedded in 
the social tradition can afford to be neglected in justifying 
belligerent idealism through murder and hate. To the 
historical may he usually added the religious vocabulary. 
Never have these chords been strummed with greater 
dramatic sense than by Kaiser William II., as he looked 
over the surging throng in the Lustgarten on that epochal 
July night and said : 

A fateful hour has fallen for Germany. 

Envious peoples everywhere are compelling us to our 
just defence. 

The sword has been forced into our hands. I hope that 
if my efforts at the last hour do not succeed in bringing our 
opponents to see eye to eye with us and in maintaining 
peace, we shall with God’s help so wield the sword that we 
shall return it to the sheath again with honour. 

War would demand of us enormous sacrifices of property 
and life, but wc should show our enemies what it means 
to provoke Germany. 

And now I commend you to God. Go to church and kneel 
before God and pray for his help and for our gallant 





Even such exuberance of sentiment as the Credo for 
France, prepared by M. Henri Lavcdan, has its place : 

I believe in the courage of our soldiers and in the skill 
and devotion of our leaders. I believe in the power of 
right, and in the crusade of civilization, in France, the 
eternal, the imperishable, the essential. I believe in the 
reward of suffering and the worth of hope. I believe in 
confidence, in quiet thought, in the humble daily round, in 
discipline, in charity militant. I believe in the blood of 
wounds and the water of benediction ; in the blaze of 
artillery and the flame of the votive candle ; in the beads 
of the rosary. I believe in the hallowed vows of the old, 
and in the potent innocence of children. I believe in 
women's prayers, in the sleepless heroism of the wife, in 
the calm piety of the mother, in the purity of our cause, in 
the stainless glory of our flag. I believe in our great past, 
in our great present, and in our greater future. I believe 
in our countrymen, living and dead. I believe in the 
hands clenched for battle, and in the hands clasped for 
prayer. I believe in ourselves, I believe in God. I believe, 
I believe.’ 

This sort of verbal delirium is capable of very rema rkable 
thing s, as when Albert de Mun, the venerable Catholic 
leader, solemnly implored God to " aid the sons of Clovis," 
alluding to one of the barbarous teutonic chieftains of early 
French history. 1 Graceful phrasemongers like Maurice 
Barres, who believed the spirit of France to be a " grave 
enthusiasm, a disciplined exaltation," can be trusted to 
furnish volatile w'ords acceptable to less religious minds. 

For the preponderating majority in any community the I 
business of beating the enemy in the name of security a nd 1 
peace suffice s. This is the great war aim, and in single- ( 

1 Translated in John Buchan. History of the War. Chapter XXII. 

* Lt Gaulois, August 5, 19*4- 


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hearted devotion to its achievement they find that “ peace- 
fulness of being at war,” of which Principal Jacks once 
wrote. 1 In 1915, he glanced back over the first twelve 
months of the Great War, and observed that “ the life of 
Great Britain has been acquiring a unitary aim of purpose. 
The aim itself is warlike ; but it has been attended with 
some increase of mental peace.” He cast a jaundiced eye 
upon the pre-war world and wrote, “ Regarded from the 
moral point of view, the scene was one of indescribable 
confusion. It was, in fact, a moral chaos. Our * inner 
state,' in consequence, was marked by profound unrest.” 
People were once uncertain of life, but now they had found a 
mission. The propagandist, indeed, can always count upon 
the state of mind which is here so gracefully expressed. 
Men with uncongenial spouses, wives with uncongenial 
husbands, youths with suppressed ambition, elderly men with 
their boredoms and faint yearnings for adventure, childless 
women and some wifeless men, the discredited ones who pine 
for a fresh deal in the game of life ; all, and many more, 
find peace from mental fight in the intoxication of life in 
o ne historical hour and for one hi storic goal. 

This simple cry for unity and victory (with accompanying 
peace) is not enough. What form shall the victory take ? 
There are inquiring minds who push behind the formula 
of victory and seek to prescribe what shall be meant thereby. 
I ndeed the whole function of war aims is 
a nd to fortify the resolution of the commu nity to overcome 
every resistance to fulfilment. Tfie enemy must be made to 
a ppear as more than a menace to the social herita ge ; the 

1 New Republic, September 11, 1915. 





eaflj ftv is an obstacle to_the realization of new nationals 
values. For the diplomatically-minded the war may become! 
a war to expand the national influence in terms of lands 
and concessions and ports. This section of opinion in Ger- J 
many gorged itself upon visions of a humiliated Britain, u 
shorn of her fleet, and upon dreams of a partitioned France 
and Russia. In Britain the most popular war aim among 
these circles was the scrapping of the German Navy. For 
the French Victory meant the restoration of Alsace 
Lorraine, and the partition of Germany. 

But the propagandist must never permit himself to forget 
that in the complex communities of our time there are 
minds who find no peace in war. Graham Wallas testified 
not for himself alone, when he commented on Professor Jacks’ 
article and said, “ I should choose the unrest of thought be- 
cause I desire that the war should come to an end the instant 
its continuance ceases to be the less of two monstrous evils, 
and because I believe that our national policy should, even 
during the fighting, be guided not only by the will to con- 
quer, but also by the will to make possible a lasting peace." 

Here is the mind for which war is a loathsome 
abomination, and which steadfastly refuses to believe that 
the defeat of a particular enemy is enough to make it worth 
getting on with. The primitive man, overtaken by 
catastrophe, hunts high and low for a scapegoat and a 
messiah. The scapegoat is the person who got him into 
the mess and the messiah is the person who. will get him 
out. History is the story of the struggle of devils and 
deliverers. This primitive pattern of thought leads to the 
interpretation of war as the struggle between a good and a 




bad collective person. Cleave to the good and punish the 
bad. Such a formulation is by no means acceptable to the 
sophisticated few, who have come to believe that persons 
(individual or “ collective ”) act as they do, because of the 
tenacious grip of circumstances. If things have gone 
badly in the past, the explanation is to be found in impersonal 
forces. If it is hoped to produce better behaviour in the 
future, some fundamental forces must be adjusted. It is 
no good wreaking vengeance for the past ; it is only pro- 
fitable to take precautions for the future and to modify the 
conditions which have played havoc with the past. 

The propagandist who deals with this new pattern of 
thought must be subtler than when he copes with the 
punitive pattern of mind. If the adherents of the former 
\ are to join in condemning the enemy, i t must be beca use 

allegiance is to be won for the war, they must be furnished 
with war aims of a highly rationalized and idealistic type. 

Propaganda of this sort played a decisive role in the late 
struggle for world supremacy, and the reasons are evident. 
If we examine the currents of public opinion in England 
during the weeks immediately preceding the crisis of 1914, 
we cannot fail to remark the numerous signs of specifically 
anti-war agitation. In the London Daily News for the 15th 
of July an editorial was printed under the title, the " Octopus 
of Militarism,” which declared the business of the armament 
makers to be 

cosmopolitan in its operations and soulless in its motives. 

It works upon the fears and hates of ignorant people, uses 





the Press as the instrument of its purposes, and makes tools 
of the diplomats and statesmen, many of whom are finan- 
cially interested in its success. 

A few days later it addressed itself to the subject again, 

Why has the one (the duel) been abolished, and the other 
(war) left ? There is only one answer — that there is money 
in armaments and no money to speak of in duelling. 

During the same weeks the new book by H. N. Brailsford, 
called The War oj Steel and Gold, was running the gamut of 
the reviews. Polemic had not yet subsided over Norman 
Angell’s thesis in The Great Illusion . l The quiet influence 
of John A. Hobson and of many other publicists in Liberal 
and Labour ranks helped to drive home the economic 
interpretation of war. Their writing was less tinctured by 
doctrinaire formulas than the corresponding work on the 

If anything, the socialists of France and Germany were 
more vociferous than the English in denouncing war and 
war-makers. But when the crucial moment came, the 
evidence of the . culpability of the enemy was so over- 
whelming, that they joined the War. This decision split 
the Social Democrats in Germany, and left a discontented 
fraction in France, and as the War wore on, the discomforts 
of combat favoured the recovery of the old uncompromising 
attitude. The Socialist and Democratic papers in Germany 
became thorns in the side of the Imperial Government. A 
similar evolution went forward in France. Such Liberal 

1 See, incidentally, his forcible letter in the Times of August x, 1914, 
against intervention. 


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elements as those associated with the personalities of Leon 
Bourgeois and Estoumelles de Constant were allied to the 
workers in their very keen regret at the turn of affairs, and 
after the first shock of battle wore away, a certain recovery 
set in, much as it had in Germany. 

While concessions were actually made to this type of 
sentiment in France and Germany, it was in England and 
in America that the most notice was taken of it. In both 
countries there was a period of hesitation before battle. 
H. G. Wells may be taken as an example of the pacifist ically 
inclined Liberal, more gracefully articulate than most, whose 
support of the War came at the cost of inner struggle, and 
whose enthusiastic aid in a prolonged contest depended upon 
an elaborately rationalized cluster of war aims. Writing in 
the London Daily Chronicle for August 20th, 1914, he said : 

A war that will merely beat Germany a little and restore 
the hateful tension of the last forty years isnot worth waging. 
As an end to all our efforts it will be almost an intolerable 
defeat. Yet unless a body of definite ideas is formed and 
promulgated now things may happen so. 

•' w, 

Wells, of course, saw in “ German militarism ” one of the 
most colossal obstacles to the achievement of a better 
world order. His attitude of mind is precisely the one to be 
striven for by the inventor of war aims ; set up an ideal 
I which will arouse the enthusiasm of those elements in the 
nation whose support is desired, and make it clear to them 
that the chief immediate stumbling block is the military 
enemy. This permits the scrupulous to kill with a clean 
conscience ; or, at least, to admonish the younger to do so. 
"•When the Bolsheviki published the diplomatic correspon- 





dence which they found in the archives of the Tsar’s govern- 
ment after the second revolution, a most embarrassing 
situation confronted the Allied Statesmen. For the Bol- 
sheviki revealed for the first time to the world that the 
Allied governments had carved up large blocks ol the world 
and raffled them off to one another. This raised some very 
disconcerting questions for those who had been talking 
about this War as different from every other war, since it 
was a war to end war and to make the “world safe for 
democracy. By treaties signed in 1915, and subsequently, 
the possessions of the enemy powers were allotted to their 
future owners, without so much as a pretence at plebiscite 
or international control. In spite of the efforts of the Allied 
governments to suppress the knowledge of these incriminating 
documents in Great Britain, word soon reached the British 
labour leaders, and they bestirred themselves to force a 
show-down from the government. Mr. Lloyd George made 
a sensational speech on the fifth of January, 1918, in which 
he came out four-square for a peace acceptable to the 
conciliatory elements of the public. The secret history of 
this speech was not generally known until the publication 
of Woodrow Wilson’s papers after the War. Among them 
is published a secret cablegram from Balfour, British 
Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the American State Depart- 
ment. Here is the despatch : 

Following for information of the President, private and 
secret : — 

Negotiations have been going on for some time between 
the Prime Minister and the Trade Unions. The main 
point was the desire of the Government to be released from 
certain pledges which were made to the Labour leaders 




earlier in the War. This release is absolutely indispensable 
from the military point of view for the development of 
man power on the Western Front. Finally the negotiations 
arrived at a point at which their successful issue depended 
mainly on the immediate publication by the British Govern- 
ment of a statement setting forth their war aims. This 
statement has now been made by the Prime Minister. -It 
is the result of consultations with the Labour leaders as well 
as the leaders of the Parliamentary opposition. 

Under these circumstances there was no time to consult 
the Allies as to the terms of the statement agreed upon 
by the Prime Minister and the above-mentioned persons. 
It will be found on examination to be in accordance with 
the declarations hitherto made by the President on this 

Should the President himself make a statement of his 
own views which in view of the appeal made to the peoples 
of the world by the Bolsheviki might appear a desirable 
course, the Prime Minister is confident that such a state- 
ment would also be in general accordance with the lines of 
the President’s previous speeches, which in England as 
well as in other countries have been so warmly received by 
public opinion. Such a further statement would naturally 
receive equally warm welcome. 1 

A point to be remembered by the working propagandist 
is that Liberal and middle-class people are likely to give t heir 
apprniml to w^ r aims of a political or jur isfir character, 
i The Labour ideology is more or less coloured by philosophies 
; of economic determination which wound the property 
\ sentiment of the possessing classes. If the problem of 
v reconstructing the world is to be shorn of an apparent class 
bias, it must be conceived as a problem of a politico-juristic 
nature, for talk about world legislatures and courts tends 
to ingratiate itself where proposals for the administration 

* R. S. Baker, Woodrow Wilson and the World Settlement, I : 40. 





of raw materials by world action, and for the use of the 

* * 

world taxing power . to level , up existing inequalities of 
opportunity, are suspect. Phrases like “ World Organiza- 
tion,” " The United States of the Earth,” 1 " The Confedera- 
tion of the World,”* “ A World Union of Free Peoples,” or 
• / 

” A League of Nations,” slide trippingly from the tongue. 

A war to vindicate international law thus has the sanction 
of bourgeois morality about it and avoids anything which 
tinges of a class issue. In the last War this idea figured 
heavily. Those who were arguing for British participation 
in the War, on grounds of national self-interest (vide The 
Times) chucked this article of faith out of the window, and 
transformed the War into a holy crusade for the Law of 
Nations when the news came that the Germans were 
marching into Belgium. The French organized a Committee 
for the Defence of International Law, headed by M. Louis 
Renault, of the Institute. The Germans were staggered by 
this outburst of affection for international law in the world, 
but soon found it possible to file a brief for the defendant. 
The cross-bill alleged that Belgium had not really been neutral, 
for the papers captured in her archives had revealed secret 
military conversations with the French and the British. 
The British, moreover, were reckless of the law of contraband 
and were invading the rights of neutrals on the high seas. 
The Germans, therefore, discovered that they were really 
fighting for the freedom of the seas and the rights of small 
nations to trade, as they saw lit, without being subject to 

1 See August Ford’s pamphlet, Die Vereiniglen Slaalen der Erde, Bern u. 
Lausanne, iqi 4/15. 

* Sec Louis Junod, La confederation mendiale : Une alliance pour Vunifi- 
cation d . pcuples. Gen 6 ve, 1914. 


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the bullying tactics of the British fleet. The Allies had 
already declared a war for the liberation of oppressed 
peoples, by which they understood at first no more than 
Belgium and Alsace and Lorraine. Later, the implications 
of this phrase were extended to cover the nationalities in 
the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Poles in Germany. 
The Germans replied by saying that they, too, were fighting 
to liberate the oppressed, and, by this, they meant Ireland, 
Egypt and India. 

A propagandist must always be alert to capture the 
holy phrase which crystallizes public aspiration about it, 
and under no circumstances permit the enemy to enjoy 
its exclusive use and wont. There are some holy p hrases 
wh ich have subversive connotations, unless they are promp t ly 
inte rpreted in a broad sense. When the members of the 
Union of Democratic Control in Great Britain began to say 
that they wanted the War to end secret diplomacy and to 
democratize foreign policy, they were talking about con- 
ditions in England as much as about conditions elsewhere. 
But the phrase was caught up by astute men, and turned 
into a criticism of the enemy. 1 It is the business of idealistic 
war aims to be invidious at the expense of the enemy. 

Should there be a next general war, war aims of an 
idealistic character will probably be just as important as 

1 The Union of Democratic Control was organi2ed in England by E. D. 
Morel. A. Ponsonby, and several others shortly after the outbreak of the 
War. It was instigated by indignation at the fact that the British Cabinet 
had secretly entered into engagements on the side of France which consti- 
tuted in fact a commitment in advance to join in the War against a suppos- 
edly attacking Germany. It is interesting to note that the Bund Neues 

Vaterland, which was organized about the same time in Germany, spoke 

exactly the same language, and was quite unaware that the Union of 
Democratic Control in England was in existence. 

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they were in the last one. International organizations are still; 
so weak that at least one other war could be fought on th/ 
pretext of strengthening them. Should the existing League 
stigmatize any group of nations, there is no question that 
this group would be the target of a very dangerous idealistic 
propaganda. It should have little trouble, however, in 

explaining to the satisfaction of its own people, at least, that 
it is fighting for a more elevated conception of public right 
than its enemies. 

So much for the war aims intended to appease t he scrup les '• 
of a Li beral conscien ce. Another class of war aims of a \ "j 
general character, can reach a wider constituency. ThejV 
collective egotism, or ethnocentrism, of a nation, makes it w 
possible to interpret the war as a struggle f or the protectio n 
a nd propagation of its own high type of civilization. When a 
nation is engaged in battle with a people whose technological 
equipment is less destructive than its own, this form of 
self-flattery is obviously founded upon clear differences. 
The “ Whiteman’s burden " has been carried lightly on the 
shoulders of the British in India and Africa, and of the 
Americans in Cuba and the Philippines. But at first sight 
it would appear paradoxical that a war between nations of 
Western Europe should also assume the form of a war to 
save civilization. Their similarities are so much more 
fundamental than their differences that a visitor from 
another planet would undoubtedly bracket them together. 

The explanation is to be found in the rise of literacy. NJ 
Literacy and elementary instruction have opened the cul- 
tural heritages of the nation to a larger portion of the com- 
munity than ever before. It was the "Yellow Press," which 




popularized the idea in every country, but it was the wise 
men who used their acumen to prove it. On the 8th of 
August, 1914. the London Evening Standard shouted 
“ Civilization at Issue,” and the theme reverberated ever 
after. ” Guerre contre les barbares,” was simultaneously 
declared in France, while in Germany, the defence and nur- 
ture of Kultur became a duty and privilege of all good 
Germans. The consensus of German opinion is set out in 
a swollen flood of print, from which the following worthy 
specimens may be culled : 

Karl Lamprecht, Krieg und Kultur (Leipzig, 1914). 

Otto von Gierke, Krieg uni Kultur (Berlin, 1914). 

Eugen Kuhnemann, Vom Weltreich des deuischen Geistes 

(Munchen, 1914). 

Oskar Fleischer, Vom Kriege gegen die deutseke Kultur 
(Frankfurt, 1915). 

Ernst Troeltseh, Der Kulturkrieg (Berlin, 1915). 

In this list appear, among lesser luminaries, the foremost 
jurist and two of the most brilliant historians of the world. 
They were all convinced that the traditional Germany of 
philosophers and poets (Denker uni Dichter) had of late 
added unto it,( the practical gifts of political sagacity, 
exemplary fecundity, unremitting industry and monumental 
research, all of which compared more favourably with the 
atheism, sterility and giddiness of the decadent Latins, not 
to mention those sordid sportive, dawdling British. A 
brilliant example of this sort of thing is the volume called 
Handler und Helden, by Werner Sombart, the distinguished 
authority on modem, capitalism. The title of the book 
explains its animus : Traders and Heroes. The former 
are the British and the latter are the Germans, He advances 





the thesis that every war may be analysed into a war of 
beliefs. The present War is a struggle between the sordid 
British and the self-sacrificing, loyal, courageous and 
obedient Germans. The Englishman is incredibly narrow, 
utterly incapable of rising above the “ realities " of the 
moment, as a glance at their philosophers from Bacon to 
Spencer will prove. To the trader life is but a series of 
bargains, and even science is commercialized. The whole 
empire is a great trading enterprise and the empire’s wars 
are wars of pecuniary calculation. The Germans will never 
be conquered by this damning taint of commercialism, and 
their spirit will stamp it from the world. The war is a war 
of German Kultur, which must not be denied and cannot be 
denied by the trader. 

The war c an likewise be a war of ra ce. Not only did the 
Germans of certain strata declare a war of Kultur, but they 
declared a war of race, and in this they were joined by certain 
elements elsewhere. The elements of the extreme right in 
France cherished the myth of a pure Gallic race, and La 
Croix, in its issue for August 15th, 1914, found that the 
heroic exertions of war are the 

ancient 61an of the Gauls, the Romans and the French 
resurging within us. The Germans must be purged from 
the left bank of the Rhine. These infamous hordes must 
be thrust back within their own frontiers. The Gauls of 
France and Belgium must repulse the invader with a deci c ’ve 
blow, once and for all. The race war appears. 

Urbain Gohier published La race a parU at Paris in 1915. 

While war aims of this species are certain of a general j 
vogue, they need re-cnforccments of a more tangible and \ 




( intimate kind. The nation as a whole, is divisible into an 
( almost infinite number of constituent groups, which are in 
l possession of special aspirations of their own. The war 
. ought to be interpreted to them as something in which they 
• have a stake, not only as members of the general group. 
The war ought to be fought to save business, family and 
church, and to add to prosperity, security and faith. Each 
interest should be encouraged to formulate war aims which 
point to the enemy of all who is, in fact, quite as much the 
enemy of each. 

■ For the sake of the business men the war must appear 
w • as a profitable .enterprise. L. G. Chiozza Money, M.P., 
published a statement in the London Daily Chronicle for 
August ioth, 1914, which is a pattern for this sort of thing. 
He wrote : 

Our chief competitor both in Europe and outside it will 
be unable to trade, and at the conclusion of the War the 
unmistakable antagonism which German aggression is 
everywhere arousing will help us to keep the trade and 
shipping we will win from her. 

Sidney Whitman published a pamphlet, called The War 
on German Trade. Hints for a Plan of Campaign (London, 
1914). Meanwhile, the economic groups of Germany 
swarmed with visions of tangible expansion in every 
direction. The Bund der Landwirte, der Deutsche Bauem- 
bund, der Vorort der christlichen Bauernvereine, der Zen- 
tralverband deutscher Industrialer, der Bund deutscher 
Industrialer, and der Rcichsdeutsche Mittelstandverband, 
joined in a monster petition on May 20th, 1915, to the 
Chancellor, in which they explained what they wanted. 





The annexationist claims were : the whole of Belgium, 
Northern France to a line established from the mouth of the 

Somme straight eastward to the Belgian boundary, along 
the Maas, to its juncture with the Mosel in the Pagny-Toul 
region, thence through Luneville east, along the Vosges 
to Belfort. The Departments of Pas de Calais and du Nord, 
half the Meuse Department, the greatest part of Meurthe and 
Moselle, part of Vosges and the Territory of Belfort, were 
thus contemplated additions to Germany. In the East 
a part 'of Livland, the largest and most densely inhabited 
part of Kurland, most of the Kovno district, the entire 
district of Suwalki, half of Lomza, all of Ploczk, a small 
slice of the Marschau district, half of Kalisch, a fourth of 
Pietrokoc, a small piece of Kielce — a total of 80,000 square 
kilometers, and five million people — were the annexationist 
claims. Adding this to the 50,000 square kilometers and the 
eleven million people demanded in the West, it appears that 
the German industrial and agrarian organizations were 
committed to the incorporation of 130,000 square kilometers 
and sixteen million non-Germans into the Imperial juris- 
diction. The inhabitants of these areas were to be deprived 
of any political participation in the internal politics of Ger- 
many, and the large and middle-sized properties were to be 
transferred to German citizens at the cost of the defeated 

opponents of Germany. 

Since the flaming vocabulary of religion still has the power 
to move the hearts of many men, it is a poo r propagand ist 
who neglects the spiritual and ecclesiastical interpretati on 
of the War by the spokesmen of every sect. Each religious 
body must be brought to see in the discomfiture of the 




enemy, a triumph for its gods and priests and dogmas. 
Copious examples of the formulas which are appropriate 
to this end are to be found in the religious Press of every 
belligerent country. La Croix, the organ of the French 
clericals, identified the progress of France in the late War 
with the Kingdom of God. Writing in the feverish days of 
August, 1914, shortly after the alleged capture of Mulhouse 
by the French, it shouted, 

The story of France is the story of God. 

Long live Christ who loves the Franks ! l 

The Holy War, " La Guerre sainte,” had been proclaimed 
the day before by L'Echo de Pans, when it reported how 
waves of spontaneous applause had broken out during 
solemn services at the Madelaine. La Croix published an 
interpretation of the War on August 15th. It is first of all 
a war of revenge, this revenge which we have desired for 
43 years. 

It is a colossal 

duel between the Germans against the Latins and the Slavs. 

It is a contest of 

public morals and international law. 

And, as a final climax, 

Is it not a war of Catholic France against Protestant 

Germany ? 

The Catholics of France were so zealous in the prosecution 
of the War that they aroused the suspicion of the radical 

1 " L'histoire de France est l'histoire de Dieu. 

Vive le Christ qui aime Ics Francs ! " August 8. 





elements in the country and quite a controversial literature 
sprang up. The pamphlet, Les cures ont-ils voulu la guerre ? 
(Did the priests want war?), precipitated an acrimonious 
controversy. 1 

The German Catholics bitterly resented the attempt of 
the French clericals to monopolize the War. A literary 
relic of this dispute is the volume of able essays edited by 
Georg Pfcilschifter, Deutsche Kultur, Katholizismus uni 
Weltkvieg. Eine Ahrwehr its Buches “ La Guerre allemande 
el le catholicisme.” (Freiburg, 1916.) 

T he churches of practically every description can be relie d | 
u pon to bless a popular war, and to see in it an opportunity 
for the triumph of whatever godly design they choose to 
further. Some care must, of course, be exercised to 
facilitate the transition from the condemnation of wars in 
general, which is a traditional attitude on the part of the 
Christian sects, to the praise of a particular war. This may 
be expedited by securing suitable interpretations of the war 
very early in the conflict by conspicuous clericals ; the 
lesser lights will twinkle after. It was of some advantage 
to the war party in Britain to have such a statement as the 
following, from the Bishop of Hereford : 

Such a war is a heavy price to pay for our progress toward 
the realization of the Christianity of Christ, but duty calls, 
and the price must be paid for the good of those who arc to 
follow us. That better and happier day when the people 
now under militarist rule shall regulate their own life is 
doubtless still so far away that an old man like myself 
can hardly hope to see it dawning, but amidst all the 

* Fdouard Poulain. Refutation decisive (i, globale, 2. d/tailUe) ; onxt 
rumeurs injlammia iur le olctgi fvanfais (Paris, 1 916) ; Paul Fcron-Vrau, 
Les catholxqius el la presst. 

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burden of gloom and sorrow which this dreadful war lays 
upon us we can at least thank God that it brings that 
better day a long step nearer for the generation in front of us. 1 

The patriotic chorus of the gentlemen of the cloth in 
Germany reverberates again through the pages of the antho- 
logy prepared by Professor Bang during the War, and called 
Hurrah and Hallelujah ! (New York, 1917.) Bang was a 
Danish professor of theology and took the pains to collect 
some of the German gems. Pastor Traub, P. de Lagards, 
and scores of other clericals unwittingly contributed to this 
book. All of it seems to be the grossest blasphemy to the 
enemies of Germany and the sincerest reverence to the 
friends of the German cause. Only the Liberal minority 
protests in Germany or elsewhere against the outpourings in 
its own behalf. * 

, The number of possible re-interpretations of a war is 
limited only by the number of special interests whose 
^allegiance is offered or sought. To the economic and 
ecclesiastical groups already referred to could be added a 
constellation of artists, scientists, teachers, or sportsmen 
without end. The members of the talkative professions 
(preachers, writers, promoters) depend for a living upon their 
capacity to arouse an emotional response in the breasts of 
their clientele. When the public is wanned up to fight, the 
clerical who treats the matter coldly is committing suicide, 
just as is the writer or the promoter. The circularity of 
response is established, for one interstimulates the other. 
The actor is the slave of his audience, though the audience 
is bound in temporary servitude to the actor. 

Promoters can be relied upon to re-interpret the war aims 

1 London Times, August 12, 1914. 

* See Hans Fulster, Ktrche und Krieg. Heft 8 in Kultur und Zeitfragen 

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of the groups with which they are identified. Thus certain 
musical promoters discovered that the War was really a 
war between German and British music. As Isidore de 
Lara wrote : 

The hour has come to put aside and to veil with crape 
the scores of the men who have crystallized in so unmis- 
takeable a manner the spirit of the modern Huns. . . 

The future belongs to the young hero who will have the 
courage to exclude from his library all the works of Handel, 
Mendelssohn, Wagner, Brahms and Richard Strauss . . . 
who will draw from the depths of his own being tone 
pictures of all that is beautiful in the wonderful poetry of 
Great Britain, and find the vigorous rhythms that will 
tell of the dauntless spirit of those who go to death singing 
“ Tipperary." 1 

Under the stress of war the nurses of the scrawny infant 
known as “ Opera in English," were able to procure 'solid 
nourishment for their charge. To them, opera in German 
was a profanation, and the " Ring ” was pronounced with 
the accent of Belgravia or not at all. 

Certain American educators took advantage of the War 
to gather steam behind their pet projects of educational 
reform. The baneful influence of the German common 
school model upon American education was held up for 
universal execration, and the war for these educators 
became a sort of crusade to make the world safe from the 
volksschule and for the Junior High School. 1 

1 “ English music and German masters.” Fortnightly Review, 103 : 847-853. 

' Friedrich Schdncmann in Die Kunst Jer Massenbeeinflussung in den 
Vereintglen Staaten von Atnerika. Berlin and I,eipzig. 1024. shows how 
every agency was mobilized to carry propaganda in the United States 
during and directly after the War. The school, the church, the women's 
club, the newspaper, the movie, the business club, the Ku Klux Klan, the 
American Defense Society, the National Security League, the American 
Legion, the “hereditary" patriotic societies (Sons of the American 
Revolution, etc.) all played their active part. Although the book is written 
in evident bitterness of spirit, it is an excellent piece of pioneering. This 
study avoids duplication as much as possible. 




Over in Germany the tailors and dressmakers declared 
war upon the immoral fashions of decadent Paris and 
perfidious London. No longer was the matchless frame 
of the Fraulein to appear ridiculous in the simpering fluffs 
of Paris. She must be free and independent of the passing 
whims of Parisian mistresses. 

I n short, the active propagan dist is c e rtain to h ave willing 
help from everybod y, with an axe to grind in transforming 
t he War into a march toward wh at ever sor t of a promised 
land happens to appeal to the group concerned. The 
more of these sub-groups he can fire for the War, the more 
• powerful will be the united devotion of the people to the 
cause of the country, and to the humiliation of the enemy. 


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When the public believes that the enemy began the War 
and blocks a permanent, profitable and godly peace, the 
propagandist has achieved his purpose. But to make 
assurance doubly sure, it is safe to fortify the mind of the 
nation with examples of the insolence and depravity of the S 
enemy. Any ^nation who began the War .and blocks the 
peac e is incorrigible, wicked and -perverse. To insist 
directly upon these qualities is merely a precaution, and 
its chief effect is to make it more certain that the enemy 
could be capable of so monstrous a thing as an aggressive 
war. Thus, by a circularity of psychological reaction the rc 
guilty is the satanic and the satanic is the guilty. 1 

The themes to be selected for emphasis depend upon the 
moral code of the nation whose animosity is to be aroused. 
But there are certain common denominators which can be 
counted upon to work in any situation. The opposinj^atijmis 
nearly always demonstrably overbearing and contemptuous.' 
The French Press was full of scornful thrusts at the pre- 
sumptuous " Herrenvolk ” just across the Rhine. These 
insolent and ridiculous people even took for their name a 
word “ Allemagne," which, literally transcribed, is supposed 
to mean “ all people 1 ” “ Deutschland iiber alles ” pro- 
voked exactly the same indignation in Downing Street and 





Fleet Street that “ Rule, Britannia ! ” did in the Wilhelm- 
strasse and the Linden. Recruiting was stimulated in 
Great Britain at one time by playing up the alleged remark 
of the Kaiser, who referred to " the contemptible little 
English arm)'.” 

» T he enemy is not only insolent . He is so rdid. The 
Germans were perfectly sure that British envy was the root 
of the War, and, as for the United States, the economic 
motive was all too plain, '^s Charles A. Collman yrote in 
Die Kriegstreiber in Wall Street (Leipzig, 1917), the American 
manufacturers and bankers stayed out of the War, until their 
best customer, Great Britain, was threatened with insol- 
vency. whereupon they proceeded to stampede the American 
public into the War, barely in time to save their accounts. 

\ The House of Morgan, with its overdraft to the British 
government of $400,000,000, was faced with certain ruin, 
having overstrained its credit to supply the British with 
munitions. Only the diversion of the first Liberty loan 
proceeds to Morgan saved him. The British Chancellor of 
the Exchequer, Bonar Law, made a clean breast of 
the British position in a speech which he delivered 
July 24th, 1917: 

Indeed, it is an open secret that wc had spent so freely 
of our resources that those available in America had become 
nearly exhausted when our great ally entered the struggle. 

In December, 1916, the bare announcement that Germany 
was making overtures of peace sent stocks hurtling down. 
Bank credits were sharply curtailed and the Allied govern- 
ments were able to renew their bills with the most extreme 


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difficulty. The news of the diplomatic break with Germany 
on the 4th of February, 1917, sent Bethlehem Steel up 
30 points. American industries, already geared for pro- 
duction to supply the Allies, had faced liquidation, readjust- 
ment and even ruin at the whispers of peace ; they were 

able to breathe easily once more. Mr. Henry P. Davidson, 


a partner in J. P. Morgan and Company, had been one of 
the most active opponents of Germany’s " insincere ” peace 
offers ; he had wished for American participation in the War 
in order to “ cleanse us from our selfishness.” 1 

The enemy is inherently perfidious. M. Felix Sartiaux 
wrote in the Morale Kantientic cl morale humainc (1916) 

One of the most subtle tendencies of the German char- 
acter is the hypocritical lie, which appears under the guise 
of naive sincerity, and justifies itself by the most incredible 
sophisms. . . . The judgment of a Latin historian, Villeius 
Peterculus has often been quoted. He found the ancient 
Germans a race of ' bom liars.”* 

The enemy conducts a lying propaganda This theme / 
is of particular importance. Unfavourable reports about 
allies, the heads of the army, the conditions at the front, 
and the bureaucracy are certain to leak past the censorship, 
or to spring full-blown inside the ramparts. Psychological 
barriers as well as physical barriers must be interposed 
between dangerous news and subversive responses. This 
psychological barrier consists in the suspicion that unfavour- 

1 These interpretations, which were current in Germany during the 
World War, can be read in English in J. K. Turner, Shall It Be Again ? and 
L. E. Rowley, Wav Criminals (Privately Published, Lansing, Michigan, 

,9 ‘.% e 408 . 


uriainai rcfn 



able news is likely to be a cunning specimen of enemy pro- 
paganda. If this supposition can be planted firmly in the 
public mind, a mighty weapon has been forged against 
disunity and defeatism. 

The Germans were aghast at the efficiency of Allied 
propaganda and they undertook to steel their people against 
it by protesting loudly against the official French and 
British Press and Press services. Rudolf Rotheit declared 
that one of the conditions of peace must be the emancipation 
of the World Press from the clutches of enemy telegraphic 
agencies. He wrote Die Friedcnsbedingungen der deutschen 
Presse — Los von Reuter und Havas (Berlin, 1915). Even the 
schools had such copying exercises as “ Reuter's Agency, 
the fabricator of War lies.” The British Press was the theme 
of Paul Dehn’s study, entitled England und die Presse 
(Hamburg, 1915). The Germans took Northcliffe as the 
symbol of the British Press and poured vials of abuse on 
his head. 

The cry of German propaganda in France was loud and 
insistent. Certain newspapers, even in the capital, were 
suspected of contaminating the French mind to suit German 
purposes. A more or less typical exposure of German 
methods is contained in Le Matin for October 24th, 1917. 
M. Louis Forest accuses the Germans of spending money to 
influence the Press abroad. He calls attention to the book 
of an Alsatian, which had exposed the German system before 
the War. Even during the Franco-Prussian War, the Ger- 
mans had their friends in Parisian newspaper offices. After 
reviewing the evidence of past and present activity, he draws 
this conclusion : 


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everyone can determine for himself whether the present 
German system is new or old. If to us it appears new, it 
is because we are ignorant of such things. 1 

The, enemy is quarrelsome, crude and destructive . MM.[ v- 
Tudesq and J: Dyssord published Les Alternants feints par 
cux-mtmcs in November, 1917. Heine was the authority 
for the remark that 

Christianity has softened to a certain degree this brutal 
belligerent ardour of the German, but has been unable to 
destroy it entirely. 

Especially, exclaim the French editors, their proclivity 
to destroy cathedrals, which has been amply confirmed by 
the bombardment of Rheims, the burning of Belgian churches 
and of cathedrals in Lorraine. Goethe had acknowledged 

We, the Germans, are of yesterday. For a century it 
is true that we have made substantial progress in civiliza- 
tion, but centuries will yet pass before our peasants will 
have the ideas or the spirit of a civilization sufficiently 
advanced to enable them to render homage to beauty as 
did the Greeks. 

Schopenhauer blushes to belong to their race. 

The enemy is atrociously cruel and degenerate in his | : 
conduct nf the War. s A handy rule for arousing hate is, if • 
at first they do not enrage, use an atrocity. It has been 
employed with unvarying success in every conflict known to 
man. Originality, while often advantageous, is far from 

1 This may be read now with a certain amusement, for the Russian 
documents have revealed the extent to which the Russian government 
bought a large percentage of the French Press support which it enjoyed 
in pre-war days. See the Livre Noir in particular, and the subsequent 
articles in L Humaniie. 


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indispensable. In the early days of the War of 1914 a very 
pathetic story was told of a seven-year old youngster, who 
had pointed his wooden gun at a patrol of invading Uhlans, 
who had dispatched him on the spot. This story had done 
excellent duty in the Franco-Prussian War, over forty years 
before. But many of the most successful tales have a far 
more venerable history. There is one about the Turks, 
which had rattled down Christendom since the first crusades. 
According to this account, a tub full of eyes was discovered 
at a certain point, where captives were being tortured for 
the amusement of Turkish generals. 

Stress can always be laid upon the wounding of women, 
children, old people, priests and nuns, and upon sexual 
enormities, mutilated prisoners and mutilated non-com- 
batants. These stories yield a crop of indignation against 
the fiendish perpetrators of these dark deeds, and satisfy 
certain powerful, hidden impulses. A young woman, 
ravished by the enemy, yields secret satisfaction to a host 
of vicarious ravishers on the other side of the border. Hence, 
perhaps, the popularity and ubiquity of such stories. 

While all atrocity stories show a family resemblance, and 
the old stand-bys can be relied upon, no classification should 
be regarded by the practical propagandist as more than 
suggestive. A certain fringe of novelty is always permissible, 
because the conditions of warfare arc never precisely the 
same. Since the discovery of germs the enemy may be 
accused of infecting wells, cattle, and food, not to speak of 
wounds. A booklet on Microbe-Culture at Bucharest was 
put out in London in 1917, and covered the subject very 
nicely. If the enemy shows signs of believing that a cam- 





paign of frightfulness is sound military strategy, there need 
be no hesitation about calling God and man to witness that 
such an abomination is the new-born creation of the dia- 
bolical enemy. It was the absence of any opportunity for 
effective contradiction in wartime which made it possible 
for Professor Lavisse, for instance, to proclaim in the 
Pratique et doctrine de la guerre allemande that 

Not one of our military writers taught the doctrine 
of the guerre atroce. 

After peace came it was possible for another Frenchman, 
Ddmartial, to procure a hearing in the interest of veracity 
and to recall attention to a three-volume tome (Vaincre) by 
the French officer Montaigne, in which this thesis was 
defended : 

Terrify ; and in order to terrify, destroy. One sets out 
to kill, one shoots to kill, one leaps at the throat of the 
enemy but to kill, and one kills until there is nothing left 
to kill. 1 

Americans did not think it worth while to recall the 
theory of war entertained by General Sheridan. He visited 
Bismarck at the field headquarters of the Prussian Army 
in France, in 1870, and declared. 

The proper strategy consists in the first place in inflicting 
as telling blows as possible upon the enemy’s army, and 
then causing the inhabitants so much suffering that they 
must long for peace, and force their government to demand 
it. The people must be left nothing but their eyes to weep 
with over the war.* 

1 Cited on page 19 of G. Ddmartial, Comment on mobilisa les consciences. 
“ Umano,” an Italian jurist, publishes an anonymous collection of state- 
ments by public men during the War which he regards as unfounded in 
connection with his diffuse yet interesting study called Positives scienia di 
governo. 1922. 

* Busch, Bismarck, I : 1*8. 


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It was likewise perfectly safe for President Poincare to 
flay the barbarous Germans for dropping bombs upon 
defenceless women and children. Very few among the 
Allied peoples knew, and very few of them, had they known, 
would have cared, that on the 26th of June, 1916, French 
and English aviators dropped bombs upon Karlsruhe, killing 
or wounding 26 women and 124 children, or that on the 
22nd of September, 1915, the Allied bombers had taken a 
toll of 103 victims in a raid upon the same city. In the 
fever of combat the news of the slaughter of enemy non- 
combatants is apt to be met by the exulting cry that the 
11 whelps and dams of murderous foes " are no more, to quote 
a chivalrous line of Swinburne, when he heard about the 
frightful mortality in the concentration camps for Boer 
women and children in South Africa. 

It was equally safe for the Allies to declare that it could 
only have occurred to a German Hun to organize a campaign 
of systematic destruction of machinery, warehouses, bridges 
and railroads in a region from which they were retreating. 
There was no one to call attention to the recommendations 
of the Engineer, a reputable British technical periodical, in 
its issue for September 25th, 1914, to the effect that the 
army ought to break up the equipment and to raze the 
factory of every German industry which the fortunes of 
war might bring into their hands. German competition 
after the War would thus be seriously crippled. 1 Nor was 
the destruction by the Allies of the oil properties during their 
retreat through Rumania conspicuously interpreted to the 
people as other than a smart stroke to cheat the enemy. 

1 Cited by Dfimartiai as cited, p. 24. 





A catalogue of the crimes which the enemy has been 
held to have perpetrated in the past ought to stimulate the 
ingenuity more than the imitativeness of the propaganda 
expert. The suggestions referred to here are by no means 
exhaustive. During the late War innumerable schemes for 
classifying enemy outrages were invented. As a random 
sample one may select the first large and important atrocity 
brochure put out by the French Government. 1 

German sins were sorted into bins which were labelled 
thus : 

r. Violation of the neutrality of Luxemburg and Belgium. 

2. Violation of French Frontier before the Declaration 
of War. 

3. Killing of prisoners and wounded. 

4. Looting, arson, rape, murder. 

5. Use of forbidden bullets. 

6. Use of burning liquids and asphyxiating gas. 

7. Bombarding of fortresses without notice and of 
unfortified towns ; the destruction of buildings consecrated 
to Religion, Art, Science and Charity. 

8. Treacherous Methods of Warfare. 

9. Cruelties inflicted on civil population. 

Dr. Emst Miiller-Meiningen, a member of the German 
Reichstag, compiled the sins of the Entente in Dcr WeUkrieg 
und der Zusammenbruch des V olkerrechts , which had passed 
through a third revised edition by the middle of 1915. The 
general scheme of organization is indicated in the Table of 
Contents : 

r. The Neutrality of Belgium (How Belgium connived 

secretly with the Allies). 

1 R^publiquo Francaise, Documents rilatifs A la guerre 1914-15. 
Rapports et Procis-verbaux d'enjuSte de la commission institute en vue 
de constater les actes commis par I'ennemi tn violation du droit des gens. 
Paris, 1915. 


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2. Mobilization and the Morality of Nations. 

\ 3. Violation of the Congo Acts. The Colonial War. 

V4. The Employment of barbarous and warlike tribes in 
a European War. 

5. The Violation of the Neutrality of the Suez Canal. 

6. The Breach of Chinese Neutrality by Japan and 
England's Assault upon Kiao-Chau. 

7. The use of Dum-Dum Bullets and the like. 

8. Treatment of Diplomatic Representatives by the 
Triple Entente Countries in Violation of International Law. 
Acts of Diplomatic Representatives of the Triple Entente 
in Violation of International Law. 

9. Non-observances and Violations of Red Cross Rules 
on the Part of the Triple Entente States. 

10. Franc-Tireur Warfare and the Maltreatment of the 
Defenceless before and after the Declaration of War. Also 
the Imprisonment of Civilians. 

11. Unlawful and Inhumane Methods of Conducting 
War Practised by the Hostile Armies and the Governments 
of the Triple Entente and Belgium. 

12. The Russian Atrocities in East Prussia in especial. 

13- Jewish Pogroms and Other Russian Atrocities in 

Poland, Galicia, the Caucasus, etc. 

14. The “ Spirit ” of the Troops of the Triple Entente. 
Plundering, and Destruction of their own country’s Property. 
Self-Mutilations. Verdicts upon the Troops of the Triple 
Entente by their own Officers. 

15. The Destruction and Misuse of Telegraph Cables. 

16. Further Details as to the Vendetta of Lies of the 
Press of the Triple Entente. A Method of Waging War con- 
trary to all International Law. The French “ Art of War.’’ 
^ 17. The Bombardment of Town 5 and Villages from 
Aeroplanes. The use of shells that develop Gas. 

18. English Business Moral and the Code of English 
Creditors. Deprivation of the Legal Rights of Germans in 
Russia and France. 

19. Breaches of Neutrality on the Seas by England and 
the Other States of the Triple Entente. Contraband of 
War. Blockades, etc. 



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The quantitative methods of modem social science were 
applied to the atrocity problem as the War went on. In a 
report prepared for the Serbs about Austro-Hungarian 
atrocities the first plate, which summarizes the investigation 
is entitled, *' Statistics of Atrocities.” It is limited to the 
districts of Potzerie, Matchva, Yadar and certain others. 
Women and children are recorded in parallel columns, and 
the number of cases relating to each item is recorded. The 
items are : 

Executed or otherwise shot, Bayoneted or knifed, Throats 
cut, Killed, Burnt alive, Killed in massacre, Beaten to 
death with rifles or sticks. Stoned to death, Hanged, Dis- 
embowelled, Bound and tortured on the spot, Missing, 
Carried off as prisoners, Wounded, Arms cut off or broken. 
Legs cut off or broken, Noses cut off, Ears cut off, Eyes 
gouged out, Sexual parts mutilated, Skin tom in strips. 
Flesh or scalp removed, Corpses cut into small pieces, 
Breasts cut off, Women violated. 

Certain special items, such as the use of explosive bullets, 
which were not susceptible of statistical treatment, were 
dealt with in qualitative terms . 1 To the impact of the 
quantitative method is added the dramatization of the 
individual case. The book is copiously embellished with 
horror-photographs of mutilated corpses and devastated 

There is a certain technical advantage in varying the 
form of the atrocity account. Sometimes a victim may 
be permitted to tell his own story, as in the case of a dis- 
tinguished Belgian scholar who was condemned by the Ger- 

1 Kingdom of Serbia, Report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro- 
Hungarian Army during the jirsi invasion of Serbia, by R. A. Reiss, London, 


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mans to forced labour and told his experiences in Through the 
Iron Bars (London, 1917). William Caine published an 
alleged interview with a victim of the German invasion, 
called Monsieur Sagotin’s Story (London, 1917). The mis- 
adventure of a single person was related by W. T. Hill in 
The Martyrdom of Nurse Cavell. 1 The neutral witness 
always speaks with some authority, and Dr. De Christmas 
testified to the sad lot of the French prisoners in Germany 
as he visited them. His was called Le Traitement des 
Prisonniers Francais tn illemagne (Paris, 1917). Admis- 
sions by an enemy are always useful, and the French 
published the captured diary of a non-commissioned German 
officer, in which the cruelties perpetrated by officers on 
soldiers and civilians were written down. The diary was 
edited by Louis-Paul Alaux, and published in 1918, under 
the title Souvenirs de guerre d'un sous-officer allemand. The 
record of a German Deserter’s War Experience was published 

in New York, 1917. 

An excellent device which was used by the British to 
lend weight to their stories of German atrocities was to 
constitute a commission of men with international 
reputations for truthfulness to collect evidence and deliver 
findings. The British, with an eye not alone upon their 
own populace, but upon the American people, delivered a 

stroke of genius by appointing the so-called Biycg. Corri b 
mission^ The Evidence and Documents laid before the Corn- 
tee on Alleged German Outrages (London, 1915) was the 
magnum opus of the War on this front. The brochure on 
German War Practices, which was published by the Com- 
1 The German public believed that Miss Cavell was a spy, incidentally. 



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Information in the United States in 1916, 

wa th^/ last of the innumerable versions of this 

^ T^jforf 6 e» 45 ^ \o y>ju^AAi^ 

Yet another form in which propaganda complaints may 
be made against the enemy is in the controversial statement \ 
or pamphlet. Dr. Max Kuttner remonstrated with a former 
pupil of his who had lent his pen to the French “ calumnies ” 
in a little booklet called Deutsche Verbrechen ? ... (in 

reply to) Joseph Bedier, Les crimes allcmands d’apris 
temoignages allemands (Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1915). Had 
not this Frenchman once been taught the importance of 
weighing evidence ? Hubert Grimme took a similar line in 
his remarks on Ein boswilliger Sprachstumper (Munster, 1915). 
Nobody ever supposed that these pamphlets would produce 
repentance in France, but they serve to keep alive the spirit 1 
of virtuous indignation in Germany. To ask whether the 
Germans were criminals was like announcing a sermon on 
the subject, “ Are Churchmen Hj'pocrites ? " The answer *, 
is a flattening and resounding negative which readily passes > 
over into an indignant criticism of the perfidy of those who 
dare insinuate such a thing. 

Before taking leave of the unsavoury subject of atrocities 
another principle must be brought out. It is always ' 
difficult for many simple minds inside a nation to attach 
personal traits to so dispersed an entity as a whole 
nation. i They need to have some individu al on whom to 
p in their h ate.| It is, therefore, important to single out a 
handful of enemy leaders and load them down with the whole 
decalogue of sins. 

No personality drew' more abuse of this sort in the last 


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War than the Kaiser. The London Evening News christened 
the Kaiser the " Mad Dog of Europe ” on the 6th of August, 
and the “ War Lord " a little while thereafter. Austen 
Harrison wrote about The Kaiser’s War (London, 19 14). 
The Liberie of Paris took pains in the issue of November 24th, 
1916, to identify William II. with the Beast of the Apocalypse, 
as foreseen by St. John. It appeared that upon the basis 
of researches, conducted by an English savant, the number of 
the Beast w r as 666, and the Kaiser’s number was just this. 
The word Kaiser has six letters. Place them one beneath 
the other in a column. At the left of each number, record 
the place in the alphabet, which is occupied by each of these 
letters. Thus " K,” the eleventh letter in the alphabet, 
is placed beside six, to make 116. The completed columns 
sum up to 666, the mystic number. 1 

It would be possible to multiply the individual adjectives 
which can serve as the themes for injurious propaganda 
against a nation, but it is now more to the point to suggest 
some of the methods by which the whole of the indictment 
can be presented synthetically. There are some, who do not 
hesitate to indict a whole civilization at a single gesture, 
and these mentalities may be relied upon to furnish sys- 
tematic treatises upon such subjects as Civilises contre 
Allemands. This particular book was published in Paris 
in 1915, by the Frenchman, Jean Finot, who had published 
an excellently objective treatise on race prejudice before the 
War. In the same strain wrote the eminent historian, 
Ernest Lavisse, in his Kultur ct Civilisation (1915), and 

1 Repeated in Graux. Jausses nouvelles de la grande guerre. I : 282. 
Former Ambassador J. W. Gerard criticized the Kaiser in My Four Years 
1 n Germany, New York, 1917, and Face to Face tilth Kaiserism, New York, 
3918. The dentist Arthur N. Davis wrote about Tie Kaiser as I Knew Him, 
New York arid London, 1918. 

zert, G00gle 




Andr6 Saures in Nous et Eux (1915). Mr. Rudyard Kipling 
said in the columns of The Morning Post (London) of June 
22nd, 1915 : 

But, however the world pretends to divide itself, there 
arc only two divisions in the world to-day — human beings 
and Germans. 

In what purported to be a scientific treatise on the 
Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War (London, 1917), 
Trotter solemnly said. 

The incomprehensibility to the English of the whole 
trend of German feeling and expression suggests that there 
is some deeply-rooted instinctive conflict of attitude between 
them. One may risk the speculation that this conflict is 
between socialized gregariousness and aggressive gregari- 
ousness. 1 

Mr. John Cooper Powys replied to Professor Miinsterberg 

under the title, The Menace of German Culture (London, 

1915). The Germans were heaping tip a vast literature of 

self-exaltation about the theme, Kultur. An inspection of 

this list of selected titles from German output will reveal 

something of its scope and purport : 

Herm. Cohen, Ueber das Eigentumliche des deutschen Geistes 
(Berlin, 1915). 

E. Bergmann, Die weltgeschichtliche Mission der deutschen 
Bildung (Gotha, 1915). 

Rudolf Eucken, Die weltgeschichtliche Bedcutung des 
deutschen Geistes (Stuttgart, 1914). 

R. v. Delius, Deulschlanis geistige Well machtstellu ng 
(Stuttgart, r9i5). 

J. A. Lux, Deutschland ah Welterzieher (Stuttgart, 1914). 
Hcrausgcg. v. Karl Honn, Der Kampf des deutschen Geistes 
im Weltkrieg. Dokumentc des deutschen Geisteslcbens 
aus der Kriegszeit (Gotha, 1915). 

1 Page 174. 

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fi nnan assurance an cl self-esteem was buttressed bv-t he 
of a cloud of foreign witn esscsj Bjorn Bjomson, 
:andinavian writer, paid a tribute called Vom deutschen 
Westn. Impressionen tints Stammesverwandten, 1914-17 
(Berlin, 19 17). [Houston Stewart Chamberlain, expatriated 
Englishman, rallied to the defence of the Deutsches Westn 
(Miinchen, 1916). In his earlier writings he had exclaimed, 
“If there is in the world a peaceful, well-behaved, pious 
people, it is the Germans. In the last forty-three years, not 
a single man in the whole country has desired war — no, not 
one/j England had been led into the War by the 
unscrupulous machinations of a King who was a tool of a 
cunning diplomat. England was no longer the land of 
liberty, but the slave of a vicious oligarchy. 1 Ferdinand 
Tdnnies, a celebrated German sociologist, brought together 
all the imperialistic utterances of British statesmen in his 
book about England. 1 ^The business of editing anthologies 
of incriminating remarks thrived all during the WasJ Jean 
Ruplinger published a collection of German War utterances, 
under the title, Also sprach Germania. The book appeared in 
Paris in 1918, with a preface by Edouard Herriot. William 
Archer compiled the Gems of German Thought, which was 
published in 1917. 

A great mass of specialized studies upon different features 
>f the life and character of another country is welcome in 
-war. The aged philosopher and psychologist Wilhelm 
Wundt compared the philosophical ideals of every nation. 

1 His earlier essays were published in England in 1915 under the title of 
The Ravings 0 f a Renegade. 

* .\n English edition wa3 brought out in New York in 1915 under the 
title, Warlike England As Seen by Herself. 


Original from 




greatly to the advantage of Germany, in a brochure entitled, 
Die Nationen und ihre Philosophie (Leipzig, 1914). In 
particular, Baron Cay von Brockdorff took care to expose 
the truth about Bergson, as he saw it, in Die Wahrhcit tiler 
Bergson (Berlin, 1917). In the United States, John Dewey 
unintentionally did great service to those who were drum- 
ming up sentiment against Germany by ringing the changes 
on certain aspects of German philosophy in his book on 
German Philosophy and Politics (New York, 1915), which had 
a new vogue when America went to War. If the history of 
Prussia was interpreted as a record of ruffian robberies by 
Allied scholars, the story of British imperialism was a stench 
in the nostrils of the Germans. Some incriminating morsels 
were assembled in books about Persia and India, such as 
the Englische Dokumentc zur Erdrosselung Persiens (Berlin, 
1917), and Indien unter der britischen Faust (Berlin, 1916). 
The real meaning of political freedom was clarified by A. O. 
Meyer, who discovered that real freedom was in Germany 
and not in England, and wrote Deutsche Freiheit und 
englischer Parlamentarismus (Munchen, 1915). The Belgian 
Fr. De Hovde intended to compliment the British educational 
system, when he compared it to the disadvantage of the 
German sj'stem, by writing that its aim might be summarized 
in the slogan 

Be good, my pretty maid, and let who will be clever. 

His book wa ^German and English Education (London, 1917). 
While Germany was yet at peace with America. Dr. Karl. 
Henning published a scurrilous pamphlet on America, called 
Die Wahrheit iiber America (Leipzig, 1915) which was 




subsequently useful when War came. ^Senning devoted most 
of his attention to the family and the educational system 
in the United States. He combed the reports of some of 
the municipal vice commissions for juicy stories about sex 
offences committed by children and reproduced these as 
typical of the standards of American life. One prize exhibit 
was a letter, which he said was in his possession, and was 
written by an eight-year old girl to a boy of the same age. It 
was : 

Dear Arthur, — I will come over to-night, shall I ? Do 
you love me ? I love you very dearly and to-night we will 
go to a show and stay till midnight and we will dance at a 
theatre for a long time and then we will come home and you 
can sleep with me till morning and next Sunday we will go 
horse-riding. Your sweetheart, M. (Page 54.) 1 

Now r monographs of every variety reach a certain 
restricted audience, and if the wider circles of the public 
arc to be touched by synthetic representations of the life 
of another country, the form must be personal and dramatic 
and literary. Of this sort of thing a book put out in England 
during the War may well serve as a model. It was plausible, 
well-written, and utterly devastating. 1 have been told 
by more than one member of the German propaganda 
service, that they considered it the best piece of propaganda 
work gotten out by the Allies in the course of the War. This 
was Christine, by Alice Cholmondeley (New York, 1917). 
It purported to be an authentic collection of letters written, 
by a music student in Germany to her mother in England 
The girl was a talented violinist and in May. 1914. went over 
to study with a great German master. She was bubbling 
with enthusiastic anticipation of art and life in Germany. 




She wrote her Berlin letters from an address in Liitzowstrasse, 
where a Pension was known to be. 

All is buoyance and happiness until, by degrees, German 
civilization begins to make itself known to her. The police 
arc boorish and haughty. Her music master is secretly 
scornful of the whole German regime. The talk at the 
Pension is about clean Berlin, and slummy London. She is 
held more or less personally responsible for the Boer War. 
She is pestered by all sorts of irritating rules and regulations, 
for she is not allowed to practise on the Sabbath. Rules 
arc typical of Germany, and she finds a girl acquaintance 
celebrating the birthday of her father, whom she despised, 
five years after his death. Her lamp is taken away at io p.m. 
and she is left with a candle. Snobbishness abounds. A 
Countess patronizes the arts, but will not permit her 
daughter to become contaminated. A young German of 
high birth longs to become a musician, but the caste con- 
ventions make an officer of him. The children kill them- 
selves in Germany because of overwork in the schools. She 
is elbowed by men and boys when she walks abroad alone. 
The pros and cons of Weltpolitik follow her everywhere. 

An ominous sense of impending war pervades everything. 

The lower classes grovel in servile respect before the upper 
classes. The drill, perhaps, does it. Unmarried girls are 
not supposed to ask questions in conversations, but te-keep 
discreetly silent and unobtrusive. A rural pastor lectures 
her on the English love of money bags. She meets a staff 
officer, who ominously advises her to ask the Council of 
her Sussex village to straighten the road for heavy traffic. 
An expectant mother prays for a boy baby, so that she can 




be the mother of a soldier. She finds the German aristocrats 


so middle class. She becomes engaged to the charming 
young officer with musical frustrations. As the inter- 
national crisis approaches, she sees wild orgies of joy at the 
imminence of War. Her violin master has his mouth stuffed 
by receiving a Roj'al decoration. Her marriage is blocked 
by the superior officer of her betrothed. She flees to escape 
internment and is stopped on the border. A young sub- 
ordinate forces her to wait in the sun for two hours, and she 
gets double pneumonia, dying at Stuttgart on the 8th of 
August, 1914. All the facts about German life are floated 
in a wave of gush about music and mother. The whole 
thing is marvellously executed, and the book had a tremen- 
dous circulation among women and school children in Allied 
and neutral countries. It is typical of the circumstantial- 
sentimental type of thing which can be placed in the fiction 
columns of a woman s magazine or in the book stalls. By 
such a thing does the opposing nation become His Satanic 
Majesty, the Enemy. 

The cult of satanism thus arises and feeds on hate. Ven- 
geance is Mine, saith the Lord, and the Lord is working 
through us to destroy the Devil. The stirring stanzas of 
Lissauer’s famous " Hymn of Hate ” expose all this in its 
pristine nudity. ... 

Hate by water and hate by land ; • 

Hate of the heart and hate of the hand ; 

We love as one, we hate as one ; 

We have but one foe alone, — England. 

All the specific means of conquering the Evil One are, 
and should be, glorified. The cult of battle requires that 





every form of common exertion (enlistment, food-saving, 
munition making, killing the enemy) should have the 
blessing of all the holy sentiments. In Christian countries 
precautions must be taken to calm the doubts of those who 
undertake to give such a book as the Bible an inconvenient 
interpretation. It is always expedient to circulate the 
arguments of the preachers and priests who are willing to 
explain how you can follow Jesus and kill your enemies. 
There arc always enough theological leaders to undertake 
the task, since it is only the small sects, usually regarded as 
fanatical, who see any serious difficulty in the problem. In 
the German war literature arc to be found many books 
which were written to remove doubts from those hesitant 

souls, who hated to shoot worse than they hated the 
English. Theodore Birt reassured the Christians who 
were perplexed by the exhortation to " Love your ene- 
mies ” in Was heisst “ Licbet cure Fcinde " ? Bin Wort 
zur Beruhigung (Marburg, 1915). W. Walther wrote a 
popular treatise for the benefit of the Lutherans. It is 
called Deutschlands Schwcrt dutch Luther geweiht (2 Aufl., 
Leipzig, 1915). Otto Albrecht found a forecast of victory 
in Luther, Eine Kriegspredigt aus Luthers Schriften 


I Lis also useful to justify war in general on ethical rath er 
tha n exclusively religious gro unds. The eminent Rudolf 
Eucken praised the moral power of war in Die sittliehen 
Krafte des Krieges (Leipzig, 1914), and Theodor Elsenhaus 
lauded it as a great teacher in Der Krieg als Erzieher (Dresden, 
1914). Theodor Kipp saw no antithesis between the idea 
of might and right, the important thing being to make the 




right mighty, as he contended in Von der Mackt des Rechts 
(Berlin, 1914). 

1 Th e, justification of war can proceed more smooth ly if 
I the hid eous aspects of the war business are screened fr om 
• p ublic ga ze. People may be permitted to deplore war in 
the abstract, but they must not be encouraged to paint its 
1 horrors too vividly. In fact, there is place for such items 
as this one, which appeared in the American Press during 
the early days of the Spanish-Amcrican War : 

of Trafalgar’s Days has never been equalled. Machine 

Gun's Moral Effect. Modern guns less destructive than 
flint locks, dart, or javelin. 1 

/ B etter yet, of course, is the interpretation of the wa r in 
j- t erms of heroism, good fellowship, s martness and pict uresque- 
j ness. In the late War, an artist like Muirhead Bone could 
be relied upon to present The Western Front in softened 
sketches. The humorous magazines and books help to 
banter away the realities of battle and they profit from the 
impulse to turn one’s head away from a spectacle which, 
if completely realized, might well prove unbearable. A 
Bruce Baimsfathcr is worth at least an Army Corps.* 
Popular accounts of how the military machinery works 
give the public a sense of knowing just how things get on ; 
of course, the writers should be careful to* keep too much 
blood from getting mixed in the story. Such writers as 
Bernard Shaw, H. G. W r ells, and Arthur Conan Doyle, were 
sent to visit the British officials and they came back witli 

1 Louisville Courier-Journal, Juno 26, 1898. 

* See, for instance, Bullets and Billets , N.Y., 19x7. 





discreet accounts of how they felt about it. Ludwig Gang- 
hofer described all the German fronts in a series of books. 

It is the letters and books written by actual fighters to 
which the most importance is attached. Harold R. Peat 
(Private Peat) and Sergeant Guy Empey (Over the Top) 
explained the actual conduct of modem war to Americans. 
Donald Hankey (A Student in Arms) was a soldier who saw 
the War through the lenses of a moral and religious idealist, 
and his book struck many responsive chords in America 
and England. This same quality pervaded the work of 
certain other writers, such as Carry On? by Coningsby 
Dawson. A whimsical, determined note in Ian Hay’s 
First Hundred Thousand sent it through the English-speaking 
world, as soon as it fell from the Press. 

Tales of individual adventure kept the old spell of romance 
about war. One soldier told Was ich in mehr als 80 
Schlachten und Gefechten erlebte (Berlin, 1916). Pat O'Brien 
told how he escaped from the Germans in Outwitting the Hun 
(New York, 1916). Dr. Th. Preyer tells how he managed 
to return home from New York in Von Hew York nach 
Jerusalem und in die Wiiste (Berlin, 1916). Paul Konig 
related the exploits of the submarine which crossed the 
Atlantic in Die Fahrl der Deutschland (Berlin, 1917). Marcel 
Hadaud caught the atmosphere of air battle in En plein vol 
(Paris, 1916). The Zeppeline uber England met with a 
warm reception in Germany in 19 r 6, as did Kapildn- 
leutnant Freiherr von Forstner als U- Bootes Kommandant 
gegen England. Von Miicke's story of the Emden was 
one of the most popular books of the War. Kurt Agram 
told the sensational story of the 100.000 Germans, who were 




banished to Siberia by the Russian Government, and of 
how he managed to escape, in Nach Sibirien mit 100,000 
Deutschen. How he managed to reach the Fatherland from 
the besieged colonies was the theme of Emil Zimmermann. 
Meine Kriegsfahrt von Katnerun zur Heimat. 

Special collections of letters from the front were prepared 
in all countries. Der deutsche Krieg in Feldposlbriefen, 
Soldier’s Tales oj the Great War, and similar collections ran 
into several volumes. Special volumes were continually 
appearing, such as Charles Foley, La vie de la guerre (Paris, 

1917) , in which the War letters first published in L’ Echo 
de Paris are brought within one cover. Sketches of the 
front were always welcome when done with any literary 
skill, and Henry de Forge, Ah! la belle France 1 (Paris, 1916), 
Maurice Grandolphe, La marche & la victoire (Paris, 1915), 
or Max Buteau, Tenir. Recits de la vie de Tranches (Paris, 

1918) were ample to satisfy the demand. 1 

P rofessional people of various kinds are able to reach 
t heir own public, and should be encouraged to write. Aug. 
A. Lemaitre, pastor at Lidvin, and of Swiss origin, gave his 
story of Un an prls des champs de bataille de T Artois (Edits 
par la societd centrale cvangdlique, Paris). J. Emile 
Blanche’s Cahiers d’un artiste (Paris, 1917) touched the 
artistic fraternity. Teachers, doctors and nurses, not to 
speak of engineers and chemists, belong to the ranks of 
those, who can usually describe what they see, with some 
reserves about the unpleasant. 

During the first few weeks of the War those elements in 

1 Boyd Cable performed the difficult task of squeezing stories out of 
official communiques. In his Between the Lines and other books, a dull, 
dry extract from an official despatch was polished up into a story. 





the business community who required some coddling before 
they would face realities, were fed on such catchwords as 
“ Business ns I Trim 1 This phrase sprang up quickly in 
England, where it had a short vogue before succumbing to 
facts and ridicule. Mr. Tom Bruce Jones brought out a 
pamphlet on The Danger of Brtlaw’s Invasion, and how it 
may be met whilst carrying on “ business as usual ” (Falkirk, 
1914). On the nth of August, the phrase appeared in the 
London Daily Chronicle in the letter from H. E. Morgan of 
W. H. Smith and Sons. Thus are all barriers down to the 
glorification of all the means necessary to the overcoming of 
evil by force. 


Orioinal from 




I The fighting spirit of a nation feeds upon the convic tion 
l that it .has .t fighting chanc e to win. The enemy may be 
dangerous, obstructive, and satanic, but if he is sure to win, 
the moral of many elements in the nation will begin to 
waver and crumble. The animosity of a discouraged nation 
may be diverted to a new object, and the nation may be so 
busy hating the ruling class of its own country or its own 
allies, that it simply ceases to hate the technical enemy, 
and military collapse ensues. 

The illusion of victory must be nourished because of the 
close connection between the strong and the good. Primitive 
. habits of thought persist in modern life, and battles become 
a trial to ascertain the true and the good. If we win, God 
is on our side. If we lose, God may have been on the other 
side. To bow to necessity is to bow to the right, unless the 
universe is itself evil, or unless this can be interpreted 
as a temporary tribulation meted out to punish us for 
past sins or to cleanse us for future glory. In any case, 
defeat wants a deal of explaining, while victory speaks for 

The state of public expectation about the issue of the War 
depends upon the answer to the query, what is the relative 
strength of our side, and the enemy’s side ? From the 


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propagandist point of view there are several striking 
examples of the way this question ought not to be answered. 
T o insist upon the feebleness of the enemy, and to foster ■ 
public exp ectation of his imminent collapse is to encourage j 
h opes which may be indefinite ly deferred, with the resulting 
danger of disenchantment, depression and defeat. During 
the first month of the late War , Paris was left without exact 
news of the position of the struggling armies, and the most 
feverish rumours filled the void. Paris expected immediate 
victory. Had not von der Goltz admitted that the ener- 
vating life of the cities had already fostered the decadence 
of Germany? Had not General Keim declared that Ger- 
many could never have won in 1870 but for the circumstance 
that she outnumbered the French by one-third, a disparity 
which the presence of the English and the Belgians had now 
overcome ? Were not Italy, Holland and Portugal on the 
verge of casting in their lot with the Entente ? Were not 
enemy prisoners begging bread for themselves and oats for 
their horses ? Were not strikes and riots breaking out in 
Berlin ? Were not the soldiers driven to battle by their 
Prussian officers at the point of the pistol ? Were not they 
deserting in droves, and had not a single French soldier on 
patrol frightened fifty Germans into surrender ? Were not 
our horses drinking at the brooks in Lorraine ? 

After the report that Miilhausen had been captured on the 
9th of August no more specific information was published 
until much later about the theatre of the War. Of what 
then did the newspapers write? Dr. Graux, a physician, 
kept a diary of War rumours, which has been published in 
five volumes. lie answers the question thus : 




Of German atrocities ? That, alas, was true. But also of 
the correspondence of soldiers, a religious ceremony at the 
Kremlin, the findings of a military commission of inquiry 
at Belfort, our manner of treating prisoners, the Crown 
Prince’s wound — a false report — war correspondents, the 
prohibition of Russian exports, Swiss neutrality, German 
bluff, a patriotic address by M. Clementel, the ambulance 
of Madame Messimy, of Swiss volunteers, les promenades 
de Paris, the conquest of Togo, Red Cross supplies, Ameri- 
cans maltreated in Germany !' 

But where were the Germans ? 

It was not until the 20th that the Matin began to break 
the news. Its headline read : 


As the truth began, in part, to filter through, wild rumours 
clouded the sky. Alarmists saw Germans in the Bois de 
Boulogne. On the 27th there appeared no official com- 
munique, and on the 28th the newspapers tried to plug the 
gap by prophesying that 


On the 29th the front seemed to be on the Somme, and 
on the 30th the facts came out. Hopes were meanwhile 
nourished on the report that " Turpinite,” a new and 
deadly explosive, would annihilate the invader. 

In Berlin the first twenty-five days of the War were 
passed in a joyous delirium. The papers were congested 
with news of captured soldiers, captured guns, captured 
flags. More material of war was taken than in the whole 

1 The record of the first few days is found in Graux, Lei Fausses Nouvelles 
de la Grande Guerre, vol. 1. 

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campaign of 1870 . The fall of Paris was but a matter of 

The exaggerated optimism of those days reverberated in 
an undertone of accusation all during the War. Had not 
the public been grossly misled by its leaders ? The proper 
way to manage the public, of course, is to insist upon the 
ultimate success of our cause. Both the French and the 

German commands were saved from complete loss of con- 
fidence by the thesis of “ surprise attack ” by the enemy, 
and this is an excellent theme for the propagandist to foster. 
If you win, you can afford to let the “ surprise attack ” slip 
out of mind, but if you are embarrassed, it is a very present 
help in time of trouble. The civilian population is 
ready to accept this thesis, because it knows perfectly well 
that it was plotting no war and. therefore, that the enemy 

must have been. 

Among the Allied powers the official thesis was that 
Germ any, armed to the teeth and crouched to spring ha d 

pared world, invaded J3elgium and swept through Northern 
France before the pacific and astonished Allies could recover 
from the shock sufficiently to stem the attack. 

So far as the truth is concerned, the fact seems to be that 
the talk about “ surprise attack ” and “ unpreparedness ” 
was grossly exagg erate d for the purpose of covering up the 
failure of French strategy and of preventing the total 
eclipse of civilian moral. Such, at least, is the thesis of 
Jean de Pierrefeu, who, as the maker of official communiques 
at General Headquarters during the War, was in a favourable 

position to ascertain the truth. 

After having connived at 




deception for the years of the War, he had undertaken to 
reveal the truth as he saw it in a book called Plutarch Liei 
(Plutarque a-t-il merit i?). He says that the French General 
Staff had known for years that the German attack would be 
by way of Belgium, and that they had planned their strategy 
with this in mind, but that they were beaten in open combat, 
because their plan miscarried. The High Command kept 
indispensable reinforcements from the Left, which was 
crumpling before the Germans, on the supposition that a 
French attack through Alsace would enable them to imperil 
the communications of the German armies in the West. The 
French were hurled back in Alsace, swept aside in the West, 
their whole plan of campaign smashed into bits, and their 
very existence saved only by a boncheaded play on the part 
of the Germans. 1 

T he thesis of sur prise at tack is rendered plausible to the 
civilian population by rumours of enemy spies. Spy hunts 
are due to great excitement in the presence of a huge, new 
danger, which is magnified by the sense of personal frustra- 
tion produced by the sense of inability to do anything 
effective toward dispelling the menace. The peasants of 
Germany were excited b}' the wild talcs of yellow automobiles 
which were supposed to be dashing from France across 
Germany, laden with gold for Russia. They stretched 
iron chains across the roads and made it unhappy for many 
a poor tourist. Military despatch riders in Great Britain 
were frequently stopped and lodged in gaol during the 

1 For the pre-war literature which forecasted and analysed the strategy 
of the War, see John Bakeless, The Origin of the Next War, ch. X. For 
another side of a controversial issue, see Philp Nearaes, German Strategy 
and the Great I Var. 


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feverish days of the War. The spy mania is a great incon- 
venience to many people, but it helps to arouse the com- 
munity to a deeper sense of the necessity for joint action 
in the .c risis. Such books as that of William Le Queux, 
Britain’s Deadly Peril (London, 1915) project the spy fear 
further into the conflict. 

The theory of sur prise atta ck must be a ssociated wi th 
the thesis of our b rilliant resistanc e to ^ temporarily ov er- 
whelming od ds, if undue pessimism is to be averted. Our 
ultimate success is assured. Our reserves of men and 
material and foreign friendship are greater than those of the 
enemy. On these points, foreign testimony is particularly 
reassuring. The French encouraged themselves by publish- 
ing the Voix italiennes sur la guerre de 1914-15 and the Voix 
de 1 A mtrique latine (Preface by Gomez Carillo) in 1916. The 
English collected Sixty American Opinions on the War (1915), 
and welcomed Roosevelt's Why America should join the 
Allies (1915). Ramsey Muir wrote an introduction to the 
English edition of The War and the Settlement, by Rignano, 
the eminent Italian philosopher (1916). The Germans 
favoured the War correspondents of foreign countries before 
the Allies woke up to its importance, and they were usually 
sure of a rich harvest of clippings for reproduction in the 
home Press. Sven Hedin, a Swede, wrote With the German 
Armies in the West, which was widely translated. The 
Germans were assured of the active aid and sympathy of 
the Germans in the United States, according to the book 
by Karl Junger, called Deutsch-Amerika mobil . . . / (Ber- 
lin, 1915). A Swiss neutral, Dr. J. Strebel, told the Germans 
about some encouraging signs of future collapse, which he 




had observed in Allied countries. His Reisebilder was put 


Out at Lucerne and Berlin in 1915. A Swiss neutral, Paul 
Balmer, told the French about some encouraging signs of 
future collapse which he had observed in Germany. His 
Les Allemands chcz eux was put out at Paris in 1915. An 
American pacifist had seen suffering in Germany at first 
hand, and wrote Short Rations (by Madeleine Z. Doty) 
which was published in New York in 1917. 

Such cumulated fact and opinion may be supplemented 
by pro phecy . The famous Almanack de Madame de Thtbes 
nourished the moral of certain classes of the French public 
in the critical days of 1914. The Figaro published a pro- 
phecy on the 19th of August, 1914, which was supposed to 
date from the year 1600. A certain Friar John foresaw that 
an Anti-Christ by the name of William the Second would 
succumb in the same territory where he forged his weapons. 
Essen and Westphalia were undoubtedly meant. 

Occasionally, a prophecy will inadvertently work both 
ways. The Germans launched a prediction that victory 
would rest with three emperors and three kings, which 
clearly referred to Germany, Austria, Turkey, Bavaria, 
Saxony and Bulgaria. The Entente was able to match 
this array with Russia, India, Japan, Belgium, Italy and 
Serbia. 1 

Prophecies for the more sophisticated members of the 
community take on subtler forms. Thus Professor Lanessan 
took a hand in explaining Pourquoi les Germains seront 
vaincus, (Paris, 1915). In 1916 Lloyd George was said to 
have remarked to Emile Vandervelde of Belgium that — 

1 1 Graux. as cited, I : 244. 

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England declared war in 1914, began it in 1915, developed 
it in 1916 and will finish it in 1917. 

It seems that in the main, however, the canny Welshman 
confined himself to the excellent formula: 

We will finish the War when we have attained our 

There is a great advantage in having certain unofficia l 
i nterpreters of the War to the public who can be relied upon 
to present matters in their most flattering light. Frank 
Symonds in the United States, Colonel Rcpington in England \ 
and Commander Rousset in France securedlhe confidence 
of the public and were of the greatest assistance to the 
authorities, for they were cogs in the machinery by which 
those interpretations least damaging to public moral were 
circulated. They were able to explain why retreats were 
“ strategic retirements," and how evacuations could be 
" rectifications of the line." 

One of the questions which rises in the conduct of the 
War is how to handle the news of losses. The possible 
policies vary all the way from complete suppression to 
immediate disclosure. When Winston Churchill was at 
the Admiralty he was characterized by the Chief Naval 
Censor as 

a bit of a gambler, i.e., he would hold on to a bit of bad 
news for a time on the chance of getting a bit of good news 
to publish as an offset, and I must say that it not infre- 
quently came off ! On the other hand, there were days 
when it did not, and then there was a sort or “ Black 
Monday '* atmosphere about— a bad '* settling day ” sort 
of look on all our faces. 

After he left I always pleaded for the immediate publica- 




tion of disasters or, at any rate, that they should be made 
known as soon as the number of casualties had been reported 
and the relatives informed ; and this soon became more or 
less the practice.* 

The British followed the policy of complete silence when 
they lost the battleship Audacious on the 27th of October, 
1914, by a mine off the Irish coast. It was never officially 
acknowledged while the War lasted, and was solemnly 
reported after the armistice. The Germans were able to 
make a great deal of capital out of the reticence of the 
British in the early days, and it was not until the Jutland 
affair that the British were able, by a daring stroke, to 
recapture confidence at home and abroad. The Germans 
announced by wireless on the 31st of May that they had won 
a great naval victory. Damaged ships and messages to 
relatives began to come along the east coast of England, 
and silence was no longer feasible. The official communique 
for the 2nd of June made a clean breast of the British losses 
as so far reported. The shock was stupendous. When the 
enemy losses began to come in later in the day, the general 
consternation was somewhat assuaged. The Germans were 
slowly constrained to admit the truth. 8 

It is probably sound, on the whole, to reveal losses when 
they come, and to trust to the ingenious multiplication of 
favourable news to neutralize the effect. Special problems 
arise in connection with losses which are known only in a 
general way to the enemy. Brownrigg opposed the publica- 

* Rear- Admiral Sir Douglas Brownrigg, Indiscretions of the Naval Censor. 

p. 13- 

* Brownrigg tells the story from the British point of view in Chapter 4 
of the book cited. 

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tion of British losses of merchant ships from enemy sub- 
marines and mines on the ground that the enemy would, 
in this way, be supplied with precise information that he 
would not otherwise get. The public demand for enlighten- 
ment on the progress of the submarine war was so insistent 
that a compromise was ultimately arrived at. At first, 
the number of ships lost per week was announced, with no 
further particulars, and later, the tonnage lost per week 
was substituted for the number of ships. This suggests 
a sound principle in dealing with such matters. When the 
losses are of such a character that the enemy cannot be 
entirely certain of them, the disclosure ought to take a 
summary and not a particularized form. A definite total 
is necessary in order to allay the wild exaggerations of 
alarmist whispers. 

^^nother problem which arises in the conduct of war is | 
how to treat new devices of warfare which it is proposed to , 
introduce. Every new innovation by a belligerent is likely 
to be welcomed at home as a promise of victory, and to be 
condemned abroad as a crime against humanity^ But 
there arc exceptions to this rule, and for the sake of squeamish 
souls at home, who may deplore the introduction of 
particularly devastating measures, a careful campaign of 
preparation should be launched. If it is reported that the 
enemy has just adopted a new device, cries will arise instantly 
for its adoption as a measure of justifiable reprisal. Aerial 
bombardment and the use of gas were supposed by both the 
Allied and the German publics to be the product of the 
nefarious genius of the other side. The submarine was 
defended in Germany as a reply to the brutal British blockade 

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which had so far disregarded the bounds of international 
law as to become a weapon of attack against the old and the 
very young, the women and the children, rather than against 
the fighting men. The Government defended the order 
to sink without warning, by telling how the Allies took 
advantage of the kind heart of a certain submarine com- 
mander. An English sailor, dressed in women’s clothes, and 
with a bundle which appeared to be a baby, stood on the 
deck of a boat which a submarine had just stopped. The 
submarine came up to take off the unfortunate woman 
before sinking the ship, when the disguised sailor sud- 
denly dropped a bomb- on the submarine, destroying it 

For those very numerous members of the nation who 
visualize war as a battle of goliaths, the propaganda of 
c onfide nt ip is indispensable. It is a reassuring 

experience to rea<j a well-written biography of a public 
character. Otto Krack wrote a popular Life of Ludendorff, 
and Harold Begbie glorified Kitchener in his book, Kitchener, 
Organiser of Victory. General Paul von Hindenburg was 
written up by Bernard von Hindenburg. 

Reports of heroic achievement in routine or exceptional 
jobs strengthen the assurance of ultimate victory. To the 
tales from the trenches must be added the less dramatic 
tale of how the country is solidly behind the front in food 
saving, munition making, and relief work. Rudolf Hans 
Bartsch took a trip around Germany and described Dus 
deutsche Volk in schwerer Zeit, a volume which was re- 
assuring to the men at the front and encouraging to the 






^he will to win is intimately related to a chance to win. 
The thesis of ultimate victory is indispensable to the conduct 

of war, if discouragement is not to sap determination and 
to precipitate internal friction and strife^? 

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fc)NE prerequisite of a solid front against the enemy is cordial 
/relations among allies. ~ Tt is particularly important that allies 
1 should stimulate one another by emphasizing their strenuous 
exertion in the prosecution of the war. During the last 
War the effective entry of America into the struggle came 
before Italy had recovered from the collapse of Caporetto. 
Weary and discouraged, the Italian people were cynical of 
America's whole-hearted sincerity in making war. The 
Americans, so it was whispered about, are an industrial 
people, who have forgotten how to fight. They arc unwilling 
to forsake their prosperous jobs for a post of danger. 
America had no army, did not want one, and could not 
raise one if she tried. Supposing that an army were actually 
raised, the submarines would sink all transports capable 
of bringing it to Europe. And, anyhow, American officers 
and soldiers were too inexperienced to matter much . 1 

The ringing keynote of American propaganda in Italy 
was, ther efore, th e invincible determination of America to 
s mash the Central Power s, as revealed by tier war^pre- 
parations. The New York Office of the Committee on 
Public Information prepared items of news which were 
distributed through the Agenzi Stefani, the largest Press 

1 On the Italian situation, see C. E. Mernam, '* American Publicity in 
Italy," A met ican Political Science Review. November. 1919. 


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'^Association. These items had to do with military pre- 
paration, ship building, food conservation. Liberty Loans. 
Red Cross and other civilian services. A special mimeo- 
graphed news letter was addressed to influential Italians. 

Italian journalists were selected to tour America and 
report their impressions. Italians who lived in America 
were encouraged to write letters home, telling about the 
great American effort. Newspapers were induced to co- 
operate, pamphlets and booklets were put in print, Americans 
(especially of Italian origin) were sent over to speak, and 
motion picture reels and lantern slides were furnished in 
great profusion. American photographs and postcards, 
ribbons and buttons, posters, flags, music and exhibits were 
multiplied everywhere. A detachment of real, live American 
soldiers was brought to Italy, less for fighting than for 
exhibition purposes, and they aroused tremendous enthu- 
siasm as the advance guard of America’s contingent. 

The dominating theme in all this was America’s strenuous 
effort to win the War. The head of the Mission to Italy 

Our only inaccuracy consisted in understating the 
magnitude of American preparations. We felt that since 
Americans had a reputation as boasters it would be better 
to understate than to overstate, and were greatly pleased 
to receive, after having been in Italy for some months, a 
friendly criticism from an Italian who declared that the 
information that we were furnishing did not reveal the 
full strength of America’s effort. 

Strenuousness in the conduct of the war is not, of itself, 
sufficient to arouse the enthusiasm of an ally, if there is atw 
reason to suspect that the war aims of one ally are at cross 

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purposes with those of another. The English were con- 
tinually forced to deal with an undercurrent of suspicion 
in France that victory would be used to the disadvantage 
of France. Persistent rumours crept about that the English 
were not only planning to stay in Calais, as shown by the 
fact that they were building quarters of permanent material, 
but that they were chiefly instrumental in prolonging the 
War for the sole purpose of using French blood to drown a 
dangerous commercial rival. In the hard winter of 1917 
Mr. Wickham Steed, of the London Times, was appalled 
to discover how much headway had been made by the 
insinuation that a favourable peace could be secured at any 
time, if England were willing to return the colonies which 
she had taken from Germany. 

Steed seized the opportunity in one of his lectures to 
explain that the former colonies of Germany could never 
be disposed of at the arbitrary whim of Downing Street. 
The British Empire was no longer, strictly speaking, an 
Empire ; it had become a Commonwealth of Nations, whose 
component members had spilt their blood in these former 
German territories, and would never consent to permit 
Downing Street to use them as mere bargaining points. 
Steed believed that it was only by explaining the con- 
stitutional facts of the British Empire that the rumour 
could be squashed once and for all. 1 

Some of the lukewarmness of Italy toward American 
participation in the War was due to the widely circulated 
assertion that America had entered the War to capture the 
commercial supremacy of the world. The American plan 
1 See Steed. Through Thirty Yean. II : 135 




was to loan vast sums to the impoverished Governments of 
Europe and, once the War terminated, to demand com- 
pensation of an unspecified, but alarming kind. This 
subtle campaign of insinuation and suspicion was met by a 
vigorous Wilsonian propaganda, which dwelt upon the 
disinterested and humanitarian character of America’s war 

The French were grieved to discover that American 
opinion was by no means united in support of the thesis 
that Alsace and Lorraine should be handed over to Franco 
at the end of hostilities. The French War Mission to the 
United States busied itself to convert the Americans, and 
the French High Commissioner, M. Tardieu, strained every 
nerve in this direction. A few months after his arrival in 
May, 1917, he takes pleasure in recording, 

this state of opinion was entirely changed. I venture to 
believe that the activities of my co-workers and myself, 
the 15,000 lectures in English where young officers, with 
all the authority of their war record and of their wounds, 
presented the pitiful situation of the captive provinces, 
had something to do with this transformation. (He 
organized an Association of Alsatians and Lorrainers in 
America.) Thousands of huge posters, reproducing 
Henner’s Alsacienne with the text of the Bordeaux protest 

. . . had carried the meaning and scope of our claim to 
every State in the Union. 1 

The process of " selling ” one country to another is 
illustrated by the campaign to secure American support, 
which was waged by the friends of Lithuania in 1919. The 
Lithuanian National Committee retained a public relations 

1 Andr6 Tardieu, The Truth About the Treaty, p. 240. 

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counsel to conduct a campaign which was practically tanta- 
mount to encouraging an ally to accept the aims (complete 
independence) desired by its minor partner. The following 
moves were made by the public relations counsel : 

He had an exhaustive study made of every conceivable 
aspect of the problem of Lithuania from its remote and 
recent history and ethnic origins to its present-day marriage 
customs and its popular recreations. He divided his 
material into various categories, based primarily on the 
public to which it would probably make its appeal. For 
the amateur ethnologist he provided interest and accurate 
data of the racial origins of Lithuania. To the student of 
languages he appealed with authentic and well-written 
studies of the development of the Lithuanian language from 
its origins in Sanscrit. He told the “ sporting fan ” about 
Lithuanian sports, and he told the women about Lithuanian 
clothes. He told the jeweller about amber and provided 
the music lovers with concerts of Lithuanian music. 

To the senators he gave the facts about Lithuania which 
would give them basis for favourable action. To the 
members of the House of Representatives he did likewise. 
He reflected to those communities whose crystallized 
opinions would be helpful in guiding other opinions facts 
which gave them basis for conclusions favourable to 

A series of events which would carry with them the 
desired implications were planned and executed Mass 
meetings were held in different 6ities ; petitions were 
drawn, signed and presented ; pilgrims made calls upon 
Senate and House of Representatives Committees. All 
the avenues of approach to the public were utilized to 
capitalize the public interest and bring public action. The 
mails carried statements of Lithuania’s position to individ- 
uals who might be interested. The lecture platform 
resounded to Lithuania's appeal. Newspaper advertising 
was bought and paid for. The radio carried the message 
of speakers to the public. Motion pictures reached the 
patrons of moving picture houses. 

Little by little, and phase by phase, the public, the 





Press, and the Government officials acquired a knowledge 
of the customs, the character, and the problem of Lithuania 
and the small Baltic nation that was seeking its freedom. 

When the Lithuanian Information Bureau went before 
the Press Associations to correct inaccurate or misleading 
Polish news about the Lithuanian situation, it came there 
as representative of a group which had figured largely in 
American news for a number of weeks, as a result of the 
advice and activities of its public relations counsel. In the 
same way, when delegations of Americans, interested in the 
Lithuanian problem, appeared before the members of Con- 
gress or officials of the State Department, they came there 
as spokesmen for a country which was no longer ignored. 1 

This sort of propaganda needs to be supplemented by 
constant assertions of respect and esteem. The Allies 
observed one another's chief holidays. The 
4th of July was spread far and wide in Europe. American 
propagandists staged a great demonstration in honour of 
Italy's entry into the World War (May 24th). The public 
addresses and statements issued by the Inter-Allied War 
Missions consisted in fulsome phraseology which rang true 
in moments of profound emotional agitation.* 

Each ally ought to re-enforce the themes of domestic 1 
propaganda at every point. They must stimulate each other 
to realize that their own interests are at once threatened and 
obstructed, by the enemy. It was failure on this point that 
may have been partly responsible for the defection of 
revolutionary Russia from the ranks of the Entente. Colonel 
Robins was sent over to Russia to aid Colonel Thompson 

1 E. L Rernays, Crystallizing Public Opinion, pp. 24-27. 

* See F. W. Halsey (cd.), Balfour, Viviatti ar.d Joffrc; The Imperial 
Japanese Mission, Washington, 1918; America’s Message to the Russian 
People. Addresses by the Members of the Special Diplomatic Mission of 
the United Slates to Russia in the Year 1917, Boston, 1918 ; Ren6 Viviani, 
La Mission Fran+aise en Amlriqae, Paris, 19x7. 


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of the American Red Cross, and his version of what happened 
in Russia is a matter of public record in the hearing con- 
ducted before a Senatorial investigating committee. Colonel 
Robins went out to see what the soldiers were thinking, and 
when he came back, Colonel Thompson asked him : 

“ Now, this thing is cutting deep, is it not — this thing 

that is going through Russia— this defeatist culture ? " 
I said : “ Yes, Colonel ; and it tends to disorganize the 
whole Russian social fabric.” He said, “ Well, what about 
the Allied propaganda ? ” I said : “ Colonel, that is worse 
than nothing.” The Allied propaganda at that hour. 

Senator Overman, was this : Pictures and written words 
about how great France is, how tremendous England is, 
how overwhelming America is. ” We will have 20,000 
airplanes on the front in a few weeks. In a few months 
wc will have 4,000,000 soldiers. Wc will win the war in 
a w r alk.” The peasant moujik said : “ Oh, is that so ? 
Well, if the Allies are going to win the war in a walk, we 
who have been lighting and working a long time will go 
back and see the folks at home " ; and the real effect of 
the Allied propaganda was to weaken the moral instead 
of strengthening it. if I am any judge of the facts. 

It was agreed among us that there was an answer that 
was close to the ground, and that was genuine — an effort to 
interpret this to revolutionary Russia, cursed by the Tsar's 

espousal of the Allied cause in the first instance, and by 

all the cross-currents that followed ; that, although it was 
not possible at all, I knew, to get that massed revolutionary 
mind to think as we thought as Allies, it was possible to 
get them to fight Germany to save the Revolution ; and if 
they served the cause, wc did not care anything about what 
they thought, and we said, “ This is the situation : We have 
got to interpret the holding of the front and the defeat of 
German militarist autocracy into terms of saving the 
Revolution ; and it happens to be true. We have got to say 
that, if the German militarist autocracy wins, the Russian 
Revolution is doomed. W'e have got to picture it until the 
average soldier and peasant sees behind the German 





bayonets the barons and feudal landlords coming to take 
back the land ; behind the German bayonets the feudal 
masters of industry coming back to transmute the 8 hours 
and 15 roubles of the Revolution back to the 2 roubles and 
12 hours of the semi slave days before the Revolution in the 
factories, mills, and mines. We have got to have them see 
that behind the German bayonets are the grand dukes 
coming to destroy their local self-governing soviets and 
revolutionary councils. If we do that, we can save the 

In the second or third conference on this matter the 
question of money came up. It was a large enterprise. 
" How are you going to do it ? ” Well, it was perfectly 
apparent that you could not do it. There was no machinery 
to doit, no American or Allied bureau to do it. The Allies 
shared in the common curse of the autocracy in the mind of 
peasant Russia. It had to be Russian, and it had to be 

There was in the Winter Palace at that time Madame 
Breshkovsky, that old and yet heroic figure, possibly the 
greatest revolutionary figure at that time. Madame 

Breshkovsky, after 40 years of service in Russia for the 
Revolution, was now at the Winter Palace in Pctrograd, 
having come back from Siberia in a triumphal journey with 
great celebrations, having been received in Petrograd by 
one of the greatest gatherings in the history of that city — 
this old. peasant woman and revolutionist received in the 
great railroad station in the chamber of the Tsar, honoured 
by the ministers of the government, and all that sort of 
thing. She was now in the Winter Palace, in the Grand 
Duke's suite that looked out over the Neva to Peter and 
Paul, where she had been three years a prisoner. It was 

a dramatic, a tremendous setting. I had known her, 

known her for 12 years, known her when she was in this 
country ; had helped her in some of her work at that time. 
I knew Nicholas Tchaikovsky, a thoroughly sincere and 
genuine revolutionist, and at that time the head of the 

Peasant Co-operative in Russia. 

It was agreed by Col. Thompson that there should be 
organized a committee on civic education for free Russia. 
Madame Breshkovsky should be chairman of the committee ; 

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and as members there should be Nicholas Tchaikovsky ; 
Lazaroff, the Russian revolutionist, who had been head of 
the milk station or dairy in Switzerland, which was really 
an underground station for the Russian Revolution, for 
many years, and well known with credit through service 
to his country ; Gen. Neuslakovsky, the most trusted 
member of Kerensky's general staff, who was in active 
co-opcration with this committee from the military angle ; 
and David Soskice, Kerensky’s private secretary. They 
were to form the committee on “ Civic education in Free 
Russia." The programme was this : " We will begin by 
buying some newspapers, and with other publicity we will 
prepare simple statements in peasant patois and in the 
general terms of the Russian peasant’s and workingman's 
mind, by Russian peasants and workmen, not by intelli- 
gentsia. We will send into the ranks and into the peasant 
villages this new gospel of fighting German militarist 
autocracy ; not to serve the Allies but to save the Revolu- 
tion. 1 

Colonel William B. Thompson spent one million dollars 
of his own money on this sort of propaganda in an effort 
to stave off the defection of Russia.* 

At the first of the War the keynote of the Allied pro- 
paganda was very property the thesis of ultimate victory 
against an aggressive Germany. It required all the ingenuity 
of the Allied representatives in Russia to bolster the Russian 
moral during the months of August and September when 
the French and British armies were recoiling before the 
German avalanche. The French Ambassador, writing in his 
diary of those days, records : 

I have seen to it that these events should be presented 
by the Russian Press in the most suitable (and perhaps the 
truest) light, i.e., as a temporary and methodical retire- 

1 66 th Congress, 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. .Vo. 6a. 3 : 775 et seg. 

* One of the novelties of the propaganda to keep Russia in the War 
was the organization of a battalion of Russian women to shame the men 
into fighting Germany. 

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ment, a prelude to a volte face in the near future for the 
purposes of a more formidable and vigorous offensive. 
All the papers support this theory . 1 

He was confronted by this situation : 

Financial circles in Petrograd are in continuous communi- 
cation with Germany through Sweden, and all their views 
on the war are inspired by Berlin. 

The thesis they have been expounding during the last 
few weeks bears a thoroughly German stamp. We must 
see things as they are, they say. The two groups of 

belligerents must realize that neither will ever succeed in 
vanquishing and really crushing the other. The war will 
inevitably end in arrangements and compromise. In that 
case, the sooner the better. If the hostilities continue, the 
Austro-Germans will organize an enormous fortified line 
around their present conquests, and make it impregnable. 
So in the future let us give up these futile offensives ; with 
the inviolable protection of their trenches, they will 
patiently wait until their disheartened adversaries moderate 
their demands. Thus peace will inevitably be negotiated 
on the basis of territorial pledges. 

... I never fail to reply that it is our enemies’ vital 
interest to obtain a swift decision, because, when all is 
said and done, their material resources are limited, while 
ours are practically inexhaustible. In any case the German 
General Staff is condemned by its theories to preserve an 
offensive strategy.* 

There are circumstances in which the unity of operations ' 
is seriously prejudiced by stimulating the self-confidence of » 
an ally. The Germans were fearful lest the Austrian and 
Hungarian authorities might grow too sanguine of the 
future and resent their subordination to the northern ally.* 

The propaganda which is directed to disaffected groups 

1 Palasologue, An Ambassador's Memoirs, I : 103. 

* Palaoioguc, as cited, II : 108. 

• Nicolai. N achrichtendienst. Prtsse, urtd V oikssltntmung im Welktrieg , 59. 

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inside a nation may be powerfully reinforced by inter- 
Allied co-operation. The Catholics of Italy were not only 
subjected to the appeals of certain Italian leaders who were 
friendly to the Allies, but from such men as Cardinal Gibbons, 
Cardinal Farley and Cardinal O’Connell, of the American 
hierarchy. The Labour groups of Italy were reached, not 
alone by pro-Ally leaders at home, but by a visiting selection of 
Radicals from abroad. The Americans brought over 
Alexander Howat (“ the man who never lost a strike”) and 
John Spargo. 

Inter-Allied propagandas of friendship require a reciprocal 
control of attitudes. Most of the friendly sentiments toward 
an ally are manufactured by one country among its own 
population. The stimulation of pro-ally emotions at home 
is more important than the stimulation of pro-ally sentiments 
abroad. The themes to employ are identical with the ones 
which have already been enumerated in connection with the 
problem of arousing an ally. 

Sometimes the business of retouching the figure of an 

ally in the public mind is a delicate and precarious operation. 

Arthur Meyer frankly marvelled at the extent of th erapproche- 

ment between France and England, for he co.uld remember 

when the children of Paris were chanting the couplet : 

Jamais, jamais en France 
L’Anglais nc rdgnera !' 

Sometimes a frank apology helps, as when the celebrated 
writer, Pierre Loti, of the French Academy, published in 
the Figaro his plea to Serbia ; 

Pauvre. petite Serbie. devenue tout k coup martyre et 
sublime, je voudrais au moins lui ramener les quelqus's 
1 Lt (j aulas, October 19. 1914. 





cours fran^ais quc mon dernier livre a peut-6tre cloigncs 
d'elle. 1 

The most delicate problem was how to evoke a pro- 
Russian response in the ranks of the British public. For 
man}' years the traditional menace to the Empire had been 
Russia, and not Germany, and the stories of Russian 
absolutism froze the blood of a nation inoculated, with 
parliamentarism. The success in revamping the public 
attitude was indeed notable, and Basil Thompson, head of 
Scotland Yard, looks back upon it rather cynically from the 
vantage ground of subsequent years : 

It is strange, now, to think that in March, 1915, Russia 
was thought in England to be breathing a new inspiration 
to the West. It was said that the Crusader spirit was 
alive again, that the whole Russian nation was inspired 
with a determination to rescue Constantinople for Christiani- 
ty, and to win again the holy sepulchre ; . . . vodka was 
prohibited with the unanimous approval of the nation ; 

. . . crime had almost disappeared among the peasants. . . 

If they were successful in the war they were told that there 
would be a struggle between their religious idealism and 
their high ethical instincts and the monster of western 
materialism from which, so far, they had kept themselves 
clean. All this was honestly believed by persons who 
thought they knew Russia ; now, after a short six years,, 
their voices are heard no more.* 

When a bond of traditional friendship unites two countries, \ 
it is simple to invoke it for emergencies. In this style does 
Gaston Riou welcome the Americans in his Lafayette, nous 
voild ! (Paris, 1917.) 

1 August 8, 1914. 

9 Queer People, p. 63. Should the exigencies of the international situa- 
tion require it, this quotation can be used to cast aspersions on post-war 
reaction in England. 

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Important as the maintenance of friendly relations 
between the nations fighting on one side really is, the crucial 

problem for the outcome of the war often is the attitude 
of the neutrals. ! The essential problem in controlling neutral 
attitudes is to lead the neutral to identify your enemy as his 
enemy and your aims as his aims. ; 

There is an imperceptible slant in the war news, which 
comes from one side rather than another, which leads to the 

propagation of a powerful bias toward the contending 
nations. Almost inadvertently one comes to speak of 
“ our victory,” " the enemy retired,” or “ our lines held." 
The fact that E ngland controlled the cab les to the United 
States was a precio us advan tage in her favour The Ger- 
mans were never able to perfect'Weir^wireless service to 
the point of competing with the cables on a plane of equality. 
Less from original bias than from a subtle entanglement in 
the bias of the news, there appeared in certain New York 
papers headlines of this character, even when the Germans 
were pounding down through Belgium and northern France : 



The direct representation of the other side as an enemy 
of the neutrals may take a multitude of forms. As early as 
1915 a book was devoted to the horrible fate of America 
in case Germany should win the War. In J. Bernard 
Walker’s America Fallen : A Sequel to the European War, 
the Germans sack New York (London, 1915) This time- 





honoured device was employed at the time of the Franco- 
Prussian war to incite England against Germany. In 
Blackwood's Magazine for April, 1871, appeared an article 
called “ The Fall of England, or the Battle of Dorking, 11 
which was reprinted as a pamphlet and sold broadcast. 

The Germans found it impossible to raise the claim that 

Great Britain intended to attack America, since the British 

were obviously very much engaged in Western Europe. 

Instead, they insinuated that the attack upon America 

would come by the characteristically English method of 

indirection. Japan would do the will of England. What 

other interpretation, indeed, could there be placed upon the 

Anglo- Japanese Alliance ? Why is Japan 

feverishly engaged in ship building and has now under way 
168,000 tpns of shipping ? 

W'e Americans feel safe, peaceful and conceited as we 
sell to Europe tools with which they murder each other, and 
as we say to ourselves, " We are too big to be in danger. 1 ’ 
W r e would feel differently if we knew that Japan, 
representing all Asia, all the yellow race, had decided that 
the moment had arrived to make the attack, and to make 
both sides of the Pacific Japanese.' 

Jefferson Jones viewed The Fall of Tsingtau (New York, 
1915) with alarm, and the book was of some aid in arousing 
suspicion of the Japanese. 

The heterogeneous composition of the American community 
lent itself to special propagandas. It was possible to arouse 

the Jews against the Russians, the Irish against the British, 
the Westerners against the Japanese, and (for some time) 

1 S. Ivor Stephen -(Szinnyey), Neutrality? The Crucifixion of Public 
Opinion. Pront an Amtrican Point of View, Chicago, 1916, p. 18. This 
is a repository of German propaganda themes. 

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the Italians against the French. The Entente could appeal 
to the English. French. Scotch, Welsh. Russian, Serbian, 
Rumanian elements, and, after the growth of anti-Austro- 
Hungarian sentiment, to the South Slavs and the Czecho- 
slovaks and the Poles. 

The hereditary enemy of America, the Erbfeind, was 
England, and upon the anti-English chord the Germans 
strummed incessantly. It was England who burned 
Washington in 1814, and drew from Jefferson the bitter 
saying that 

It was reserved for England to show that Napoleon in 
atrocity was an infant compared to her ministers and 


It was, moreover, the dastardly English who stirred up 
the Indians to massacre the Americans who lived on the 
frontier during the Revolutionary War, and the War of 
1812. Perfidious Albion is still trying to put something 
over, and Mr. O’Reilly, through the hospitable columns of 
the Hearst press, asked : 

Are we not being bribed to sacrifice our own best interests 
as well as our moral scruples, and to send arms to England, 
so that then she can exterminate the Germans and obliterate 
Germany, and possess herself of Germany’s commerce and 
colonies ? x 

The Central Powers were set forth as the champions of 
the traditional American principle of a free sea. This 
thesis was argued in William Bayard Hale’s pamphlet, 
American Rights and British Pretensions on the Seas. 1 The 

1 Cited in Stephen, as cited, p. 171. 

2 See also. H. L. Gordon, The Peril of the United Slates; Rudolf Cronau, 
Do we need a Third War for Independence ? 

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British offset this appeal by exposing the German plans to 
expand into South America after the. War, regardless of the 
Monroe Doctrine, and to conquer the world for German 
trade, by cementing a European bloc. 1 The British likewise 
rose to assert that they were fighting a war of democracy 
versus militarism and autocracy, and they published General 
Bernhardi’s Germany and the Next War, to convict the whole 
nation. A brilliant rationalization such as that of H. G. 
Wells in Mr. Bulling Sees it Through, won a large audience 
in America. 

Hand in hand with other plans must go the systematic 
vilification of the enemy. During the Franco-Prussian War 
the French raised a great outcry in England at the proposed 
bombardment of Paris, bitterly assailing the Germans for 
their barbarous indifference to the priceless treasures of 
civilization. Bismarck was quite aware of the importance 
of this appeal to neutral sentiment, and instructed one of 
his propaganda secretaries to draft an article for the Press on 
this theme : 

If the French wanted to preserve their monuments and 
collections of books and pictures from the dangers of war, 
they should not have surrounded them with fortifications. 
Besides, the French themselves did not hesitate for a 
moment to bombard Rome, which contained monuments 
of far greater value, the destruction of which would have 
been an irretrievable loss. 1 

When the London Standard, which was hostile to the 
Germans during the War of 1870, printed a story by the 

1 See Andr6 CMradame, The Pan-German Plot Unmasked. New York. 
1916. Mildred S. Wertheimer restored The Pan-German League to its 
proper perspective in 1924- Roland G. Usher had written a book on 
Pan-Germanism which was published in 1913, and given a renewed lease 
on life by the Entente sympathizers after 1914 See also his The Winning 
of the War, New York and London. 1918. 

Busch, Bismarck, I : 158. zO September, 1870. 

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Due de Fitzjames, in which various Prussian abominations 
at Bazeillcs were described, Bismarck dictated an answer 
to be transmitted to the English Press. He argued that the 
horrors of the War were not horrors of the Germans, but of 
the foolish stories of Prussian cruelty which frightened the 
peasants into deserting their homes where they would have 
been secure. He attacked the reliability of the Due as 
witness. 1 

During the same War, the French prepared a pamphlet 
for circulation at home and abroad which was entitled La 
Guerre commc la font les Prussiens. Bismarck instructed Busch, 

Please write to Berlin that they should put together 
something of this description from our point of view, 
quoting all the cruelties, barbarities and breaches of the 
Geneva Convention committed by the French. Not too 
much, however, or no one will read it, and it must be done 

speedily. 1 

During the World War the neutrals were deluged with 
propaganda stuff, in which the sins of the enemy were 
exposed to public gaze. Besides the appeal to the general 
sentiment of the neutral nation, hosts of special appeals 
were launched. The Germans circulated an appeal to 
Protestants in neutral countries to rise and protest against 
the mistreatment of missionaries by the English. Rev. W. 
Stark prepared a pamphlet on The Martyrdom of the Evan - 
gelical Missionaries in Cameroon , 1914, (Berlin, 1914). 
Such damages as were inflicted in the occupied territories to 
churches were assigned to the Germans. The Catholics, 
as the chief sufferers, organized a special propaganda com- 

1 Busch, Bismarck. I : 148. 22 September, 1871. 

* Busch, Bismarck, I : 406. 4 February, 1871. 





mittee to work on foreign Catholic opinion. The nature of 
its work appears from the following list : 

Rene le Cholleux, Notre Dame de Bribikres ; V All emagne et 
les Allies devant la conscience chretienne (pref. Mgr. 
Alfred Baudrillart). 

La Guerre et le Catholicisme. 

Raoul Narsy, Le Supplice de Louvain. 

L'£veil de l' A me jr anfaise devant iappel aux armes. 

L'Abb6 Pasquier, Le Prutestantisme Allemand. 

L’AbbtS E. Foulon, Arras sous les Obus. 

Mgr. Pierre Batiffol published his letter, A un neutre 
catholique in 1915, for the edification of the non-combatants. 
The French Protestants followed the example of their 
Catholic brethren, and established a committee for foreign 
propaganda and advertised Nos sanUuaires devasUs. The 
Italians used the same weapon in the pamphlet, Austrian 
Barbarities against Italian Churches (Florence, 1917). 

This atrocity propaganda was conducted with great 
ability in America, particularly by the Allies. A mass 
meeting at Carnegie Hall in New York protested against 
the treatment of the Belgians. December 18th, 1916. Rector 
Manning presided, and there were addresses by the Hon. 
James M. Beck, Alton B. Parker, Elihu Root, and telegrams 
from Theodore Roosevelt, Joseph H. Choate, and Archbishop 
Ireland. An appeal from Cardinal Mercier was read, and 
the whole affair procured the widest publicity in the Press. 

The Russian Government went so far as to address a 
special memorandum to neutral powers, for the purpose of 
protesting against the alleged slanders which the Central 
Powers were industriously circulating about the conduct of 
her troops. She likewise objected to the Violations of Laws 

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and Rules of Warfare, committed by German and Austro- 
Hungarian troops in Russia (1915). The Germans were 
outmanoeuvred by the British, who secured the services of the 
former Ambassador Bryce to serve on an atrocity commission. 
The protest which the Kaiser addressed to the President of 
the United States against the franc-tireur excesses of the 
Belgians proved ineffectual. They compiled a mass of 
material for the purpose of incriminating the Belgians, such 
as the V olkerrechtswidrige Riihrung des belgischen Volks- 
krieges, put out by the Foreign Office, May 10th, 1915. They 
advertised the misdeeds of the invading Russians in East 
Prussia, and sharply criticized the mistreatment of German 
civilians and military prisoners abroad. 1 The Belgians 
replied officially to the charges lodged against them, but one 
of the best indirect replies was a study made by Fernand van 
Langcnhove, Scientific Secretary of the Solvay Institute of 
Sociology at Brussels, on The Growth of a Legend. A Study, 
based upon the German accounts of Francs-Tireurs and 
" Atrocities." The English version of the work had a 
Preface by the eminent American social psychologist, J. Mark 
Baldwin, a diligent Francophile during the entire War.* 
With the air and method of a serious study in collective 
psychology the book treated the franc-tireur stories as 

For circulation in America the Germans prepared an 
appeal to race prejudice, called Employment contrary to 

1 For example, see Auswartiges Amt., Grcufliaten russischer Truppen 
gegen deulsehe Civil per sonen und deutsche Kriegsgefargene, 1915 ; K. Jiinger 
and Dr. H. Vadrting, Die Behandiung der Deutschcn in England, Frankreich 
und Rusiland, Berlin, 1915. 

* Translated by E. B. Sherlock. New York and London, 1916. 





International Law o] Coloured Troops upon the European 
Arena of War by England and France (Berlin, 1915). 

Indeed, everybody took a whirl at blackguarding his .« 
enemies and whitewashing himself. All the minorities in < 
America had their special propaganda, issuing such things * 
as Austro-Hungarian Judicial Crimes (Chicago, no date), 
prepared by the Jugo-Slav Committee in North America. 
As late as 1918 the Bulgarians tried to reach the neutral 
world with a defence and a counter-thrust by publishing 
Les Atrojites Serbes, by M. D. Sopiansky (Lausanne, 1918). 
The most important feature, of course, was to secure the 
services of an eminent neutral to testify to his own country- 
men. Mary Roberts Rinehart (Kings, Queens and Pawns, 
1915) and scores of publicists gave their pens to the Allied 
cause ; fewer helped to expound the German viewpoint. 

The other side is a nefarious plotter and liar, unworthy of 
confidence. Frederick William Wile endeavoured to expose 
The German- American Plot , the record oj a great failure 
(London, 1915), and every idea which convenienced the 
plot was dubbed with the damning epithet, “ Pro-German." 
The Germans poured out the same dark hints and insinuations 
about the members of the American Press and public who 
dared disagree with them. The American Truth Society 
wrote about the Treason Press, and in this indictment they 
meant nearly all the American Press of metropolitan standing, 
except Hearst and the Chicago Tribune. It goes without 
saying that ex-President Roosevelt came in for vile abuse 
from the German sympathizers. Everybody tried to tar 
the other fellow with the same stick. Rumours of propa- 
ganda and bribery fell thick and fast. 




Direct appeals to neutral opinion continued all through 
the conflict. In 1914 James Bryce discussed the Neutral 
Nations and the War. The Germans used one of their 
Swiss connections to publish an exposure of Comment 
I'Angleterre combat Us neutres (Zurich, 1917) ; to which the 
British replied in W'illiam Archer, An die Ncutralen! 
Aufruf zur Geduld (191 7). Max Gaetcke discussed Der 
grosse Raubkrieg und die Interessen der neutralen Mdchte 
(Karlsruhe, 1916), while the French contributions to this 
literature included Henri Hauser, La Guerre el le s Neutres. 
Etude sur le sentiment dlmocratique dans ses rapports avec la 
guerre europlenne (Paris, 1917). and Ernest L6monon, Les 
Allies et les Neutres, 1914-16 (Paris, 1917). 

To the general appeals were added the special appeals. 
The French Federation of Schoolteachers prepared a message, 
To the Schoolmistresses and Schoolmasters op all countries. 
The famous Aufruf Gelehrter Deutschen, which came early in 
the War, provoked the professors abroad to feverish 
hyperactivity. One of the numerous replies was intended 
for consumption in Southern Europe and South America. 
A manifestation was held at the Sorbonne on the 12th of 
February, 1915, and the addresses which were delivered 
were printed under a favourite title with the French, La 
civilisation latine contre la barbaric allemande. For the sake 
of interesting the wage earners, an Appeal of the Belgian 
Workmen to the Workmen of all Nations appeared in London 
in 1916, and a year later, The Condition of the Belgian Work- 
men, now Refugees in England. 

Besides the direct themes of the order hitherto enumerated 
neutral opinion may be reached by indirect, .ones. The 




neutral must be confident of the ultimate success of your / 
side. Georges Hoog published his Lettres aux neutres sur 
V union sacrie, to impress the neutrals with the solidarity 
of his country. Books of type of Robert Grant, Their 
Spirit. Some Impressions o] the English and French during 
the Summer of 1916, reassure the friends of one side and 
affect the indifferent. The heroism and determination of a 
belligerent can be illustrated in military and civilian war 
letters, such as War Letters from France (edited by A. de 
Lapradelle and Frederick Coudert, New York and London, 
1916). The pictorial medium was chosen by the Information 
Department of the British Foreign Office, to impress the 
neutrals with British strength, and the film called Britain 
Prepared, was widely circulated. 1 

The crucial importance of the foreign correspondent is 
alluded to by Theodore Roosevelt in his letter to Sir Edward 
Grey, bearing the date, January 22nd, 1915 : 

There have been fluctuations in American opinion about 
the war. The actions of the German Zeppelins have revived 
the feeling in favour of the Allies. But I believe that for 
a couple of months preceding this action there had been a 
distinct lessening of the feeling for the Allies and a growth 
of pro-German feeling. I do not think that this was the 
case among the people who were best informed, but I do 
think it was the case among the mass of not very well- 

1 Rear-Admiral Brownrigg says that some influence unfriendly to Great 
Britain caused the film to be exhibited in the United States under the 
title, HO W Britain Prepared. Recollections, p, 37. D. W. Griffith, famous 
director, has recently recalled the ofler made to him by Bernard Shaw in 
IQ»7 to write scenarios for him. This occurred " In 1917. just after 1 had 
completed arrangements with the British Government to do some propa- 
ganda pictures.” (New York Times, October xith 19*6.) Another of 
Mr. Shaw’s propaganda eflorts went astray when the New York Times 
divided one of his despatches and left the impression inadvertently that. 
Shaw was dressing down the Allies. Mr. Shaw has himself related the last 
incident, but professes to have no recollection ol the Griffith rejection. 




informed people, who have little to go upon except what 
they read in the newspapers or see at cinematograph shows. 
There were several causes for this change. There has been 
a very striking contrast between the lavish attentions 
showered on American war correspondents by the German 
military authorities and the blank refusal to have anything 
whatever to do with them by the British and French 

Governments. Our best war correspondent on the 
whole, is probably Frederick Palmer. He is favourable to 
the Allies. But it was the Germans, and not the Allies, 
who did everything for him. They did not change his 
attitude, but they unquestionably did change the attitude 
of many other good men. The only real war news, 
written by Americans who are known to and trusted by the 
American public, comes from the German side ; as a result 
of this, the sympathizers with the cause of the Allies can 
hear nothing whatever about the trials and achievements 
of the British and French armies. These correspondents 
inform me that it is not the generals at the front who raise 
objections, but the Home Governments, and in consequence 
they get the chance to write for their fellow-countrymen 
what happens from the German side, and they are not 
given a chance from the side of the Allies. 1 do not find 
that the permission granted them by the Germans has inter- 
fered with the efficiency of German military operations, and 
it has certainly helped the Germans in American public 
opinion. It may be that your people do not believe that 
American public opinion is of sufficient value to be taken 
into account, but, if you think that it should be taken into 
account, then it is worth your while considering whether 
much of your censorship work and much of your refusal 
to allow correspondents at the front has not been a danger 
to your cause from the standpoint of the effect on public 
opinion without any corresponding military gains. I 
realize perfectly that it would be criminal to permit corres- 
pondents to act as they acted as late as our own Spanish 
War, but as a layman, I feel sure that there has been a 
good deal of work of this kind of which I have spoken in 

the way of censorship and refusing the correspondents 

permission to go to the front, which has not been of the 
slightest military service to you, and which has had a very 




real effect in preventing any rallying of public opinion to 
you . 1 

One of the most subtle and effective forms of indirect 
propaganda is the encour agem ent of everything which draws 
the neutral into some form of de facto co-operation with 
the belligerent. This may be done in part by playing up 
the instances in which a neutral citizen takes arms on behalf 
of one or the other belligerent. This phase of propaganda 
was discussed in the following letter to the London Times, 
dated December 26th, 1916, by an American partisan of the 
Entente. It was called “ British Publicity in the United 
States,” and read thus : 

France has known how to reach the sympathy of Ameri- 
cans, and her publicity has been extraordinarily effective. 
It has been personal and it has evoked enthusiasm. It has 
been written to a great extent by American soldiers in the 
French army, each of whom is an endorsement of France. 
The presence of every American participant is widely 
advertised by the French. He is decorated wherever there 
is the least occasion for doing so. He is encouraged to 

write of his experiences. Articles and books by American 
soldiers of France are published by the score. Alan 
Seegar’s Poetry of the Foreign Legion is widely known in 
America, and his death was as much regretted in the United 
States as that of Rupert Brooke in England. Robert 
Herrick, one of our best novelists, joined the American 
Ambulance with the avowed purpose of writing a series of 
books from the viewpoint of a participant. I was per- 
mitted to write and publish the N ole-book of an Attache 
without ever submitting it to the French censor. There 

are only about 500 Americans in the French army. Yet 
in the United States we hear something about them every 
day. The newspapers are full of their doings ; every item 
of news from them is justly considered as an endorsement of 

1 Grey, Twenty-Five Years, II : 150. 




France. In consequence of France’s shrewdly-managed 
publicity America is whole-heartedly pro-French. 

Because Ian Hay was a participant in the War, albeit 
not an American one, the publication of his book in the 
United States, and his extended speaking tour, shared 
with the books and speeches of Frederick Palmer the 
distinction of being the only redeeming bits of British 
propaganda. . . . Bruce Baimsfather's drawings and 
Raemaeker’s cartoons, still too little known in the United 
States, would prove an invaluable influence to mould public 
opinion. 1 

Further than this, if the neutral power can be drawn into 
some form of non-military participation with a belligerent, 
his sympathies are likely to crystallize about the object of 
his assistance. This is the inner significance of the tremen- 
dous campaign to secure aid for Belgian widows and orphans 
in America, of which one memento is the pamphlet known 
as The Need of the Belgians, prepared by an illustrious 
galaxy of literary stars, among whom were Thomas Hardy, 
May Sinclair, Arnold Bennett, Will Irwin, John Galsworthy, 
Anthony Hope, A. W. Mason, and George Bernard Shaw. 
The Committee for Belgian Relief was the sponsor for this 
and other details of the campaign. 

The Allies succeeded in forging bonds of economic interest 
between themselves and America, and against this the 
Germans waged a propaganda offensive from the start, 
realizing what its implications were to be for American 
attitudes. William Bayard Hale wrote The Exportation of 
Arms and Munitions of War in 1915, arguing that the Allies 
were getting most of the benefit because of the British con- 

* Eric Fisher Wood, The Note-book of an Intelligence Officer , 1917. reprints 
hl9 letter on page 15. See also James Mark Baldwin, Between Two Wars, 
2 vols.. Boston .1926. 

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trol of the sea, and that it was tantamount to becoming a 
silent partner in the Entente. His booklet was published 
under the auspices of the Organization of American Women 
for Strict Neutrality, organized for propaganda purposes. 

The German propagandists took particular care to reach 
out for the women on this particular issue. A memorandum 
of one of the conferences of the New York bureau contains 
these items : 

May 24th, 1915. 

All preparations are made for carrying through the 
project of poster advertising. The pamphlet entitled 
“ Thou Shalt Not Kill,” written by Mr. Hale, has been 
printed and will be sent out. Signatures to a petition to 
Congress collected by the ladies now number 200.000, and 
will in time perhaps reach 600,000. The ladies have 
applied for assistance in their campaign to a number of 
persons named by Mr. Hale. It is suggested that it be put 
up to the ladies to address the petition to the President and 
Congress, and not wait until the collection of signatures is 
complete before sending it to Washington, but send them, 
at once, in batches of about 10,000. 

Mr. Hale reports that Mrs. Hale is busy upon propaganda 
against the exportation of horses. Mr. Claussen undertakes 
to have a correspondingly touching scenario (story of former 

fire-brigade mare slaughtered in Flanders) written. 1 

Some editorials of William Randolph Hearst were collected 
under the title, Let us promote the world's peace, not promote 
the world’s warfare in 1915. Martin Ilsen argued the 
illegality of the Ammunition Trade in 1915, and the 
American Independence League broadcasted a statement by 
Charles Nagel on the Traffic in Arms and Ammunition. The 
National German- American Alliance published an open letter 
by Dr. Charles J. Hexamer to the Committee on Foreign 

1 Sen Doc 62, 1395 [Brewing and Liquor Interests, etc.). 




Relations in which these points were reiterated. The 
American Truth Society (catering to the Irish) sought to 
expose the Peril of American Finance . The British Raid 
upon our Resources in 1915. 

As Ambassador Bemstorff has remarked, the economic 
question was necessarily the centre of gravity of active 
propaganda in America. He shrewdly comments upon the 
skill of the English in applying trade restriction to America. 
They encroached upon the freedom to trade inch and inch, 
and only as they stepped in to supply the market which they 
curtailed. Bemstorff remarks : 

It is characteristic that the declaration of cotton as 
unconditional contraband was made public on the very day 
on which the American Press was in a state of great excite- 
ment over the Arabic case, so that this comparatively 
unimportant incident filled the front pages and leading 
articles of the newspapers, while the extremely important 
economic measure was published in a place where it would 
hardly be noticed. 1 

The Germans formed an association of Americans to 
protest against the cotton contraband, but it did little good. 
The cleverest move of the economic propaganda of the 
Germans was the provoking of " Issues,” which Bemstorff 
has defined as 

the attempt by carefully construing individual incidents to 
make clear to public opinion the fundamental injustice of 

the English encroachments and their far-reaching conse- 
quences in practice. The most important case in this 
direction is that of the Wilhelmina. According to the 
prevailing principles of international law, foodstuffs were 

only conditional contraband. They might be imported 
into Germany if they were intended for the exclusive use of 

1 My Three Years in America, p. 8g. 


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the civil population. As, however, England succeeded in 
restraining the exporters from any attempt to consign 
foodstuffs to Germany, especially as, in view of the enormous 
supplies that were being forwarded to our enemies, they 
had little interest in such shipment, the question never 
reached a clear issue. Herr Albert, therefore, induced an 
American firm to ship foodstuffs for the civil population 
of Germany on the American steamer Wilhelmina, bound 
for Hamburg, by himself undertaking the whole risk from 
behind the scenes (Albert was the German purchasing 
agent in America). 

This scheme went on the rocks because the English, after 
capturing the ship, declared a blockade, and the decision 
ceased to matter. It was one of the “ Issue ” boats that 
put up a problem to the British which Ambassador Walter 
Ilincs Page was able to solve. The Dacia , a ship of former 
German ownership, which had transferred to American 
registry on the outbreak of war, was outfitted with crew, 
flag and cotton by Mr. E. N. Breitung, of Marquette, Michigan, 
and, after great advertisement, sailed for Germany. A ter- 
rific row would have broken out if the British captured the 
ship, and Page’s inspiration was to allow a French warship 
to capture it. This went through on schedule and not a 
chirp was raised in America.' 

Neutrals may eventually be drawn into the war by direct J 
instigation. The outside propagandist may circulate such 
pronouncements as those of Roosevelt, who favoured the 
Allies, and they may encourage the activity of the war 
party. In Italy, the pro- Ally sentiment was whipped to 
the exploding point by d’Annunzio. The story is told thus 
by Thomas Nelson Page, American Ambassador to Italy, 
1913 to 1919. 

1 The story is told in Page's Life and Letters. 1 : 394* 

Original fron 


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It had for some time been contemplated to unveil a 
statue to Garibaldi and “ the Thousand ” at Quarto, the 
little port near Genoa from which they had sailed on the 
5th of May, fifty-five years before, for the wresting of the 
Sicilians from a foreign yoke and the uniting them to the 
kingdom of Italy. Great preparations were made for the 
celebration of the anniversary of what was one of the most 
inspiring events in the history of Italy. 

The Cabinet was to attend the ceremony, and it 
presently became known that the King and Queen would 
also attend. The conviction spread throughout Italy that 
the occasion would be availed of to announce Italy's decision 
to take her place with the Forces of Liberty battling in 
France and declare war. All Italy was on the qui vive. 
Then, suddenly, two days before the event was to take 
place, the announcement came that, after all, owing to 

the gravity of the moment, neither the King nor the Cabinet 
would attend the unveiling. . . 

The absence of the King and the Cabinet from the 
celebration at Quarto may have given it a somewhat 
different trend, but certainly not one less violent. The 
orator of the occasion, Gabriel d’Annunzio, the poet and 
novelist, who had come from France for the purpose, 
delivered with telling effect an address which was ra tlier 
a lyrical rhapsody on Italian liberty and aspiration than an 
historical address. It fell on ears attuned to receive it, 
and was. in fact, a firebrand stuck into a magazine charged 
and ready for the explosion. That night the streets of 
Genoa were choked with the crowds that apotheosized 
Garibaldi and the orator, d’Annunzio, and clamoured for 
war. After this it was a continued progression — nothing 
could stop it. . . 

The orator of Quarto came to Rome in a sort of triumphal 
procession, and for days spoke in a species of lyric frenzy, 
from hotel balconies or in theatres to excited crowds who 
followed him into a state of exaltation. On the 14th he 
spoke in the Constanza Opera House, which was heavily 
guarded, all approaches being picketed, by a strong force of 
police and soldiers, including an extra force of cavalry to 
preserve order and prevent demonstrations before the 
Government offices and the Embassies of the Central 





Empires. The overflow demonstrants, left outside of the 
auditorium, resisted all efforts to disperse them, building 
barricades and tearing down a rear wall around an open lot 
adjoining the Opera House to use as missiles against the 
soldiers should the latter be too fjrm in attempting to clear 
the streets. 1 

When the state of neutral sentiment seems to be ebbing 
steadily away from the belligerent toward whom it is hoped 
to direct it, the propagandist may retire to certain last lines 
of defence. The Germans in the United States did what 
they could to encourage pacifist sentiment. The American 
League to Limit Armaments had been organized in 1914, by 
sincere pacifists who hoped to keep America out of the 
European maelstrom. This later developed into the Ameri- 
can Union against Militarism, one of whose offshoots sub- 
sequently became the National Civil Liberties Bureau. The 
American Union Against Militarism organized the Collegiate 
Anti-Militarism League, and co-operated with numerous 
Peace Unions and Christian Socialist Fellowship organiza- 
tions. The American Neutral Conference Committee was an 
emergency group which had the objective indicated by its 
name. The Emergency Peace Federation came to an early 
end, as did the Conference Committee. The Germans, of 
course, got such aid and comfort as they could from the 
existence of such societies and played the peace theme 
heavily as 1917 approached. 

A dangerous idea — from the standpoint of the Allies — 
which the Germans propagated in America was that the 
Allies were the stumbling block to peace. The British were 
genuinely exercised by the progress of the peace drive of the 
Germans and Sir Edward Grey confesses that the German 

1 Italy and the World War, 209 et seq. 

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effort to cast the onus of continuing the War upon the 
Entente, was one of the most effective moves which they 
made. 1 

It may be possible to stir up trouble between two neutrals 
and thus tie the hands of the neutral. Such a purpose 
appears in the rather amusing story of a German feature 
film named “ Patria.” This was a serial photoplay which 
was released weekly in two-reel episodes for a span of ten 
weeks. It was made under the direction of Whartons; in 
upper New York, for the International Film Service Cor- 
poration, a Hearst-owned film distributing company, later 
re-incorporated as the International Film Service Company 
(Incorporated). It was made in 1916, and cost about 
$90,000. Mrs. Vernon Castle was the star. WTen it began 
to appear, it purported to emphasize the necessity for 
preparedness. By the time the first episodes were ready, 
the country was already launched upon a preparedness 
programme, leaving its anti-Japanese and anti-Mexican 
features as the only live ones. The picture shows the great 
effort of Japan to conquer America with the aid of the 
Mexicans. A Japanese noble, at the head of the secret 
service of the Emperor of Japan, was the chief villain. 
Japanese troops invaded California, committing horrible 
atrocities. The picture was first shown in New York on 
the gth January, 1917. The New York American and other 
Hearst papers ran the story serially from week to week. 
Wlien the anti- Japanese element had to be suppressed, the 
Japanese names and characters were supplanted by Mexican 
names and inscriptions. But in the film, they were still 

* Grey. II : x:8. 





wearing Japanese uniforms . 1 At the last moment, it was 
thus converted into an effort to inflame two neutrals. 

The Chicago Tribune once cited an admission in the 
Ncuesle Nachrichten of Leipzig, that Germany could look with 
complacency upon strained relations between the United 
States and Mexico, because, while digesting this hard nut, 
Jonathan must cease to be John Bull’s willing servant. 

The Tribune properly observed that 

If the United States had to devote all its energies to an 
enterprise such as the subjugation of Mexico, there would 
be less American ammunition going abroad.* 

The famous Henry Ford pamphlets on The War Record of 
the Chicago T ribune reproduce this editorial side by side with 
an editorial on the twenty-first of the same month, in which 
the Tribune said that it preferred a campaign in Mexico to a 
campaign in Europe. 

If we win in a war against Mexico, we know what we get 
out of it — a secure continent. And it is practically imposs- 
ible for us to lose. 

If we finally win in a war against Germany, what do we 
win ? Blessed if we know. “ The overthrow of German 
militarism ” will be the glib answer. Yes, and the substi- 
tution of some other — Russia's, perhaps, or Japan’s. 

However, though Fate offers us a golden apple in Mexico 
and bitter fruit in Flanders, Mr. Wilson, being for " Humani- 
ty " rather than for America, wishes us to taste the bitter 
one. He probably will have his wish. 

The outcome of such policy as that proposed by the 
Tribune would have been so favourable to the Central 
Powers, that statements of this kind were very properly 

1 See the Sin. Doc. 62, (Brewing and Liquor Interests, etc) 1675 

• April 4, 1916. 




circulated by the agents and friends of Germany in America. 
This does not, of course, imply that those who made such 
assertions were themselves pro-German. 

When a belligerent country has a larger contingency of 
its former nationals in a neutral land, it may, in an emer- 
gency, seek to draw or drive these elements into active 
work in its behalf. Von der Goltz, a captured German 
agent, wrote a book on My Adventures as a German Secret 
Agent in 191 7, which credits the German propagandists with 
an exceedingly ingenious scheme. 

It was planned so to discredit the German- Americans that 
the hostility of their fellow -citizens would force them back 
into the arms of the German Government. 

I happen to know that during the first two years of the 
war many of the stories about German attempts upon 
Canada, about German-American complicity in various 
plots, emanated from the offices of Captain von Papcn and 
his military associates . . . Germany wanted to give the 
world convincing proof that all peoples of German descent 
were solidly supporting her. It was for this reason that 
reports of impossible German activities were set -afloat 
— rumours of Germans massing in the Maine woods, of 
aeroplane flights over Canada. And since many anti- 
German papers had been indiscreet enough to attack the 
German-Americans as disloyal, the German agents used 
and fomented these attacks for their own purposes. 

But Germany overreached herself. Emboldened by the 
apparent success of their schemes, her principal agents, 
von Papen, Boy-Ed, and von Rintelen (who had begun his 
work in January, 1915). became careless, so far as secrecy 
was concerned, and so audacious in their plans that they 
betrayed themselves, perhaps intentionally, as a final 
demonstration of their power. The results you know. 
In so far as the disclosure of their activities tended further 
to implicate the German-Americans, they did harm. But 
by these very disclosures the eyes of many German- 
Americans were opened to the true nature of the influences 

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to which they had been subjected, and through that fact 
the worst element of the German propaganda in America 
received its death blow. 1 

The statement which von der Goltz made is not 
corroborated by any other evidence, and the testimony of a 
professional spy is always subject to the most justifiable 
suspicion. There is some reason to believe that this may 
have been fabricated for the purpose of instigating the 
German- Americans against a German Government which had 
so cynically attempted to betray them (to this purpose the 
last paragraph quoted seems to be directed). But there is 
no denying the fact that there are circumstances in which 
just such strategy as that imputed by von der Goltz to his 
superiors could be Successful. 

The control of inter-Ally sentiment is partly a problem of 
maintaining a reciprocal cordiality, and the problem of 
stimulating friendly relations between a belligerent and a 
neutral has its bivalent aspects. What is said about the 
neutrals and about the war in a belligerent country tends to 
be translated or read in a neutral country. Thus Italian 
susceptibilities were wounded during the critical days of 
1915 by the statement of a French public man that Italy 
was waiting “ to fly to the succour of the victor." Bel- 
ligerent opinion must be supervised and managed in the 
interest of neutral friendship. 

Ambassador W. H. Page notes that 

The Cabinet has directed the Censor to suppress, as far 
as he can with prudence, comment which is unfavourable 
to the United States. He has taken this action because 

1 Conden9*d from pages 223-233. 


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the public feeling against the administration is constantly 
increasing. 1 

Bismarck flew into a rage when a communique was put 
out by the German military authorities in 1871 saying that 
some shells had struck the famous Luxembourg Gardens in 
Paris. He demanded to have ill the subsequent com- 
muniques submitted to him, so that the material which 
might be turned against Germany abroad could be deleted.* 
Bismarck put the damper on editorial criticism in Germany of 
the purveying of coal to the French fleet by the British, on 
the theory that such railing would merely handicap diplo- 
matic arrangements. * His chief was a level-headed old 
gentleman who felt the importance of neutral opinion, and 
Bismarck often had his way, even against the military 

Our discussion so far has had to do principally with the 
themes which bear upon the preservation of friendship. 
Let us now review in summary from some of the methods 
which were employed by the chief competitors for the favour 
of America. The German methods have become public 
knowledge through the Senatorial inquiry conducted in 
1918-1919, and writings of Ambassador Bemstorff and 
others. The title of the hearings is itself a triumph of 

1 Life and Letters, II : 51 (February 15, 1915). 

• Busch, Bismarck, I : 341. 

• Busch, Bismarck, I : 42, 

• Kaiser Wilhelm I. made an interesting note on the margin of a document 
dated May 16th, 1875; " Um glUckliche Kriege zu fuhren, muss deni 
Angreifenden die Sympathie alleredelgesinnten Menschen u. Lander zur 
Seite stehen, und dem, der ungerecht den Krieg zutragt, die offentliebe 
S Limine den Stein werfen. Dies war das Geheimnis des Enthusiasmus in 
Deutschland 1870 ! Wer ungerechtfertigt zu den Waffen greift, wird die 
Aflenliche Stimmegegen sieh haben, er wird keinen Alliierten finden, k«ne 
neuires bienveillants, ja iiberhaupt wohl keine Neutralen, wohl aber Gegner 

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insinuation. It was “ Brewing and Liquor Interests and 
German Bolshevik Propaganda," and was reported in three 
husky volumes. The hearings did not begin until Sep- 
tember 27th, 1918, and did not figure heavily in the War 
propaganda. A hearing which was conducted in February 
and April of 1918, dealt with the National German-American 
Alliance. 1 Three birds were killed at one stone by these 
hearings : the brewers, the Germans, and the Bolsheviks. 
The Anti-Saloon League, the Department of Justice, the 
Military Intelligence and the Naval Intelligence were active 
in pressing the investigations. 

Dr. Demburg, former Secretary' of State for the Colonies, 
was sent to this country at the outbreak of the War to 
float a German loan. The American Government warned 
against lending money to either side, and it was impossible 
to produce satisfactory results. Dr. Dernburg was also an 
agent for the German Red Cross and began to collect funds 
for this work. He also undertook to explain the German 
version of the War to the American public, and set up a 
Press Bureau in New York. Opinions differ as to whether 
he came over here to do this, or whether he found that it was 
difficult to return to Germany and evolved this to keep him 
occupied. He had the assistance at the New York Bureau 
of M. B. Claussen of the Hamburg-Amerika line, and after 
the entry of Japan into the War the interpreter of the 
Consulate-General in Yokohama joined the staff. Daily 
bulletins of the German Information Service were issued, and 

1 The hearings were before the sub-committee of the Committee oa the 
Judiciary. The most important report is the three-volume work known 
as Senate Document 62, 65th Congress. 2nd Session, iqiq. “ And 
Bolshevik ” propaganda does not appear in the title to volume i. 




then the activity of the bureau was extended to the pre- 
paration of pamphlets. For these efforts the services of 
William Bayard Hale were secured. War-pictures and 
film-propaganda were later added. Dr. Mechlenburg and 
Herr Plage were held up in America on their way from Japan 
and placed their services at the disposal of Dr. Demburg. 
Dr. Demburg had the assistance of a committee which he 
selected, consisting of Albert, Gerhardt, Fuehr and a few 
American journalists and business men. They conferred 
once or twice a month on propaganda policy. Dr. Demburg 
stayed in this country until after the Lusitania incident, 
when he made a public speech at Cleveland, justifying the 
sinking of the boat on the theory that it carried arms. Public 
indignation ran so high that a sacrifice was demanded, and 
Demburg was the sacrificial ram. He went home. Ambas- 
sador Bernstorff tried thereafter to keep the Germans from 
agitating too openly in the country, preferring to work 
through American citizens. 

The Germans had the warm co-operation of the German- 
American Alliance, which was well organized in the German 
strongholds over the nation — St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati,. 
Milwaukee. There were numberless German social clubs 
and societies. The Kriegsbund was composed of those who 
had served in the German army. There were several 
veterans’ posts of the War of 1870. The Geneva Society was 
a peculiar organization of German waiters. The Turner 
Societies and all sorts of benevolent organizations were 
thriving in every German district. 

The Lutheran Church was a strong asset of the Germans, 
for there were 6,000 congregations in the United States, 




whose communicants numbered some three million. Often 
their services were kept up in German, and many of their 
preachers had received training in Germany. 

The Germans appealed to all nationalities with a grievance 
against the Allies. The American Truth Society was a 
vehicle for stirring up the Irish. The Jews had an 
ineradicable antipathy toward the Tsaristic system, and 
many of them sided with the Germans. Their Press fre- 
quently had such items as the following : 

It is impossible to be a comrade of Nicholas and not 
be a hooligan. In the days of Beaconsfield, when England 
was far from Russia, no massacres of Jews were made, not 
on the poor, and not on the rich. To-day, when England 
is an ally of Nicholas, she must do as Nicholas does, she 
must make massacres, she must preach against the Jews. 

When the war broke out, I immediately enlisted (in the 
French army), but I was astonished on my arrival at the 

camp at Lyons to see that I. together with many other Jews, 
was placed in a legion which was composed of criminals 
only. From all sides wc were insulted. We were given 
cold black coffee and dry bread, and when we protested we 
were told that we were dirty Jews, and we came only to 
eat and nothing else. I refused to cat and got sick. When 
I applied to the sergeant to send me to the hospital, he 
began to beat me, etc. 1 

Concerning the efforts of the Germans to win the negroes, i 
and to foment discord inside the country over the race 
question, Captain Lester testified to the committee : 

A separate department was maintained in the Albert 
bureau for the handling of American race problems, the 
principal among which was the negro question. 

1 Clippings from Wahrheit (New York). Sen. Doc. 62. 1825. et seq. 

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The bureau obtained through newspaper agencies and 
exchanges and from these so-called clipping bureaux records 
of every lynching in the United States, and every attack by 
coloured men upon a white person, or every news item which 
showed the alleged oppression of the coloured race. 

These were formed into propaganda articles, and were 
forwarded to the editors of established newspapers, that is, 
white newspapers, and also to the editors of coloured news- 

The field work was conducted by a man by the name of 
Von Reiswitz, formerly a consul, I understand, at one time 
at Chicago. 

His headquarters, if you may say that he had any head- 
quarters, was in and about New Orleans, and all of the 
negro propaganda work was conducted from Mexico by 
Von Eckhardt. I say all of it in the sense that the directing 
head was in Mexico. The men used for the negro propa- 
ganda work were Mexicans and half-breeds, and men that 
were brought to Mexico City and instructed and sent 
across the border ; and the wave of negro propaganda work 
Went from the Mexican border east, and embraced the 
States, principally, of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missis- 
sippi, Alabama, Georgia ; and States such as North and 
South Carolina and Tennessee were really on the outskirts 
of the movement. 

The propaganda was directed to stir up trouble con- 
tinuously between the whites and the blacks of any nature 
and description. That was the first item. 

The attempt was also made to win the coloured race to 
the cause of Germany by innumerable arguments. We 
have information that the propaganda took this form : 
That the negro leaders, who were subsidized or attempted 
to be subsidized, in various local communities and by 
letters — I do not mean the big leaders of the negro race, but 
small men scattered here and there — told the negroes that 
in Germany the blacks were equal to the whites ; that in 
Europe they had no colour line. They exhibited state- 
ments, presumed to be authentic, to this effect, and argued 
with them that, if Germany won the war, the rights of the 
coloured people in the South would be equal to those of the 

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whites. * That was the principal argument. They played 
continuously upon lynchings. 1 

The Germans sought to touch every foreign language 
group which might be suborned by controlling the American 
Association of Foreign Language Newspapers. 

The German University League was started in 1915, to 
unite all who had attended a German university. The 
purpose was “ to co-operate with every effort, to strengthen 
the regard for the Germans and for their aims and ideals and 
to secure for them fair play and proper appreciation." 
Among those who were officers or trustees are to be found 
the names of von Klenze, William R. Shepherd (Columbia), 
Carl L. Schurz, von Mach, and many other distinguished 
academic and public men. Meetings were held and papers 
read and distributed. The co-operation of visiting professors, 
such as Moritz J. Bonn, was secured. This was a direct 
channel of communication between the intellectuals of 
Germany and America." 

The Germans were active in trying to reach the pro- 
fessional^ trained people in the country. Nagel's pamphlet 
on American neutrality was circulated to 50,000 lawjxrs 
through the American 'Truth Society." 

The women were appealed to through the League of 
American Women for Strict Neutrality, which was founded 
in Baltimore. The wage-earners received special attention 
through the Labour’s National Peace Council (1915). They 
1 were often very close to the brewing interests, for the latter 
\ were very much alarmed at the impending movement for 

\ 1 Sen. Doc. 62, {Brewing and Liquor Interests, etc.) 1785. 

v * For documents, see Sen. Doe. 62. 1372 etseq. 

* Sen. Doc. 62, 1424. 


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Prohibition, and German propaganda agents sometimes took 
advantage of the anxiety of the brewers to make propaganda 
by offering to organize such a movement and turning it into 
a pro-German drive. 

All manner of appeals to the public at large were made 
through all available channels. Books upon every phase 
of the War were put out under the auspices of the Dernburg- 
Albert Bureau, and the circulation of every book, beneficial 
to the German cause, was facilitated. A short selection of 
these books follows : 

England or Germany, Frank Harris. 

Hir.denburg s March into London, L. G. Redmond- Howard, 
author of the Life of John Redmond. 

Peace and America, Hugo Mlinsterberg, Harvard University. 

America's Relations to the Great War, John W. Burgess, 
Columbia University. 

The Making of Modern Germany, Ferdinand Schcvill, The 
University of Chicago. 

England , Eduard Meyer, The University of Berlin. 

Belgium and Germany, A Dutch View, Dr. J. H. Labberton. 

Justice in War Time, Bertrand Russell. 

Behind the Scenes of Warring Germany, Edward Lyell Fox. 1 

The New York Mail was purchased for the sake of reaching 
a metropolitan audience, and supplying a newspaper which 
could be quoted. Cartoons, pamphlets and photographs 
without number were employed, and distributed through 
steamship company offices. 1 

Moving pictures were sent to America in which German 
soldiers were shown busily feeding Belgian and French 

1 A fuller list is given in Sen Doc. 62. 1410 tt seq. 

* Additional information about the German system appears in Lewis 
Melville. “German Propaganda Societies," Quarterly Review. 230 (1918): 

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children. There were such captions as “ Barbs feeding the 
hungry/’ " Do Barbarians look like this ? ” 

The head of the British propaganda in America has con- 
veniently summarized his methods . 1 

Practically since the day war broke out between England 
and the Central Powers I became responsible for American 
publicity. 1 need hardly say that the scope of my depart- 
ment was very extensive, and its activities widely ranged. 
Among the activities was a weekly report to the British 
Cabinet on the state of American opinion, and constant touch 
with the permanent correspondents of American news- 
papers in England. I also frequently arranged for import- 
ant public men in England to act for us by interviews in 
American newspapers ; • and among these distinguished 
people were Mr. Lloyd George (the present Prime Minister), 
Viscount Grey, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Bonar Law, the Archbishop 
of Canterbury, Sir Edward Carson, Lord Robert Cecil, 
Mr. Walter Kunciman (the Lord Chancellor), Mr. Austen 
Chamberlain, Lord Cromer, Will Crooks, Lord Curzon, 
Lord Gladstone, Lord Haldane. Mr. Henry James, 
Mr. John Redmond. Mr. Selfridge. Mr. Zangwill, Mrs. 
Humphrey Ward, and fully a! hundred others. 

Among other things we supplied three hundred and 
sixty newspapers in the smaller states of the United States 
with an English newspaper, which gives weekly reviews and 
comment on the affairs of the war. We established con- 
nection with the man in the street through cinema pictures 
of the Army and Navy, as well as through interviews, 
articles, pamphlets, etc. ; and by letters in repty to indi- 
vidual American critics, which were printed in the chief 
newspaper of the State in which they lived, and were copied 
in newspapers of other and neighbouring States. We 
advertised and stimulated many people to write articles. 
We utilised the friendly services and assistance of con- 
fidential friends ; we had reports from important Americans 
constantly, and established association by personal corres- 
pondence with influential and eminent people of every 

1 Sir Gilbert Parker, "The United States and the War." Harper's 
Magazine, 136 (19x8) ; 3x1-531. Extract. 

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profession in the United States, beginning with the univer- 
sity and college presidents, professors, and scientific men, 
and running through all the ranges of population. We 
asked our friends and correspondents to arrange for speeches, 
debates and lectures by American citizens, but we did not 
encourage Britishers to go to America and preach the 
doctrine of entrance into the war. Besides an immense 
private correspondence with individuals, we had our 
documents and literature sent to great numbers of public 
libraries, Y.M.C.A. societies, universities, colleges, historical 
societies, clubs and newspapers. 

It is hardly necessary to say that the work was one of 
extreme difficulty and delicacy, but I was fortunate in 
having a wide acquaintance in the United States, and in 
knowing that a great many people had read my books and 
were not prejudiced against me. . . . 

... it should be remembered that the Society of 
Pilgrims, whose work of international unity cannot be over- 
estimated, has played a part in promoting understanding 
between the two peoples, and the establishment of the 
American Officers' Club in Lord Leconfield’s house in 
London, with H.R.H. the Duke of Cohnaught as President, 
has done, and is doing, immense good. It should also be 
remembered that it was the Pilgrims’ Society, under the 
fine chairmanship of Mr. Harry Brittain, which took charge 
of the Hun. James M. Beck when he visited England in 
1916, and gave him so good a chance to do great work for 
the cause of unity between the two nations.- I am glad and 
proud to think that I had something to do with these 
arrangements, which resulted in the Pilgrims taking Mr. 
Beck into their charge. 1 

The chief emphasis in Sir Gilbert Parker’s succinct account 
of his own methods is upon the use of persons as channels of 
influence. Influence spread from business man to business 

1 The British have not publicly estimated the amount of money which 
they spent on American as distinguished from other types of propaganda. 
They spent one hundred and fifty thousand dollars (£31,360 4s.) in the last 
four months of the War to break the German moral and to accomplish other 
propaganda objects. 

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man, from journalist to journalist, from professor to pro- 
fessor, from worker to worker. Behind the scenes, and behind 
the news and pictures and speeches, there flows a mighty 
stream of personal influencing. The War was more debated 
in private than in public. The doubters were won by friend- 
ship or flattery, logic or shame, to fuse their enthusiasm in 
the rising wave of Allied sentiment. A side-light on the 
method is contained in a letter from Sir Edward Grey to 
Theodore Roosevelt, dated September ioth, 1914 : 

My dear Roosevelt, — J. M. Barrie and A. E. W. Mason, 
some of whose books you have no doubt read, are going to 
the U.S. Their object is, as I understand, not to make 
speeches or give lectures, but to meet people, particularly 
those connected with Universities, and explain the British 
case as regards this war and our view of the issues involved . 1 

When a lance was broken in public for the British cause, 
it was done by an American and not by a foreigner. There 
were no obnoxiously evident Britishers as there were Dem- 
burgs in America. It was the social lobbj', the personal 
conversation, and the casual brush which forged the strongest 
chain between America and Britain. All countries found 
that an effective carrier of propaganda for their cause in 
America was the titled foreigner who said nothing whatever 
for the public prints, but who talked privately and casually 
of the War. The sheer radiation of aristocratic distinction 
was enough to warm the cockles of many a staunch 
Republican heart, and to evoke enthusiasm for the country 
which could produce such dignity, elegance and affability. 
The wife of an important newspaper proprietor was hostess 

1 Grey, Txuenty-Five Years, II : 143. 

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to a Count ; the wife of a Senator evened the social score by 
countering with a Duke. A Marquis, Earl or Baron was 
dealt hither and thither in this diverting social game. All 
this was a standing joke among sophisticated Europeans, 
who subtly played upon the ambitions of numerous hostesses 
in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington and 

The most important personality in propaganda among 
neutrals or allies usually is the official representative . at 
the capital. What type of man should he be and what 
technique should he exploit ? No more brilliant success has 
ever been scored than that of Benjamin Franklin at Paris 
during the War of Independence. A Frenchman, M. Francis 
P. Rcnaut, describes him in these words : 

(Franklin) arrived preceded by a certain reputation ; 
he was able not only to save his admirers from disillusion, 
but to kindle their enthusiasm. For some he was scientist 
who had captured the lightning, for others the genial 
philosopher, for others the enemy of tyranny and the ardent 
defender of public liberty ; for all, he was the simple man of 
nature, the patriarch, the father of a family who unostenta- 
tiously exemplified the common virtues. And in a time 
when the words of Rousseau were lodged in every cultivated 
mind, who could fail to be moved by the spectacle of a 
venerable old gentleman coming to defend his country, 
supported on the arm of one of his grandchildren (William 
Temple Franklin). The politician scarcely appeared in 
this life, of which the smallest details captivated the 
Parisians ; the residence at Passy with its easy access, the 
visits to Court without ceremony, the philosophical 
conversations, the relations with Voltaire and the 
physiocrats. 1 

1 La politique dc propaganda des Amiricains durani la Guerre d’lndipen 
dance. 1 : 52 . 

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The key to Franklin was expressed by implication in the 
last sentence : he was a non-political personality, and the 
lustre of his person spread to all his affiliations. 

An example of a dubious selection is that of the Hon. 
Elihu Root as head of the American Mission to Russia. 
There was no question about his technical eminence as a 
student and administrator of international affairs, but the 
situation was such that he was open to attack in revolutionary 
Russia. As Colonel Robins testified : 

You may know that he had attacked at one time in this 
country a very important public person, and you may know 
that, as a result of that attack, editorials, the most brilliant 
possible of their kind, had been published for successive 
weeks, accompanied by cartoons, speaking of Mr. Root as 
the jackal of privilege, as the watchdog of Wall Street, and 
all that sort of thing. They had been run in the public 
Press. Probably the German agents in America, immedi- 
ately upon his appointment, gathered these up and sent 
them over, and they appeared in pamphlets in Russia, 
translated into Russian, with the cartoons and the words 
changed to Russian synonyms, so that even friendly papers 
said, “ How is it possible that the great democratic President 
should send over to Russia to help make the world safe for 
democracy — to revolutionary Russia — the man who has 
spent most of his time, according to what we hear, in trying 
to make America safe for plutocracy ? 

If this general analysis of the technique of preserving 
friendship is correct, it goes to show that the chief theme of 
inter-allied propaganda is strenuous exertion in the common 
cause, and that every supporting thesis of propaganda should 
be sustained and reinforced. The handling of the neutral 
boils down to the problem of leading the neutral to identify 

1 Sen. Doc. 62, [Brewing and Liquor Interests, etc) 3 : 819 . 

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his own interests with your own in defeating the energy... 
Aside from general representations of the enemy as 
threatening, obstructive, and despicable, and of one’s own 
nation as protective, helpful and upright, there must be 
some confidence in ultimate success. The most astute means 
of drawing in neutral sympathy is to draw the neutral into 
overt co-operation in some form. When all else fails, an 
appeal to pacifism and an effort to instigate trouble with 
another neutral may avoid active hostility. Among all the 
means to be exploited, the use of personal influencing is 
peculiarly important, as is the practice that in general 
neutrals should be addressed by neutrals. 

. Original from 


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It is possible to employ propaganda as a weapon of direct 
attack against the moraKof the enemy by seeking to break 
up oi* divert the hatred of the enemy from a belligerent. 

To a certain degree this can be accomplished by a cam- 
paign of simple counter-stimulation. The Gazette des 
A rdennes was published by the Germans for the consumption 
of the Frenchman who lived within. -the occupied area, and 
the various themes capable of employment in demoralizing 
the enemy were used at one time or another within its 
columns. The Gazette was exhaustively examined by Pro- 
fessor Marchand during the War for the purpose of 
establishing, if possible, a direct parallel between its attitudes 
and those of the Bonnet Rouge of Paris. His report, which 
was part of the evidence against the latter journal in the 
famous trial of 1917, has since been published as L' offensive 
des A demands , en France, pendant la guerre. It is made up 
of assorted extracts from the two papers in question, and 
represents by far the best systematic study of one phase of 
War propaganda yet made. The references in this section 
will be to this compilation, supplemented by other material. 
In most cases the citations have been checked against the 

The Gazette denied outright that Germany had ever 


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plotted to attack France, and deplored the propaganda of 
misrepresentation against Germany. M. Leon Daudet and 
M. Cleinenceau have the " spionnitis,” when they imagine 
that Germany had sown France with a vast army of secret 
agents before or since the War . 1 

The Gazette defended its Kaiser and military men from the 
alleged calumny of the Allies. William the Second has 
always been recognized as a powerful influence for peace. 
It was he who saved Europe from war over Morocco. His 
pacific spirit has repeatedly been acknowledged by such men 
as J. Holland Rose, the eminent English historian, by Marcel 
Sembat, the Frenchman of letters and Socialist -patriot, and 
by right-thinking people everywhere. He is conscientious, 
peace-loving, kindly, gentle in his family relations, able in 
his leadership, and altogether generous in his impulses . 1 

All the stories about German barbarities are poisonous lies. 
The German soldiers in the army of occupation in northern 
France are kind to children. A picture in the Gazette for 
December ist, 1915. shows a German soldier in the act of 
feeding a little French child who is perched affectionately 
on his knee. s The children cherish fond memories of “ l'oncle 
Fritz .” 1 Letters from Frenchmen in the occupied territory 
and from French prisoners in the hands of the Germans, were 
published to prove the kindly and considerate character of 
the German forces of occupation . 6 The irrepressible German 

1 Gazelle, July z, 1917, citing an item from the Frankfurter Zeitung 
Marchand. p. 97. 

8 Gazelle, 17 November, 1917. Marchand, p. 143. 

8 Reproduced opposite page 145 in Hansi and Tonnelet, A Travers les 
Lignes Ennemies. 

4 Gazelle, 13 August, 1916. Marchand, p. 0. 5. 

6 Gazelle, Same. 

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love of music, religion and morality has manifested itself 
wherever German soldiers are found. 

The tales of wholesale atrocity and wilful destruction are 
malicious generalizations from a few regrettable individual 
instances, which happen in every army, but less often in the 
disciplined German army than elsewhere. The necessities 
of war, as everyone knows, may require acts which are not 
essential in the quiet times of peace, but it is absurd to 
distort the facts into a wholesale denunciation of an entire 
nation . 1 Many of the churches which the Germans are 
supposed to have destroyed were never destroyed, and many 
of them were illegitimately used by the enemy. 

The examples which have been cited so far illustrate 

defence by denial. Another form of defence, that of admis- 

• ** 

sion accompanied by justification, is illustrated by the 
handling of the U-Boat question. The Gazette explained 
over and over again that the submarine was nothing more nor 
less than a reply to the infamous and illegal British blockade. 

While no form of stimulation should be neglected, and the 
application of counter-suggestion has a certain effect, its 
efficacy is by no means comparable to the influence of a 
skilful propaganda of diversion. To undermine the active 
hatred of the enemy for its present antagonist, his anger 
must be distracted to a new and independent object, beside 
which his present antagonist ceases to matter. This is a 
very difficult operation, and it is always advisable to carry 
through a work of preparation for the purpose of under- 
mining some of the varieties of resistance which hamper the 
success of such a manoeuvre. 

1 Gazette . y June, 1916. Marchand, p. 190. 

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Patriotism is a powerful prop to belligerent ardour, and 
anti-patriotic propaganda has some chance to succeed with 
those elements in the nation who begin to recover their 
peace time ideology after the war has worn on awhile. The 
Gazette published certain items which deplored the tendency 
of patriotism to lead a country into needless slaughter. 1 
Patriotism which preaches hate is immoral, and the poison- 
ing of men's minds is nothing less than criminal. • The war 
spirit should be avoided, since there is no doubt of its 
irreligious and unethical character. 3 

Another sustaining force against which sapping operations 
must be directed is the confidence of the people in their 
government s honesty. If a suspicion can be engendered 
against the propaganda of the government and the war 
party, a potent weapon of disintegration is created. The 
Germans complained that they were the victims of 
systematic vilification by ignorant pedagogues, irresponsible 
politicians, and lying newsmongers. 

But the keynote in the preliminary spade work is the 
unceasing refrain : Your cause is hopeless. Your blood is 
spilt in vain. Now the heads of the French propaganda 
very properly criticised the early English propaganda for 
boasting of the size of the Allied armies during the early 
stages of the War, when the Germans occupied Belgium and 
nonhem France. It was only when things settled down to 
a stalemate or worse, and when disappointment was general, 
that such propaganda became effective. When the British 
took the offensive in 1918, in a military sense, they simul- 

1 23 September, 1916. Marchand, p. 85. 

1 Gazette. 9 January. 1916. Marchand. p. 15. 

* Gazette, 3 July, 1917. Marchand, p. 27. 

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tancously sowed the German trenches with maps upon which 
their gains were plainly marked. They recalled the false 
hopes which the German leaders had held out to the people 
and the army. They circulated an alleged statement in a 
German newspaper which lamented that 

A few weeks ago it appeared as if our armies were very 
near their goal, the defeat of the enemy force, and peace. 
But what a change ! 

Forebodings were disseminated. A card was spread over 
the German trenches with the legend : 

To-day wc arc in retreat. Next year we shall be 

When the German generals gave public evidence of their 
alarm at the incursions of Allied propaganda in 1918, the 
Allied pamphleteers interpreted this to the Germans as a 
sign that their leaders wanted to keep the truth from them. 
A rumour that the German Government was at last disposed 
to make peace was circulated as another evidence of weak- 

The Americans, who entered the field of direct propaganda 
against Germany, and especially the German army, spent 
most of their energy advertising the news of America's 
strength. Little leaflets with a row of soldiers, whose size 
varied with the monthly increase in the number of American 
soldiers, were distributed over the German lines. 1,900,000 
Americans are now in France, said the card, and more than 
ten times as many stand ready in America. The extent of 
German casualties and tonnage losses was emphasized. That 
they were short of food and raw materials was insinuated by 

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such means as circulating the report that another smuggler 
had been arrested in a German city. 

Tracts with such questions as these were distributed far 
and wide : 

Will you ever again be as strong as you were in July. 
igi8 ? 

Will your opponents grow daily stronger or weaker ? 

Have your grievous losses suffered in 1918 brought you 
the victorious peace which your leaders promised you ? 

Have you still a final hope of victory ? 

Do you want to give up your life in a hopeless cause ?* 

, Another theme of first-rate importance when it is in 
juxtaposition to the foregoing is the privations to which the 
soldier and his family at home are subjected. Stories of 
want and misery at home were featured in a special French 
propaganda sheet, which was prepared for use among German 
soldiers, the Brief e aus Deutschland. In the brilliant attack 
upon Italian moral, which preceded the disaster of Caporetto 
in 1917, the Italian soldiers were sent appeals, ostensibly 
from home, beseeching them to lay down their arms and 
return to their families. 

The joys of home were subtly suggested by the French 


editors of Die Feldpost (another sheet for the German 
troops). They celebrated the Christmas season of 1915 by 
recalling all the simple pleasures of Christmas at home with 
the family in peace. 1 The amusements of civilian life were 
featured in the propaganda literature for the sake of inten- 
sifying war weariness. 

1 Hcber Blankenhom describes the American campaign in My Advtn- 
tures in Propaganda. 

1 Hansi and Tonnelet. Figure 4, opposite p. 24. 

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Another means of stressing want and privation is to 
circulate, as the Americans did, someihing which suggests 
the relative affluence and luxury of the enemy. A card, 
which was an exact reproduction of the official German 
field postal card, said : 

Write the address of your family upon this card, and if 
you are captured by the Americans, give it to the first 
officer who questions you. He will make it his business to 
forward it in order that your family may be reassured 
concerning your situation. 

(On the reverse) : 

Do not worry about me. The war is over for me. I have 
good food. The American Army gives its prisoners the 
same food as its own soldiers : Beef, white bread, potatoes, 
beans, prunes, coffee, butter, tobacco, etc . 1 

This was no new wrinkle in propaganda technique, for it is 
recorded that handbills were circulated among the British 
troops on Bunker Hill, offering them seven dollars a month, 
fresh provisions in plenty, health, freedom, ease, affluence, 
and a good farm, should they desert and join the American 

All the preparatory or auxiliary themes outlined so far 
are supposed to facilitate the task of substituting new’ hates 
for old. The next step is to concentrate upon the particular 
object of animosity about which it is hoped to polarize the 
sentiment of the enemy. One of the possible alternatives t 


is to transfer suspicion and hatred to an ally. 

The German propaganda did what it could to disinter the 
ancient animosity of the French for the English, France, 

1 Reproduced in Blankenhorn. p. 78. 

* C. K. Bolton, The Private Soldier under Washington, p. 90. Cited by 
Salmon, The Newspaper and the Historian, 340. 

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they said, is the cat’s-paw of the English. The English have 
been exceedingly backward in their war preparations, as 
Winston Churchill has recently acknowledged . 1 Their game 
is to let France bleed for them. Indeed, they are taking 
pains to establish themselves in permanent buildings at 
Calais, and any student of history knows how long it took 
to dislodge England the last time she had her clutches on 

The truth, declared the Germans, is that, far from 
threatening you, we are willing to join you in a common 
crusade against England, who has conspired with some of 
your meanest politicians to use your blood to crush our 
trade competition. We will gladly free you from the 
machinations of England, and help you to expand your 
colonial domain at the British expense. Between us we 
can dominate Europe, and to dominate Europe is to 
dominate the world. At the same time, we can emancipate 
you from Russia, whose Tsar is using France to enable him to 
grab Constantinople. 1 

The Allies, in their turn, strained every muscle to drive a 
wedge between Austria-Hungary and Germany. Rumours 
that the Dual Monarchy was negotiating a separate peace, 
were circulated among the German soldiers on the Western 
Front, for the purpose of stirring up hatred against Austria, 
and of demonstrating the hopelessness of the cause for which 
they had suffered so much. The report that the Austrians 
and Hungarians had plenty of food provoked considerable 
animosity in Germany, where the food restrictions were 

1 Gazette , 7 September. 1916. Marchand, p. 49- 

* Gazette. 26 April,* 1917. Marchand, p 47. 

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severe. The Austrians, for their part, were taunted as the 
slaves of Prussia, and wheedled by the possibility of 
territorial compensations at the expense of Germany, should 
they change sides. 

An ally is not the only possible object of diversion. The 
government and the governing caste may serve just as well. 
If the ruling person, clique or class can be made sufficiently 
obnoxious. Revolution comes, and in Revolution there is 
little remaining capacity for active hatred of the external 

During the last war every belligerent took a hand in the 
perilous business of fomenting dissension and revolution 
abroad, reckless of the possible repercussions of a successful 
revolt. There is reason to believe that, as early as 1915, the 
Germans were attempting to foster the collapse of Russia, by 
placing revolutionary reading matter in the hands of those 
Russian prisoners who might eventually return to Russia 
through exchange or release. 1 The famous episode of the 
sealed car, which contained Lenin and forty men, happened 
in 1917. 

The Allies set about quite consciously to uproot the 
Kaiser and the Imperial system in Germany. One of the 
leaflets which the French scattered over Germany contained 
a picture of the Kaiser and his husky sons, unscathed by 
war ; on the opposite side stood many rows of wooden 
crosses, to mark the final resting places of his loyal German 
subjects." Another leaflet showed the Kaiser and his general 

* A Russian who was permitted to visit some of these prison camps 
through the Red Cross arrangements made this the subject of a complaint. 

• Reproduced in Hansi and Tonnelet, p. 136. 

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staff, sitting about a table, conversing genially and 
drinking beer ; the reverse pictures an explosion in a 
front-line trench, where many bodies are being ripped to 
pieces. 1 

German Republicans who lived abroad were drafted or 
volunteered to discuss the responsibility of the Kaiser for 
the War. After the collapse of the great offensive in the 
spring of 1918 the Wilsonian propaganda in Germany 
reached its apex. His speeches were strewn far and wide, 
and they were successful in creating the impression that a 
Republican Germany would receive a soft peace from the 
western democracies. Care was taken to print all the 
passages of Wilson’s speeches which had been suppressed in 
Germany in red ink.* 

The British tried to suggest the imminence of revolutionary 
disturbances in Germany by means of news items, which 
told about secret precautions recently taken in Berlin, where 
a G.H.Q. order had just directed certain measures to be 
taken for the suppression of strikes. Every Socialist 
meeting which was suppressed received considerable 
publicity on the Western Front. The following item is a 
particularly subtle effort to carry the idea of revolution. 
It is in the form of a despatch from Stockholm : 

The German Minister in Stockholm has requested the 
Swedish Foreign Office to seize the copy of the New York 
Herald Magazine of the War of the 14th of July because it 
publishes on the front page a photograph of the German 
Emperor, underneath which are the words : — " What shall 
we do with the Kaiser after the War ? " The Minister of 

1 Reproduced in Hansi and Tonnelet, p. 160. 

* See Hansi and Tonnelet, p. 152. 

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Justice is said to have ordered the copies in question to be 

Although the Germans were finally bested in the game, 
they tried strenuously to demoralize the Allies through 
Revolution. Through the Gazette and every other channel 
open to them they endeavoured to hang the responsibility 
of the War upon Poincar6 and his clique. This was the 
group, they said, whose insane lust for revenge led them to 
carry on illicit negotiations with military and diplomatic 
circles in Belgium, to finance strategic railways in Russia, 
when they ought to have been providing for social welfare at 
home, to refuse to thwart the propaganda for Pan-Slavism, 
and to violate Belgian neutrality before Germany entered 
the War. 

The Germans came into possession of a crushing reply to 
the professions of international idealism with which the 
Allies filled the air. They gave as much publicity as their 
limited resources would permit to the secret treaties which 
the Allied powers had made. The idealistic Allies had 
carved up the world among themselves. Russia was 
promised Constantinople. Great Britain got the neutral 
zone north of its sphere of influence in Persia. The Italians 
got the Trentino and Trieste, plus the Slavic territories of 
Gorizi, Gradisca, Istria, Dalmatia and Valona. They were 
promised 200,000 Germans who lived in the Brenner Pass 
region and who had been Austrian subjects since the four- 
teenth century. The important ports of the Adriatic (except 
Fiumc) fell into their hands outright, or were neutralized. 

1 This and similar examples are given in Campbell. Secrets of Crewe 

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They secured the Greek Dodekanese Islands, some provinces 

in Asia Minor, and promises of colonies in Africa. Rumania 

was given territories inhabited by Serbs, Hungarians, 


Ruthenians and other Slavic nationalities. France gave 
Russia a free hand in Poland in return for a free hand on the 
western front in reference to Alsace-Lorraine, the Saar, and 
the left bank of the Rhine. Besides all this, the Turkish 
Empire and the colonies of Germany were sliced up and 
parcelled out. 

The revelation of these treaties not only created inter- 
Allied troubles, because the secret treaties revealed that the 
Allies had made contradictory promises to some of the weaker 
powers, but it had an immediate influence on the moral of 
Labour. The revelation of Allied duplicity produced the 
repercussions which have been referred to before. 1 

The Germans carried their attack upon national unity 
very far. They sought to arouse the wives at home by 
calling attention to the alarming extent to which prostitution 
was practised at the front. Dr. Graux records that, as early 
as July 1915. anonymous pamphlets were distributed in 
France, elaborating this theme.* 

No effort was spared to arouse the soldiers at the front 
against the supposed excesses of politicians, profiteers and 
officers behind the lines. The Gazette for November 5th, 
I9r6, alluded to the wives of soldiers left at home who find 
duty too burdensome to bear. The French Government 
was known to be responsible for importing the black 
inhabitants of Morocco into the War, and the Gazette took 

1 Page 62. 

* Graux, Lcs Fausses Nouvellcs, II: 151. 

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occasion to publish a letter which contained the remark 

Those dirty Moroccans have left offsprings right and 
left, like the Annamite . 4 

The French reproduced and circulated a cartoon from 
Simplicissimus'; in which a German schoolmaster asked an 
emaciated pupil why anyone is called a poor sinner, who is 
condemned to severe punishment. The reply was : 

“ Because a rich sinner is never punished severely. ”* 

The authorities encouraged fraternization between the 
Austrian and the Italian troops before the Caporetto affair, 
carefully using for that purpose some Austrian Communists, 
who had been infected by Communism or Socialism on the 
Russian front. Sometimes German pacifists were permitted 
to travel abroad, although the most rigorous limitations 
were placed on their agitation at home. 

The Germans appealed to every possible cleavage in the !; 
French nation, seeking to instigate party versus party, * 
farmers versus urbanites, provincials versus Parisians, 
workers versus employers, the army versus the nation, the 
army versus the government, and the legislature versus the 
executive . 3 

We have spoken of anti -Al ly and anti-Government pro- 
paganda, but some attention must be given to a third 
important possibility, anti-State propaganda. The late 
War proved how effective the instigation of secession may be, ( J 
when the belligerent is a heterogeneous State. The Allies 

* Gazette, April 29, 1917. * See Hansi and Tonnelet, p. 28. 

• Marcliaml, Section II. 

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began to talk about self-determination early in the War- 
The Tsar announced that he proposed to grant autonomy to 
a united Poland on the 16th of August, 1914. By the spring 
of 1916 the astronomer-aviator, Stefanik, offered to drop 
Czech proclamations by Masaryk over the lines of the 
Austrian Army, opposite the Italians. 1 

The Russians had dropped some gold coins with the 
Czechish national castle minted on one side inside the lines 
by aeroplane, but it was not until after the Declaration of 
Corfu in July, 1917, that the propaganda offensive against 
the Dual Monarchy began to inflict its greatest damage. 
According to this declaration, Pashitch and Trumbitch, 
" the authorized representatives of the Serbs, Croats and 
Slovenes," recognized the desire of our people “ to constitute 
itself in an independent national state " ; adopted as its 
name “ the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes " ; 
provided for the unification of its flag and Crown, but also 
for the free use of special Serb, Croat and Slovene flags and 
emblems ; for the freedom of the Orthodox, Roman Catholic 
and Mussulman creed ; declared that the Adriatic must be 
" a free and open sea," and that " the Kingdom will include 
all territory compactly inhabited by our people and cannot 
be mutilated without attaint to the vital interests of the 

The policy of partitioning Austria-Hungary was opposed, 
even at this comparatively late date, by numerous elements 
among the Allies. The New Europe, which was launched in 
October 19th, 1916, by Seton-Watson, Masaryk, Steed and 
certain others, tried to overcome the reluctance of the 

1 Steed. Through Thirty Years. II : 102. 

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British Government to come out boldly for the policy of 
partition. The Allied governments were embarrassed by the 
deal into which they had entered to bring Italy into the 
War in 1915, at which time the aspirations of the Southern 
Slavs were not definitely formulated. The Italians had been 
offered guarantees which were utterly incompatible with the 
unity of the Southern Slavs, and the Italians were disposed 
to hang fast to the advantages of the treaties. They pre- 
ferred annexations to the problematical friendship of an 
aggrandized Serbia, and they feared that a dismembered 
Austria would join Germany. Wickham Steed, of the London 
Times, an active member of the pro-Serbian propaganda 
group, credits the Jewish financial houses with wishing to 
maintain the German-Jewish financial system, which had 
formed the economic framework of Pan-Germanism, and 
with wishing to strengthen every element of opposition to 
the break-up of Austria-Hungary. The Roman Catholic 
hierarchy was likewise against the total submergence of the 
largest remaining Roman policy in Europe. British society 
cherished a soft spot for the Austrians because their homes 
were so well kept, their shooting so good, and their urbanity 
so unruffled. 1 

Indeed, it was not until after the disaster of Caporetto in 
October, 1917, that the Slavs and the Italians were able 
to agree, and to enable the Allied propaganda to assume its 
final proportions. Even then, it was not until the “ Pact 
of Rome ” of March, 1918, that the way was entirely cleared 
for one of the greatest propaganda feats of the War, the 
Congress of Oppressed Hapsburg Nationalities, which met at 

1 Steed, II : 129. 

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Rome in April. On October 26th, 1918, there was a con- 
vention in Philadelphia of twelve nationalities, who were 
determined upon securing liberty from their former rulers. 
The presiding officer was Professor Masaryk, who was the 
president of the Czecho-Slovak National Council, which had 
been recognized by the Allied governments. Most of the 
Press spoke of the gathering in Independence Hall as a 
Czecho-Slovak Convention because of Masaryk's prominence 
and the tremendous impression which had been made upon 
the public mind by the Czecho-Slovak Legion in Russia, and 
the Division of Czecho-Slovak troops in France. All the 
delegates to the Convention solemnly signed a Declaration 
of Independence, and the event was widely heralded in 
America and Europe. 1 

Another brilliant stroke on the part of Allied propaganda 
was the encouragement of Zionism. In November, 1917, 
Mr. Balfour, then Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, com- 
mitted the British government to the establishment of a 
Jewish National Home in Palestine. This gave the material 
for an able appeal to the Jews in German}' and, incidentally, 
increased the interest of American Jewry in the War. 
General Ludendorff regarded the Balfour Declaration as the 
cleverest thing done by the Allies in the nature of war 
propaganda, and lamented the fact that Germany had not 
thought of it first. 

The efforts made by the Central Powers to instigate 
secession fell flat. As early as the spring of 1915 the 
Austrians tried to dissolve Russia. The French Ambassador 

1 For an account of the proceedings, sec the agitation journals. The 
Cxecho-Slovak Review for November, 1918. summarizes it briefly. 

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was told by Goremykin, President of the Council, on the 
ioth of April, 1915. that 

Austria is making great efforts to create a national move- 
ment among the Ukrainians. Surely you know that there 
is a society for the Liberation of the Ukraine in Vienna ? 
It publishes pamphlets and maps in Switzerland. I get 
them, and they certainly reveal very intense propaganda 
activity . 1 

Germany tried to stir up the Irish against the English 
and to precipitate trouble in Northern Africa, Egypt and 
India. They tried to split Belgium by encouraging the 
“ Walloon movement," but to little avail. 

Several movements which were, in effect, a reductio ad 
absurdum of the principle of self-determination were begun 
during the War. One of them grew in the fertile brain of a 
member of the Austrian Press service. He chanced to be in 
occupied Italian territory and overheard a conversation 
which he could not quite make out. He discovered that 
it was a local speech known as Friul, spoken in a few villages 
in Udine Province. He wrote an article demanding self- 
determination for the users of Friul, and precipitated quite 
an angry Press campaign in Italy. 

A large element in propaganda against the enemy is the) 
invention of ways and means for the transmission of sug-\ 
gestions to the enemy. It is proposed to deal with some ' 
of the more specialized appliances which were used for this 
purpose in the last War rather than to touch upon them in 
the section which is devoted to the general consideration of 
tactical matters. 

1 PaUeologue, An Ambassador's Memoirs. I : 327 

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Efforts were first made by the belligerents to penetrate 
behind the lines of their opponents by means of insertions 
in the neutral Press. Newspapers were purchased in 
Switzerland and other neutral countries for this purpose. 
Almost simultaneously the belligerents began to invent 
ways and means of direct transmission. 

The French began to publish a regular periodical in 
October, 1915, for dissemination among the soldiers of their 
opponents. The periodical was variously known as Die 
Feldpost, Kriegsbldtter fiir das dcutsche Volk , and Das freie 
deutsche Wort. Books and occasional pamphlets were 
copiously employed. A tiny edition of J' accuse was sent 
far and wide, for the purpose of preaching German respon- 
sibility for the War. By the same method various books 
were published from the pens of Dr. Herman Femau, Dr. 
Muehlen, Prince Lichnowsky and others. Several fervent 
brochures, prepared by Dr. Hermann Rosemeier, who until 
liis flight in September, 1914, had edited the Morgenpost of 
Berlin, were distributed. 1 

Die Kriegsfackel was put out occasionally for the sole 
purpose of discussing the question of war guilt.* Brief e aus 
Deutschland and Griisse an die Heimat were also published 
irregularly. The former was devoted to letters and news 
items upon internal conditions in Germany, and the latter 
was made up of letters from German prisoners who testified 
about their excellent treatment in France. The French 
forged a number of the Strassburger Post, a famous organ of 

1 Die Vorgeschichte des Krieges; Deutsches Volh, wach ' auf / See Hansi 
and Tonnelet, opposite p. 56. 

* See Hansi and Tonnelet. opposite p. 38. 

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Germanization, on the 29th of August, 1916, and on the 
16th October, 1917. This was principally intended to 
encourage the pro-French elements inside Alsace and Lor- 
raine, and was full of sparkling satire upon German adminis- 
tration. The famous yarn about the British intention to 
occupy Calais was dealt with as follows : 

We are able to confirm this almost incredible news (that 
the French have leased Calais to the English for 99 years). 
Our correspondent has interviewed a French officer of high 
rank (adjutant) in Switzerland, originally from the vicinity 
of Beaucaire, who, in tears, and with every mark of dejec- 
tion, confessed that he had himself seen the city of Calais 
and the English government conclude the contract. The 
rental was fixed at 255,000 pounds sterling per month ; it 
is payable in advance on the first of each month. Upon 
receiving this amount, the Mayor of Calais divides it among 
the inhabitants of the city. All expenses for light and 
street cleaning, together with an obligation to sprinkle sand 
on the sidewalks in case of a freeze are assumed by the 
renter ; the owner pays for repairs. Either party may 
terminate the contract at will upon nine months’ notice. — 
Behold the depths to which France has fallen in humiliating 
herself before the perfidious Albion ! If the citizens of 
Calais imagine that the intrepid German Michel intends 
to deliver them from the clutches of the English, that 
nation of shopkeepers, they are deluding themselves. . . . 
Wc have already tried it once, and we will most assuredly 
not undertake it again. 1 

The French also forged a number of the Frankfurter 
Zeitung in July, 1917. They copied and parodied the leaflets 
which were used for war loan propaganda in Germany. 
Republican propaganda which was written by Siegfried 
Balder and a troupe of others was sent over the lines. 

1 Hansi and Tonnelet, p. 60. 

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Special pamphlets were devoted to justifying the French 
claim to Alsace and Lorraine. 

In addition to these efforts, the French published La Voix 
du Pays for distribution among the occupants of the invaded 
territories and of Alsace and Lorraine. Special appeals 
were addressed to the Bavarians in the hope of stirring up 
the South against the North. The French tried to send as 
much of their propaganda as possible through the Swiss 
postal service into Germany. They used a Swiss publishing 
house to prepare material which they smuggled over the 
border. One clever agent sold preserves to Germany and 
stuffed the cartons with Allied propaganda stuff. 

In 1916 the British War Office 1 created a branch of the 
Directorate of Military Intelligence known as M.I.7.b., the 
new staff establishing Le Courrier de l’ Air for the purpose 
of reassuring the inhabitants of the invaded territory that 
the cause was not lost. Copies of the paper even reached 
the interior of Germany, where they aroused the fury of the 
German authorities. This paper was published uninter- 
ruptedly from April 6th, 1917, until January 25th, 1918- Its 
publication was suspended for a time, as a result of an order 
issued by the German military command to try the occupants 
of any aeroplane which carried “ seditious literature ” by 
court-martial, and to inflict severe penalties upon them. 
This threat was followed by an example of its execution, and 
the Courrier was suspended until a new mode of dissemination 
could be perfected. Publication was resumed March 7th, 

1 Major C. J. C. Street. *' Propaganda Behind the Lines.” Cornhill Maga- 
tine, 3rd Series, 47 (1919) : 488-499. 

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The development of better methods of distribution is 
traced by Major Street in these pages : 

There is no intrinsic difficulty in scattering pieces of 
paper any more than there is in scattering pieces of steel, 
but the desired destination of the two forms of missile 
varies, as does the effect they are intended to produce. A 
shell, to secure its maximum effect, should burst in the 
centre of a group of men ; propaganda leaflets, on the \ 
contrary, should be dispersed as widely as possible, and then | 
should avoid the highly disciplined group, and should arrive 
within the grasp of the lonely sentry, free from the influence 
of his compatriots, and with nothing else to divert his • 
thoughts. The group would probably treat a leaflet as a 
joke, the isolated man would read it through sheer boredom, 
and would possibly be induced to believe that there was 
something in its argument. And once propaganda has 
secured even the vaguest mistrust of the doctrines that it 
combats, its task is more than half accomplished. 

Both the Allied Powers and the Central Empires experi- 
mented with propaganda projectiles, using the trench' 
mortar as their means of projection. The idea was, in most 
cases, to construct a bomb with a small bursting charge, 
which should, upon its arrival over the opposing lines, 
release a shower of pamphlets upon the heads of an aston- 
ished enemy. But the system had its obvious drawbacks. 

A trench mortar has always been an unpopular weapon, 
credited with the effect of incurring retaliation more than 
outweighing the damage it may possibly produce. Further, 
the most susceptible might well be expected to resent a 
shower of words hurled at him by so direct a method or, 
if not to resent it, at all events to ridicule it as rather too 
obvious a ruse de guerre. There is something inconsistent 
about an army that makes life unbearable with “ flying 
pigs ” one moment, and the next sends out, through the 
mouths of the very same weapons, a flood of literature 
proclaiming that all men arc brothers, or some other 
pacific doctrine. It was not long before the trench mortar, 
as a projector of propaganda, was abandoned in favour of j 
the aeroplane. 

This later weapon seemed at first to have every qualifi- 

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cation for the purpose. It could scatter innumerable 
leaflets from any convenient height, and, owing to the 
length of time taken by them in falling, their arrival had no 
visible connection with its flight. Far more effect would 
naturally be produced by a leaflet blowing into a trench 
from nowhere in particular than from one obviously hurled 
by a lethal engine. Further, the aeroplane had a far greater 
\ penetration, could scatter its propaganda over rest-billets 
' and railheads as well as over the trenches themselves. 

The advantages of this were twofold : the leaflets could 
i be found and picked up over a far greater area, and men 
I some way back from the line had more leisure and inclina- 
tion to ponder their contents. But, on the other hand 
there were many other calls upon the aeroplanes available. 
It was argued with a considerable show of reason that if a 
plane could be sent upon a flight over hostile territory it 
would be better employed dropping bombs than propaganda. 
Some went so far as to say that the best propaganda that 
could be dropped over the enemy were bombs and plenty 
of them, a contention that was correct as regards the Rhine 
towns and incorrect as regards London. At all events, it 
was felt that the aeroplane was too valuable a fighting 
machine proper to be employed as a disseminator of leaflets. 

The next idea was the employment of observation 
balloons, which were to carry a supply of pamphlets to be 
thrown overboard when the wind was blowing towards the 
enemy lines. Apart from the fact that the occupants of 
the balloon were usually too busy with their proper function 
of observation to worry much about casting packets of 
paper into space, the observation balloon had many dis- 
advantages. A more ingenious and elaborate development 
of the observation balloon scheme was a revival of the man- 
lifting kite. When the wind was favourable, the kite was 
flown from some suitable spot, and a “ follower," carrying 
a bundle of leaflets, caused to travel up the taut string of 
the kite. The " follower ” was fitted with an automatic 
release, which functioned at a predetermined height, 
allowed the leaflets to fly away, and the ‘ ‘ follower ’ ’ to fall 
to the ground again ready for recharging. When the con- 
trivance did not jamb, it was a very entertaining toy to 
play with. 

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It was not until late in 1916 that the free balloon was 
seriously considered as a vehicle of propaganda. The idea 
had always been obvious ; load a balloon with the leaflets 
it was intended to distribute, send it up with a favourable 
wind, and there you were. The difficulty lay in predicting 

within a thousand miles or so where the balloon would 
come down. It was not until the science of meteorology, 
urgently impelled by the needs of the Artillery, made its 
marvellous war-time developments, that balloons could be 
used scientifically. " Meteor,” in the shape of the various 
meteorological experts attached to the forces, eventually 
became able to gauge the velocity and direction of the wind 
at practically any height in any given locality. The rest 
was simple, so soon as a simple and reliable release had been 
evolved. You took your balloon to a given spot, say, ten 
miles behind the lines, you knew your balloon would rise 
to, say, six thousand feet, and travel at that height until its 
burden was released. “ Meteor ” gave the velocity of the 
wind at twenty miles an hour, south-west, at that height 
and place. Forty miles from the balloon position, and 
bearing north-east, was an enemy concentration camp. 
Load your balloon with the required type of propaganda 
leaflet, set your release to act in rather less than two hours, to 
allow of drift of the leaflets when falling, and there you were. 

. . . The balloons were made of paper, “ doped '' with a 
preparation to render them hydrogen tight. 

As equipped for service in France, a propaganda balloon 
section consisted of a couple of three-ton lorries for the 
conveyance of the hydrogen cylinders, balloons, and leaflets, 
with the necessary personnel of officer and a few men. 
Certain stations were selected, such that some desirable 
target could be reached with any direction of wind from 
north round by west to south. . . . 

The means of attachment was the solution of the whole 
problem of the use of balloons, and was as simple as it was 
ingenious. A length of the orange-coloured woven tinder, 
sold at every tobacconist's for use in pipe-lighters, was 
taken, and one end of it fixed to the balloon. The sheaves 
of leaflets were strung on cotton tags, as used for binding 
papers in Government offices. The end of each tag was 
driven through the length of tinder at calculated distances 


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from the free end. The rate of burning of the tinder was 
ascertained by experiment, and found to be, say, one inch 
in five minutes. If the target were twenty miles an hour, 
the balloon would be over the target in forty minutes. The 
tags would then be inserted at close intervals from six to 
ten inches from the end of the tinder. 

Just as the balloon was released, the end of the tinder 
was held against a lighted cigarette, and commenced to bum. 

The Allies had the wind at their backs during most of the 
summer and autumn of 1918, when their propaganda 
attained its greatest proportions, and material was 
distributed over a zone, 350 miles deep, behind the German 
lines. By August they had achieved a distribution of 
100,000 leaflets a day, which meant that between four and 
five million leaflets were sent over monthly. 

The Allies solved the problem of distribution much better 

than the Germans were able to do. One of the finest strokes 


of German propaganda was the publication of the captured 

list in the Gazette des Ardennes . This made it possible for 

the people in the occupied territory to have a valid excuse 

to read a paper which was obviously pro-German. 

A clandestine Press service was built up to supply the 

Belgians with news of the Entente world, and was an 

important influence alike in the stimulation of their own 

moral, and in permeating the nearest German populations.* 

This review of the problem of demoralizing the enemy 

seems to show that the principal theme is the impossibility 

of victory, and that a discouraged nation may turn against 

an ally, or its own governing class, and lose by the secession 


of minority nationalities. 

1 See, for the story of La libre Belgique, Jean Massart, The Secret Prtfs 
of Belgium. \ 

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Successful propaganda depends upon the adroit use of 
means u h der~ YaVou fable conditions. A means is anything 
which the propagandist can manipulate ; a condition is 
anything to which he must adapt. A propagandist can 
alter the organization of his activities, modify the streams 
of suggestion which he releases, and substitute one device 
of communication foT another, but he must adjust himself 
to traditional prejudices, to certain objective facts of 
international life, and to the general tension level of the 
community. Both the conditions and the methods of 
propaganda have been mentioned explicitly or by impli- 
cation in the course of the present study, and the time 
has come to draw them together in more systematic 

^ The achievements of propaganda are affected by thtf 
traditional prejudices of the nation and of each constituent 
group. The French had the advantage of a great historic 
friendship with America, a heritage of the gratitude which 
the struggling colonists felt for aid of the French in the 
Revolution. The Germans counted upon the sympathy of 
their former nationals, and of the Irish-Jewish blocs. The 
British could rely upon a very deep and pervasive community 
of feeling, which was so general that it was frequently ignored 


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in the presence of more spectacular and less profound 

Propagandists are always likely to run foul of some 
deeply imbedded prejudice. Thus the Germans seized upon 
the alleged franc-tircur excesses of the Belgian people to 
justify their own acts to the world and to the German public. 
But when the Prussians began to circulate tales of Catholic 
priests who urged their parishioners to kill the invader with 
every means in their command, a cross-current was set up 
at home. The Catholics arose to contradict the rumours.. 
The Catholics had organized a Zentralauskunftstelle der 
katholischen Presse in 1900. This was revamped into the 
Rcchtschutzstelle fur die katholische Geistlichkeit at Frankfurt 
in 1913. In 1906 another service was set up at Cologne, 
bearing the name Priesterverein Pax fiir das katholische 
Deutschland. Both services began to cast insinuations and 
contradictions upon the Prussian versions of Catholic 
atrocities in Belgium, and these were snapped up abroad and 
used by the Allies to discredit the German tales about 
Belgium. 1 

Such prejudices continually circumscribed the propa- 
gandist. J His freedom is further restricted by the network 
of connections between nations. The British held the cable 
communications between America and Europe in the hollow 
of their hands, and this had far-reaching results. The 
Germans tried in vain to offset such a handicap by exploiting 
the wireless, but with mediocre success. Anyone who knew 
the history of American foreign attitudes could have pre- 

1 See AJWt Hftlhvig, *' Zur Pjychologie des Belgischen Fraaktireur- 
krieses.*' J'reuss. Jahrb., Bd. 174 : 3^-388. 

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dieted in 1914 that the British viewpoint stood an excellent 
chance of infecting America, for American public opinion has 
often been a cockle-shell, floating helplessly and uncon- 
sciously in the wake of the British man-of-war. After the 
Civil War the American nation was a warm friend of Russia 
and bought “ Seward's ice box ” as a gift of gratitude for 
the Tsar’s moral support during the conflict. In the super- 
vening years, America had few direct contacts with Russia, 
but American friendship passed over into active hostility. 
The explanation is very simple : America was fed on the 
British Press and Britain was in conflict with Russia. 

There are objective similarities and differences in social 
customs and institutions between two nations, and these 

cannot be waved aside. After all is said and done, it was 
true that Britain, France and Belgium were more demo- 
cratic than Germany in their basic political institutions, and 
that Americans spoke English and read English, and not 
German. Americans knew Shakespeare and not Goethe, 
and they thought the Battle of Waterloo was won by the 
Duke of Wellington, and not by BlUcher. The basic 
patterns of American life were more English than German. 1 

There are often interpenetrations of population which 
make it difficult to control sentiment at will. The customs 
and habits and competitive power of various immigrant 
groups in America influenced the American attitude and 
the attitude of their countries of origin. Many of the 
Russians who returned home when the Revolution came, 
carried back tales of reeking tenements and twelve-hour 


1 For an able exposition of these points see the booklet by Professor 
Moritz Bonn, Anuriha ali Feind. 

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shifts in the steel mills. When the American propagandists 
undertook to extol the virtues of American democracy, 
some embarrassing questions were always forthcoming from 
the audience. 

One form of population interpenetration, which is 
particularly important in war, is the quartering of invaders 
\ upon the inhabitants of a conquered territory. A foreign 
military occupation produces all sorts of friction between 
the authorities and the inhabitants, and the distressing 
incidents which abound in war are particularly common 
then. The Germans occupied Belgium and were embar- 
rassed by compromising collisions with the civilians. The 
Allies were able to make tremendous play with everything 
that happened and a great deal that did not ; the Germans 
could only retort by repeating the horrors of the Russian 
occupation of Eastern Prussia, which was too far away to 
arouse the sympathy and pity of the Americans. 

There may be important connecting links of an economic 
character between two countries. It is generally recognized 
as a principle of international politics that when a country 
has loaned money to another it is likely to come to the aid 
of its debtor, should a third party threaten -its ability to pay. 
The Americans who loaned their money to the Allies during 
the period of American neutrality may have advanced it 
out of sentimental preference for the Allied cause (the House 
of Morgan was English in origin and affiliation), but qnce 
tied to the Allies, the cords of sympathy were strengthened 
by bonds of gold. The sequel confinns the axiom that the 
creditor is bound to the debtor. 

During the war-time the relative military strength of the 

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contesting parties is a decisive point. Great movements 
of retreat cannot be concealed for long, and prolonged 
humiliation spreads the seeds of discord and defeatism. 
The German propagandists could invent no new hope to 
replace the disillusionment of midsummer, 1918 ; the appeal 
to arms had exhausted their credit, and destroyed the simple 
faith of the masses. Lord Grey has written some sage words 
about how easy it is to exaggerate the role of diplomacy in 
war-time, and what he says applies to propaganda, which is 
one of the tools of diplomacy. The pivotal front is the 
military front. 

Even the battle of the Marne was. to outside opinion, 
rather the saving of Paris than a great victory, an arrest of 
the German advance rather than a turning of the tide in 
favour of the latter. Then followed the first battle of Y pres, 
in which the Franco- British line was brought near to another 
catastrophe. In 1915 there were no Allied successes of 
magnitude sufficient to counteract the deplorable impression 
made by the huge Russian disasters. In 1916 the Germans 
failed at Verdun, but the French suffered heavily, and the 
year was rather one of German failure than of Allied success, 
except the Brusiloff offensive. This brought the Ruman- 
ians in. Even the gaps in the Austrian line made by 
Brusiloff were completely stopped in a short time. The 
task of Allied diplomacy in Europe during the war was 
indeed uphill and thankless work. 1 

The preceding paragraphs have enumerated some of the 
connecting links which bind nations together and which 
condition the success of propaganda. These are, for the most 
part, quite tangible things which anyone can see on close . 
inspection : the communication network, similarities and 
differences in customs and institutions, interpenetration of ■ 
1 Lord Grey. Twenty- Five Yeats. II : 165. 




‘ population, economic ties, relative military power. We now 
\ come to a limiting factor which is unquestionably present, 
but which is neither simple to describe nor to explain : the . 

tension level. 

By the tension level is meant that condition of adaption 
or mal-adaption, which is variously described as public 
anxiety, nervousness, irritability, unrest, discontent or strain. 
The propagandist who deals with a community when its 
tension level is high, finds that a reservoir of explosive energy 
can be touched off by the same small match which would 
normally ignite a bonfire. 

Some day it will undoubtedly be possible to connect the 
fundamental biological and psychological processes with 
this phenomenon, but to-day the field is a battleground of 
rival conjectures. Every school of psychological thought 
seems to agree, however, that war is a type of influence, 
which has vast capacities for releasing repressed impulses, 
and for allowing their external manifestations in direct form. 
There is thus a general consensus that the propagandist is 
able to count upon very primitive and powerful allies in 
mobilizing his subjects for war-time hatred of the enemy. 
The possibility also exists that there are physiological or 
psychological types which respond more readily than others 
to the bellicose stimuli circulated by the propagandist. 1 

It may be that further research will confirm the hypothesis 
of Clark Wissler, that there are special situations in the 

1 For the concept of the tension level in individual psychology, see the 
masterly essay by Pierre Janet In the TraiU de psychologic (edited by 
Dumas). Tome i. Applications of the notion of liberated repressions to 
war will be found in the books of such widely separated psychologist* as 
Ernest Jones and George Patrick ( Essays in Psycho-analysis and The 
Psychology of Relaxation) . 

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cultural life of a group in which definite psychological dis- 
positions lead toward expansion. This anthropologist 
writes : 

when a group comes into a new solution to one of its import-* 
ant culture problems, it becomes zealous to spread that idea' 
abroad, and is moved to embark upon an era of conquest^ 
to force the recognition of its merits. 1 


He also says that the extension of the material culture 
zone beyond the zone of political control, is likely to produce 
irritations which lead to an attempt to enlarge the political 
zone to coincide.* 

Certainly, there is reason for believing that the propa- ^ 
gandist who works upon an industrialized people, is dealing 
with a jnore tense and mobile population than that which 
inhabits an agrarian state. Industrialism has apparently 
increased the danger from those secret mines which are 
laid by repression, for it has introduced both the monotony 
of machine tending, and the excitement of much secondary 
stimulation. The rhythm and clang of exacting machinery 
is no less characteristic of the industrial way of life, than the 
blazing array of billboards, window displays, movies, vaude- 
villes, and newspapers, which convey abundant and baffling 
possibilities of personal realization. The stage is set, and 

a coarse patriotism, fed by the wildest rumours and the 
most violent appeals to hate and the animal lust of blood, 
passes by quick contagion through the crowded life of the 
cities, and recommends itself everywhere by the satisfaction 
it affords to the sensational cravings. It is less the savage 
yearning for personal participation in the fray than the 
feeling of a neurotic imagination that marks Jingoism.* 

* Man and Culture, p. 339. • Same, p. 174. 

• John A. Hobson, The Psychology of Jingoism. Chapter I, Iondon, 1900. 


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Both literacy and the Press are offspring of the machine 
age. The Press lives by advertising ; advertising follows 
circulation, and circulation depends on excitement. " What 
sells a newspaper ? ” A former associate of Lord North- 
cliffe answers : 

The first answer is “ war. 1 ' War not only creates a 
supply of news but a demand for it. So deep-rooted is the 
fascination in war and all things appertaining to it that . . . 
a paper has only to be able to put up on its placard “ A 
Great Battle ” for its sales to mount up.* 




This is the key to the proclivity of the Press to aggravate 
public anxiety in moments of crises. 

C So much for the general factors which condition the 
'i success of propaganda. ^Success depends upon traditional 
I prejudices, objective connections between nations, and the 
( changing level of popular irritability. No matter how 
skilful the propagandist may be in organizing his staff, 
selecting suggestions, and exploiting instruments of trans- 
mission, his manipulative skill will go for nought if there 
is no favourable juxtaposition of social forces to aid him.J 
The degree to which the propagandist is master of ms 
fate depends in part upon the method of organization 
which he adopts. A number of agencies always engage in 
greater or less measure in war propaganda work ; the 
Foreign Office, the Diplomatic and Consular staffs ; the 
War Department, the General Staff and Field Headquarters ; 
and the principal service departments of internal adminis- 
tration. Since propaganda is, by its nature, incapable of 
complete segregation in the hands of one staff, unity must 

1 Kennedy Jones, Fleet Street and Downing Street , p. 108. 


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be achieved by the devious path of co-ordination, rather 
than by the simple act of Exclusive delegation. -jDuring the 
last War the nations sought to minimize the dangers oT^ 
contradiction, malproportion and duplication by resorting 
to one of three main types of co-ordination : the Press 
conference (Germany) ; the committee of executives, each 
responsible for a principal branch of propaganda work 
(Great Britain) ; and the single propaganda executive, 
operating in the name of the principal departments (the 
United StatefyJ^The Germans got no further than common 
Press conferences and sporadic efforts at co-ordination 
because of the excessive friction between their civil and 
military authorities. Except for special commissioners who 
were sent to certain of the most important foreign countries, 
the French relied upon their existing agencies of govern- 
ment. The British were finally constrained to set up a 
committee of executives of approximately ministerial 
importance, each one of whom was charged with some such 
important branch of propaganda as enemy, home, allied or 
neutral. By securing a man of prestige to head each 
important sendee, policy was itself occasionally modified 
for the better. Northcliffe brought the Cabinet to straighten 
out its policy toward the Italians and the Jugo-Slavs, and 
the results vindicated the maxim that policy and propaganda 
should go hand in hand. The United States solved its 
problem by creating an ex-officio committee of the heads of 
principal departments (State, War and Navy) and one 
earnest and aggressive man who did the effectual work. 
Integration in Creel’s hands was justifiable because of the 
comparative simplicity of America’s propaganda both at 

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home and abroad. The British had to deal with such a 
complex of foreign problems that extreme integration might 
have stifled ready adjustment. 

The war experience seems to warrant the belief that the 
directors of each important propaganda service should be 
men whose prestige equals that of the policy determining 
officers, and that the staff should be selected from newspaper- 
men — rather than proprietors — from popular writers, and 
from the members of the new propaganda profession. 

The War abundantly demonstrated that the relation 
between the propaganda services and the legislature is a 
thorny problem. The executive arm of a democratic 
government may pervert a propaganda bureau to partisan, 
personal or class ends, and it may bind the legislature in 
advance, by stimulating public opinion, to favour its own 
policy. The executive may use the bureau to popularize 
an erroneous picture of the facts, and the legislature, con- 
scious of all this, may assail the executive in unmeasured 
terms and undermine public confidence in its leaders. The 
best adjustment here does not depend upon statutes or 
ordinances, but upon the cultivation of informal channels of 
acquaintance and communication through which legislators 
may be brought into closer contact with the facts of the 
service. If matters go badly, they can, and should, protest. 
But their remarks should be grounded upon something more 
tangible than mere mistrust. It was the failure to close the 
gap between the legislator and the administrator, which led 
to the undignified and unjust criticism of the Committee of 
Public Information in the American Congress. There is 
no doubt, of course, that democratic governments must 

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assume the task, regardless of all complicating difficulties, 
of mobilizing minds as well as men and money in war. 

The general form of propaganda organization is a van- \ 
able one, which the propagandist may adapt to his purposes. • 
His problem, however, consists principally in selecting the ** 
social suggestions best calculated to evoke the desired ^ 
responses. In this he is governed, in the first instance, by 
the broad strategic aims of propaganda. There are four 

major objectives : 

,i>(i) To mobilize hatred against the enemy ; 

' (2) To preserve the friendship of ^Jlifjs ; 
i (3) To preserve the friendship and, if possible, to procure 
• the co-operation of neutrals ; , , 

(4) To demoralize the enemy. 


The general theory of the appeals to be employed to 
achieve each aim has been developed in the previous chap- 
ters of this inquiry, and may be summarized rather briefly 
at this point. 

To mobilize the hatred of the people against the enemy, 
represent the opposing nation as a menacing, murderous 
aggressor. Represent the enemy as an obstacle to the # 
realization of the cherished ideals and dreams of the nation 

as a whole, and of each constituent unit. It is through the 
elaboration of war aims that the obstructive rdle of the 
enemy becomes particularly evident. Represent opposing 
nation as satanic ; it violates all the moral standards (mores) ' 
of the group, and insults its self-esteem. The maintenance 

of hatred depends upon supplementing the direct repre- 
sentations of the menacing, obstructive, satanic enemy by 
assurances of ultimate victory. 

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, To preserve friendly relations with an ally, the cardinal 
themes are our strenuous exertion in the prosecution of -the 
war, and our hearty assent to the cherished war aims of the 
ally. This may be supported by demonstrations of respect 
and esteem and by all the themes of domestic propaganda. 

To win the f riendship of a neutral, lead the neutral to 
identify his own interests with the defe at of our enemy. In 
addition to the ordinary devices, seek to^draw_ th& neutral 
into active co-operation in some non-military capacity. If 
all else fails, re-enforce pacifism, by portraying the horrors 
of war, and the unwillingness of the enemy to make peace, 
and stir up trouble between two neutrals. 

To demoralize the enemy, substitute new hates for old. 
The edge of animosity may be somewhat blunted by direct 
counterstimulation, but diversion depends mainly upon 
spreading discouragement and instigating defeatism. The 
way is then paved for violent campaigns against allies, 
against the governing class, and among national minorities, 
against the unity of the state. 

These themes were present in each war propaganda during 
the last War, but some of them were more effectively utilized 
by one belligerent than another. The Britis h were amazingly 
successful in the development of humanitarian war aims. 
The Germans aro used much re sentment and suspicion 
abroad by talking about a war of German Kultur, and by 
underplaying the humanitarian ideal. The British talked 
about a war to protect international law and to guarantee 
the sanctity of treaties, and they fought against a monster, 
known as autocratic militarism, in the name of democracy. 
British public men began to talk about a war to end war 

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long before the German statesmen learned this vocabulary. 
Indeed, the colourless and halting pronouncements of 
Bethmann-Hollweg seemed more like concessions wrested from 
an unimaginative soul than programmes promulgated by a de- 
termined leader. Wilsonian phraseology touched the imagina- 
tion of powerful elements throughout the world. In th e duel 
of words the Germans fought with pasteboard against steel. 

The Germans were never able to efface the initial impres- 
sion that they were aggressors. This was due in part to the 
stupidity of their own appeals. They continued to talk 
about " Einkreisung ” in America, where the danger of 
encirclement is a theoretical conjecture for which there is 
no counterpart in recent American tradition. They never 
dramatized the aggressiveness of their enemies as did the - 
Allies, who invented the myth of the “ Potsdam Council." 
They never succeeded in getting over the idea of a war 
hatched by a vain and dissolute uncle (Edward VII.) in a fit 
of pique at the success of his nephew (William II.) ; they 
failed to humanize and dramatize the diplomatic game, and 
held fast to diplomatic jargon and German catchwords, 
which lacked fire and fury in America. 

NJuch of the German propaganda proved to be a 
boomerang. It is appalling that responsible directors of 
propaganda should have done everything in their power to 
circulate the charge that the Belgians were sniping. The 
Kaiser went so far as to make a public protest to President 
Wilson. The truth is that the report that the Belgians were 
sniping aroused admiration in America. It seemed to show 
how plucky these little Belgians really were, for the 
American public was a civilian public, and it knew that 

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Belgium was little and that Germany was big, and it cheered 
whenever the underdog bit. 

The explanation of the maladroitness of the German 
propaganda is partly the influence which the military mind 
had upon it. To the soldier it is utterly inexcusable for a 
civilian to shoot a man in uniform. He has a strict code of 
ethics, which is dictated by consideration for his own skin, 
and he distinguishes sharply between what is permitted a 
man in uniform, and what is permitted a man out of uniform. 
These elementary distinctions are vague, and nearly 
meaningless to the public mind in such a country as the 
United States, where military training is the exception and 
not the rule. The American cartoonists reflected the civilian 
mind when they lampooned the big, coarse German, who 
howled to heaven that the little fellow whom he was beating 
• had stung him with a pebble from a sling shot. The failure 
I of the Germans to neutralize the Cavell incident has already 
been alluded to, and it typifies a military mind which is 
opaque to the civilian point of view. 

Instead of complaining about the snipers in Belgium the 
Germans would have been better advised to have appointed 
a distinguished jury of neutrals to investigate the Welfare 
of the Belgian people, and to have broadcasted its report all 
over the world. As it was, they never neutralized the effect 
of the Bryce report. 

The Germans cast no anchors to windward during the 
opening weeks of the War. They talked about the invincible 
German army, and predicted victory on a definite date. 1 

1 The reason their propaganda began rather late and lost many openings 
vraa that they expected an early military victory. 



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They did not advertise the invasions in East Prussia, and 
their march through Belgium and northern France seemed 
to belie any theory of unpreparedness. 

The French propaganda was lucid and, simple. Her 
retiring armies told a prima facie story of who had been 
prepared for the War (after the earty cloud of false news had 
blown aside), and her chief propaganda was that of simple 
satanism. The Germans were never able to popularize so 
striking an epithet as " Hun ” or " Boche ” and their clumsy 
exhortations to hate or their sneering references to the “ All- 
lies/’ were much less powerful and invidious. The French 
vocabulary had powerful words like humanity and democracy, 
which reverberated with a tremendous clang abroad. 

Little attention has been paid here to that aspect of 
influencing, which is often called “ propaganda of the deed/' 
By this is usually meant some isolated act of violence, 
which is intended to produce a powerful impression. The 
dropping of bombs upon enemy cities was less for immediate 
military and strategic purposes, than for propaganda pur- 
poses. It was supposed that civilian moral would crack 
under the strain of perpetual fear. This, besides the pro- 
paganda of frightfulness and other acts of frightfulness, was 
supposed to produce discouragement and defeatism. 

Since much of the talk about frightfulness during the last 
War was sheer propaganda against the enemy, the effect 
of overt acts of this kind can be judged by the influence of 
such propaganda. On t he whole, its chief result was t o 
stiffen the d etermination of the people to defend themselves. 

It may be unreliable, but there is a story with a flash of 
insight which tells about the German aviator who objected 




to dropping any more bombs on London, because he had not 
entered the War to be a recruiting officer for the British 

army. Civilians become habituated to raids, as Londoners 
did to the Zeppelin raids, and humour and ridicule soften 
the trial. The London stores advertised all sorts of acces- 
sories for '* Zeppelin parties," and one is even supposed to 
have offered a special line of “ Zepp nighties." 

" The Allied propaganda of discouragement made little 
impression on the Germans until 1918. Indeed, the British 
wasted some of their early effort on vain boastings, when the 
German army was actually in victorious march against them. 

1 The American propaganda against the Germans was essen- 

* tially a propaganda of discouragement and revolution. It 
t was the British who did most of the propaganda of dis- 
t solution against Austro-Hungarian armies, and they scored 
\ notable successes. Success in propaganda of this kind 

depends much more upon the existence of strains and stresses 

• in an enemy state than does success in propaganda among 

• neutrals. 


The preceding paragraphs have contrasted the strategy 
of some of the principal War propagandas, and rehearsed the 
general theory of how to select powerful appeals for the 
achievement of the four propaganda aims. There arc humbler 
criteria of tactical nature, which the working propagandist 
applies to each suggestion. The tacti cal objectives may be 
summarized thus : 


1. To arouse the interest of specific groups ; 

2. To nullify inconvenient ideas ; 

3. To avoid untruth which is likely to be contradicted 

before the achievement of the strategic purpose. 

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Effective propaga nda is catholic jit its appeal. It ignores 
no loyalty inside a nation. Protestants, Catholics, Jews, 
workers, financiers, farmers, merchants, city dwellers, and 
ruralites, sportsmen and pliilosophers, men of affairs and 
academicians, women and men, old and young ; every pos- 
sible line of cleavage in the nation is appealed to by some 
direct or indirect device.* 

R. J. R. S. Wreford exactly described this process when 

he said that the expert propagandist 

must decide as to the public which is most likely to be, or 
to become, sympathetically disposed toward the interests 
which he represents ; he must then select the aspects of 
those interests best calculated to appeal to the predilections 
of this public ; and he must then present these aspects in 
an attractive manner. 1 

Propaganda material must reach the meanest as well as 
the keenest intelligence. In the case of the crude prophecies 
of victory which were made during the War, it was safe to 
predict that they would carry reassurance to the most 
superstitious and credulous strata of the population, but 
that the sophisticated would pass them contemptuously by. 
It is perfectly safe to launch the crude and sophisticated 
together, for the people capable of reacting to the latter will 
not be estranged by the former ; they will merely remain 
indifferent and condescending. A cock-and-bull story about 
the Kaiser’s lust for war, as revealed by his habit of spitting 
three times whenever the Union Jack was displayed, would 

1 For an example, sec the description of Lithuanian propaganda on page 

2 " Propaganda Good and Evil,” 19 th Century and After, 93 (1923): 
514-524. He patly defined propaganda as "the dissemination of inter- 
ested fact and opinion." 

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probably not win Belgravia, no matter how popular it might 
be in Poplar. But a learned tome, prepared with all the 
dexterity of the trained academician, could defend the same 
general theme to the satisfaction of an intelligent public. 
Part of the superiority of British propaganda during the War 
was due to its amazing suppleness. In 1917 the' journalist 
Arthur Bullard commented on this fact and wrote, 

The appeal which brought the first wave of volunteers 
was " Bleeding Belgium,” the fluty of the strong as good 
sportsmen to defend the weak. Then the attempt was 
made to stir national pride by posters quoting the Kaiser’s 
alleged insulting reference to “ the contemptible little 
English Army.” An effort was made to frighten the people 
by the supposed danger of invasion. Somewhat later, 
pictures were displayed of the famous treaty which had 
been called a " scrap of paper.” Every note was sounded 
from rage against ” the baby killers ” to fidelity to the 
pledged words as the basis of international relations. But 
by far the greatest response came on the appeal to demo- 
cratic idealism, the issue between popular rule and military 
despotism. 1 

^Every suggestion must have an interesting appeal to 
a definite group, but some suggestions must be expressly 
designed to nullify inconvenient ideas. This brings us to 
the second tactical standard of good propaganda, which 
appears in the conduct of war influencing. When a govern- 
ment undertakes to influence the people within its own 
boundaries, it is usually able to control the cable, telegraph, 
telephone, Press, postal and wireless services, while war lasts. 
But psychological frontiers nevei coincide with geographical 
frontiers, and summary suppression is never a complete 

1 Mobilizing America . p. 44. 

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success. Governments learn to nullify rather^than to conceal 
und esirab le ideas. 

Part of this technique is the control of emphasis. Under- 
emphasis may be procured in the Press by relegating an 
item to an obscure column with an inconspicuous headline, 
by incorporating in another story, by omitting detail, by 
contradiction on the part of the writer or " witness,” by 
quotations which cast doubt upon the assertion and related 
devices. Conversely, favourable ideas may be given pro- 
minent columns, striking headlines, independent treatment, 
circumstantial detail, impressive corroboration and ceaseless 

In practice, the simplest mode of nullifying important 
reports is by the device of compensation. It is ridiculous to 
pretend that the enemy never wins a point. The depressing 
news of an enemy gain should, however, be counterbalanced 
by a simultaneous gain. This was what Winston Churchill 
used to do at the Admiralty, for 

he would hold on to a bit of bad news for a time on the 
chance of getting a bit of good news to publish as an offset, 
and T must say that it not infrequently came off. 1 

When American preparations began to assume disquieting 
proportions, the German Press played up the collapse of 

Compensation sometimes takes the form of pointing out 
that the enemy is as badly off as the home public. At one 
time during the War, the food administration in Berlin 
announced that 50 grammes of fresh lard would be distributed 

1 Brownrigg. Indiscretions of a Naval Censor, p. 13. 

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on a certain day, but circumstances intervened and it became 
impossible to make good. The disappointment of the people 
was somewhat appeased by the publication of impressive 
statistics of the huge losses of lard, to which the enemy had 
been subjected by the U-Boat campaign. 

The most convenient mine of counter-propaganda material, 
is the opposition Press inside a foreign country. The 
German Press greeted the appointment of Foch to the 
supreme command by reprinting some articles in the French 
radical Press, which interpreted the appointment as a last 
straw, admitting that bad leadership had brought about the 
present plight at the front. 

Unfavourable intelligence may be nullified by a flat denial, 
but defence by denial is not of itself efficacious when alarm- 
ing news is abroad. Defence by admission and justification 
usually accomplishes more, especially when placed in the 
form of a counter-attack. Certain losses at the front may 
be covered by ostentatious hints at a great plan to draw the 
enemy from his base of supplies and snare him. Poison gas 
may be justified by assaulting the cruel, inhuman and illegal 
methods of warfare to which the enemy has resorted. 

The public should be prepared in advance for the occur- 
rence of an event, which might otherwise produce an 
undesirable repercussion. Thus precautions should be taken 
to discredit an authority which is to render an ultimate 
verdict, and which is almost certain to be unfriendly. The 
Germans looked with open contempt upon the panel selected 
to inquire into the Belgian atrocities, and they blackguarded 
both its integrity and its technique before publishing its 

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The public may have bad news “ broken " to it gently by 
publishing a disquieting question, followed by a few facts, 
and then by the worst. Panic is thus circumvented, since 
the processes of discounting the future have produced a 
certain stability of response in the public mind. 

When it is proposed to inaugurate a policy to which there ’ 
may be some objection, it is possible to instigate a demand 
for the very policy which it is intended to introduce. This 
is the indirect initiative, or, as a Belgian student of pro- 
paganda 1 has christened it, the initiative evenUe (the fanned 
initiative). He observed its operations at the time of the 
Brest Litovsk negotiations between Germany and Russia. 
There was a great deal of objection in Germany among the 
parties of the Left to a downright policy of annexation, so 
the Government proceeded cautiously. The Kolnische Volks - 
zeitung published a report that the English were negotiating 
with Russia for the right to occupy the Riga Islands. 
Instantly there were spontaneous editorials throughout 
Germany, demanding prompt action by the Imperial Govern- 
ment to forestall the accursed British. The Government 
took the islands. 

Bad news and unwanted criticism may be nullified by 4 
distracting the attention of the public from them. A 
distraction is managed by springing a sensation which is 
unrelated to the inconvenient focal point of attention. The 
arrival of the Deutschland served this purpose in Germany 
at a dull moment during the War. 

Yet a third general tactical standard has emerged in the 
course of our analysis. It is concerned with the relation of 
1 He occupies an official position at present. 

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propaganda to truth. To what extent is it necessary for 
the suggestions employed in propaganda to conform to 
the canons of critical veracity ? 

Actual propaganda, wherever studied, has a large element 
of the fake in it. f This varies from putting a false date line 
on a despatch, through the printing of unverified rumours, 
the printing of denials in order to convey an insinuation, to 
the “ staging " of events. One of the world war fakes was 
the use of pictures of the Jewish pogrom of 1905, some- 
what retouched, as fresh enemy atrocities. Of a similar 
type was the following : the London Daily Mirror of August 
20th, 1915. published a picture of three German officers, who 
held various vessels in their hands. The sub-title was, 
“ Three German Cavalrymen loaded with gold and silver 
loot,” which they had taken in Poland. This was, in fact, a 
defaced reproduction of a picture, which had originally 
appeared in the Berliner Lokalanzeiger for the 9th of June, 
1914, and which had shown the winners of the cavalry com- 
petition in the Griinewald. The officers had cups and 
trophies in their hands. The sub-title read ; 

Vom Armee-Jagdrennen in Griinewald. Von links : Lt. 

Prieger, Zweiter : Lt. v. Egan-Krieger. Dritter : Lt., v. 

Herder. Sieger. 1 

Sir Campbell Stuart, looking back upon the British pro- 
paganda from the vantage ground of a victorious peace, has 
written that " only truthful statements ” should be used in 
propaganda. This seems, in the light of practice, an 
impracticable maxim. It was not unusual during the War 

1 Ferdinand Avenarius exposed several of these falsifications during the 
War in the booklet, Bi id ah Verleurrder, the enlarged, post-war edition of 
which is named Die Machle im Weltwahn. A French rejoinder was named 
L’imposture par I'image. 

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to invent a great deal of material out of whole cloth. One 
of the best examples of this sort of thing was the famous 
cadaver story. Two captured photographs chanced to come 
to the desk of the Chief of the British Army Intelligence, 
Brigadier General J. V. Charters. One of them showed dead 
German soldiers being hauled away for burial behind the 
lines, and the other showed dead horses on the way to the 
soap factory. Knowing the reverence of the Chinese for 
their ancestors and the uncertainty of Chinese opinion 
toward the Germans, he thoughtfully interchanged the titles 
of the two pictures, and sent the edited material to Shanghai 
for release. “ German cadavers on way to the soap factory,” 
soon found its way to Europe and America and spread dis- 
taste and' contempt of all things German. 1 

This was, of course, a plain lie. Rut it was plausible, and 
it was incapable of complete refutation during the War. 
During war, plenty of horrors are sure to occur. They grow 
dank and rank on every hand, and a mustard seed of truth 
may blossom and bloom. Indeed, a very sophisticated 
British soldier, a literary man, who was not one to be taken 
in by this sort of thing, related something in his own 
experience which might have given rise to a story of this 
kind. Shortly after having heard this tale for the first time, 
he was engaged in active fighting in Bellicourt. A British 
shell squashed a German field kitchen, and what he 
saw when he went to inspect the ruins, gave the clue 
to the “ corpse factory.” 

1 Seethe N Y. Times. 20 October. 1025. Will Irwin, the able journalist 
who took the trouble to try to verify the atrocity talc 3 of the War, has 
described several versions of the story that German soldiers cut 01! the 
hands of Belgian babies and carried them along as souvenirs. He found 
them all unproved and wildly improbable. Admiral Sims lias categorically 
declared that the reports of the terrible inhumanity of submarine com- 
manders was, with a single exception, pure fabrication. 

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A quite simple case. Shells had gone into cookhouses 
of ours, long before then, and had messed the cooks with 
the stew. 1 

The truth about the relation of truth to propaganda seems 
to be that it is never wise to use material which is likely to 
be contradicted by certain unconcealable events before the_ 
political objective of propaganda is attained. * It is foolish 
to promise victory on a definite date in the imminent future, 
because the prediction may be falsified by the event and 
lead to a certain backwash of discouragement and suspicion. 
It is perfectly permissible to assert that ultimate success is 
sure, even though no critically-trained intelligence could 
accept such a statement as proved, because it is impossible 
to disprove this proposition before the attainment or the 
total eclipse of all hope of attaining the political objective. 

It is evident that propaganda must avoid self-contradiction 
in the same context addressed to the same group or to groups 
in intimate contact with one another. There is com- 
paratively little danger in telling the Protestants through 
their official organs that the war is a great Protestant 
crusade, and in encouraging the Catholics to regard it as a 
great Catholic movement ; but it would be absurd to mix 
the appeals to the same audience. Every special group tends 
to make the war over in its own image, and the task of the 
propagandist is usually to facilitate, rather than to fabricate. 

The three tactical principles which have just been 
recapitulated, may be stated in these words : 

i. Suggestions should be circulated which promise to 
arouse the interest of specific groups. 

1 C. E. Montague, Disenchimtmenl, p. 93. 




2 . Suggestions should be chosen to nullify inconvenient 
ideas which cannot be suppressed. 

3 . Suggestions should be used which are likely to pass 
uncontradicted until the propaganda aim is realized, and 
this implies, in particular, that self-contradiction in the 
same context to the same public must be avoided. 

The successful choice of propaganda material according 

to these standards presupposes accurate prediction, not only 

of the immediate results of its circulation, but of the counter- 

currents which ma}' be instigated. If methods of prior 

testing can be devised, the propagandist will approximate 

somewhat closer to the omniscience once imputed to him 

by a New York newspaper, which wrote, 

the public mind to the trained propagandist is a pool into 
which phrases and thoughts are dropped like acids, with a 
foreknowledge of the reactions that will take place, just as 
Professor Loeb at the Rockefeller Institute can make a 
thousand crustaceans stop swimming aimlessly about in 
the bowl and rush with one headlong impulse to the side 
where the light comes from, merely by introducing into 
the water a little drop of a chemical . 1 

Thus far, our survey of the means of propaganda has 
covered the methods of organizing and the criteria for 
selecting suggestions for strategic or tactical reasons. There 
remains the problem of choosing from among the numerous 
instruments of transmission which are available. Sug- 
gestions may be spoken, written, pictorial * or musical, and 

1 New York Tribune , July rath, 1918. Cited in Military Intelligence 
booklet on Propaganda in its Military and Legal Aspects, p. 93. Stem- 
Rubarth has named the *' Priifung der mdglxcfur Ruchwirkung " among 
his five principles. Sec his Propaganda als polilisches Instrument. 

1 The literature of caricature, cartoon and illustration during the War 
is reviewed in L. M. Salmon, The Newspaper and the Historian. See 
especially p. 381 and after. Karl Demeter dealt with the film propaganda 
of the Entente in the Archiv j. Politik u. Geschichte, 4 (1925) : 214-231. 

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the possible variations in the form of the stimulus-carrier 
are infinite. The soundest method for the propagandist to 
follow is to cultivate the habit of identifying himself 
imaginatively with the subjects to be influenced, and to 
explore all the possible avenues of approach to their atten- 
tion. Consider, from this point of view, a group of people 
who are riding in a street car. They may be influenced by 
placards posted inside the car, by posters on the billboards 
along the track, by newspapers which they read, by conver- 
sations which they overhear, by leaflets which are openly or 
surreptitiously slipped into their hands, by street demon- 
strations at halting places, and possibly by yet other carriers 
of suggestions. 

Of possible occasions for suggestion there is no end. 
People walk along the streets or ride in automobiles, trams, 
subways, elevated trains, boats, electrical or steam railwa}'s ; 
people congregate in theatres, churches, lecture halls, eating 
places, athletic parks, concerts, barber shops and beauty 
parlours, coffee-houses and drug stores ; people work in 
offices, warehouses, mills, factories and conveyances. An 
inspection of the habit patterns of each community reveals 
a web of mobility routes and congregating centres, which 
may be taken advantage of for the dissemination of interested 
fact and opinion. 

No obiter dicta about the comparative values of a given 
system of transmitting stimuli can have the same importance 
as the habit of mind which enables the propagandist to test 
each given situation for its inherent possibilities. The forms 
of suggestions are few and elemental, but the possible 
occasions and carriers are infinite. The technical literature 

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on advertising is full of the most precise information on the 
effect of different colours, sizes, shapes and elevations of 
outdoor posters on suggestion. All this is indispensable 
to the working propagandist, but it is distinctly ancillary 
to the problem of achieving and preserving a perspective on 
the problem of control, which uses broad and rather flexible 
categories of analysis. These arc the leading questions : 
^fhat are the proposed subjects of stimulation doing ? How 
many separate occasions can be isolated ? How many spoken, 
written, pictorial, musical or demonstrative suggestions can 
be interposed ? What are carriers by which they may be 
transmitted into the experience-world of the subjects ? 

For the sake of suggesting the more common instruments 
of propaganda, Mr. Creel’s summary of the work of the 
Committee on Public Information may be quoted :* 

Thirty odd booklets were printed in several languages. 
Seventy-five million copies were circulated in America, and 
many million copies were circulated abroad. Tours were 
arranged for the Blue Devils (French soldiers), Pershing’s 
Veterans, and the Belgians, and mass meetings were arranged 
in many communities. Forty-live war conferences were 
held. The Four Minute Men commanded the volunteer 
services of 75,000 speakers, operating in 5,200 communities, 
and making a total of 755,190 speeches. 

With the aid of a volunteer staff of several hundred 
translators, the Committee supplied the foreign language 
Press of America with selected articles. It planned war 
exhibits for the state fairs of the United States, a series of 
inter- Allied war expositions, and secured millions of dollars- 
worth of free advertising space from the Press, periodical, 
car and outdoor advertising forces of the country. 

It used 1,438 drawings prepared by volunteers for the 
production of posters, window cards and similar material. 

1 Adapted from George Creel. How We Advertised America. 

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It issued a daily newspaper with a 100,000 circulation for 
official use. It ran an information service and syndicated 
feature articles for the Press. Plate-matter for the country 
Press, and specialized material for the labour, religious and 
women’s Press was supplied. Moving pictures were com- 
mercially successful in America and effective abroad, such 
as " Pershing’s Crusaders,” ” America’s Answer/' and 
" Under Four Flags.” 

Over two hundred thousand stejeopticon slides were 
distributed. Still photographs were prepared, and a stream 
of 700 pictures per day of military activities were censored. 
Cable, telegraph and wireless were employed by an official 
news service. A special mail and photograph service was 
also built up for the foreign Press. Reading-rooms were 
opened abroad, schools and libraries were fitted out, photo- 
graphs were displayed prominently. 

Missions were sent to the important districts of the world 
to look after American propaganda on the spot. 

The service cost the taxpayers $4,912,553, and earned 
$2,825,670*23 to be applied on expenses. 

As we have seen, the problem of penetrating the enemy’s 
country with propaganda material was solved during the 
last War by an ingenious device, the free balloon. After 
employing the Press of adjacent neutral countries, stationary 
balloons and aeroplanes, this mode of transmission was 
finally perfected and substituted. The Allies had the 
benefit of the prevailing westerly winds, and they laid down 
a barrage of print over the German lines. 

One of the lessons to be drawn from the success of British 
propaganda in the United States is the cardinal importance 
of persons as means of carrying suggestion. No avenue of 
approach can safely be ignored, but the powers behind the 
impersonal agencies must be reached, and this is best 
managed by personal contact. The British were astute 


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enough to work chiefly through Americans, and none of 
their agents came to the premature disgrace and humiliation 
that befell Dr. Demburg. 

This completes our brief summary of the conditions and 
methods of propaganda. Success, it may be reiterated, 
depends upon the astute use of propaganda means (organiza- 
tions, suggestions, devices) under favourable conditions. 

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uriO'nai rrorr 




After this rapid review of the means and conditions of war 
propaganda we are in a position to undertake an appraisal 
of its results. The Jiistory of the. late War shows that 
modern war must be fought on three fronts : the military 
front, the economic front, and the propaganda front. The 
economic blockade strangles, the propaganda confuses, and 
the armed force delivers the coup de grace. Employed in 
conjunction with the other arms of offence, propaganda saps 
the stamina of the armed and civilian forces of the enemy, 
and smoothes the path for the mailed fist of men and metal. 
The economic blockade slowly squeezes the vitality out of a 
nation, and depends for its maximum effect upon a prolonged 
struggle. Propaganda is likewise a passive and contributory 
weapon, whose chief function, is to demolish the enemy's 
will to fight by intensifying depression, disillusionment and 

As the U.S. Military Intelligence described the function 
of propaganda, it 

attacks the whole army at its base ; threatens to cut it 
off from its base, to stop the flow of reinforcements, supplies, 
ammunition, equipment, food, comforts, and above all, to 
weaken the moral support that sustains the troops in the 
hardships and cruelties of war far from home. 

“ Armies fight as the peqple think was the wise epigram 
of the 'Biitish~General Applin. It might be extended to 
say that armies fight as armies think, for, as George William 
Curtis said : " Thoughts are Bullets.” 1 
1 Propaganda in its Military and Legal Aspects. Introduction.) 


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Notable successes in which propaganda had an important 
and perhaps a decisive part were scored in the last War. In 

common with every other weapon of attack, propaganda^ ' 

has a surprise value, which the Central Powers realized to 
tffe rfr in* the ingenious propaganda offensive, which pre- 
ceded their attack upon the Italians in 1917 at Caporetto. 
The spirit of the Italian armies was dissipated, and their lines 
cracked and broken. In reply, the Allies won a striking 
success in 1918, when they forced the postponement of the 
Austro-Hungarian offensive against Italy, from April until 
June, by sowing demoralization among the troops of the 
subject nationalities. Mutinous troops blew up ammunition 
dumps behind the lines, and sabotaged the whole military 

One of the gravest triumphs of the War was won when the 
Germans put the Russians out of the running. They strained 
every muscle to complete the disintegration which culminated 
in the second Revolution. They permitted the famou 
" sealed car " to convey Lenin and forty associates fron. 
Switzerland, across Germany on their way to Russia. The 
ruthless Bolshevists accepted aid from any quarter and 
completed the job, in spite of all the frantic work of the 
American Red Cross and the special propaganda services of 
the Entente group. 

But the crowning victory of the War was at the expense 
of the Germans. German moral depended upon the hope 
that the victory which had been so many times within their 
grasp, was just over the horizon. Strained to the breaking 
point by the inexorable clutch of the economic blockade, 
their great hopes of the spring and summer of 1918 crumpled 




into rubbish, the German army and the German people 
were ready to lend an ear to the seductive voice of Mr. 

If the great generalissimo on the military front was Foch, 
the great generalissimo on the propaganda front was Wilson. 
His monumental rhetoric, epitomizing the aspirations of all 
humanity in periods at once lucid and persuasive, was 
scattered far and wide over Germany. He declared war 
upon autocracies every where, and solemnly adhered to his 
distinction between the German people and the German 
rulers. His speeches were one prolonged instigation to 
revolt. He and Lenin were the champion revolutionists of 
the age. Throughout the entire War his pronouncements 
had won a substantial measure of confidence and respect 
in the minds of that minority of democratically-minded men, 
who longed to transform the pre-war Germany of class 
discrimination and special privilege. And when the clouds 
of adversity darkened the sky in 1918, they were joined by 
immense numbers of their compatriots, pinched by privation 
and despair, anxiously searching the heavens for portents of 
a soft peace. They turned, not to Clemenceau — hard, 
relentless vulture, poised like an avenging conscience, to 
tear at the vitals of a fallen adversary, nor to Lloyd George 
— nimble, unstable and uncertain, but to this mysterious 
figure in the White House, aloof from the ordinary passions 
of petty men, who spoke in elegiac prose of a better world, 
when wars should be no more and a brotherhood of demo- 
cratic peoples should bury their heritage of ancestral rancour, 
and march toward a world of fellowship and reconciliation. 
It was to this man, mercilessly ridiculed and caricatured 





from one end of Germany to another through long years of 
hesitation and then of belligerency, that the Germans 
turned in their extremity. 

Could it be that at last a statesman had arisen to lead 
the peoples of the world in the path of friendship and peace ? 

Had a great prophet at last soared above vindictiveness 
and animosity to bring understanding to a harassed uni- 
verse ? This butt of ribald jest was transformed at a stroke 
in those closing months of hunger, insecurity, foreboding 
and hallucination into a saviour. The people grasped at 
straws and saw deliverers where they had seen but pedantic 
fools before. 

Such matchless skill as Wilson showed in propaganda has I 

never been equalled in the world’s history. He spoke to - ' 
the heart of the people as no statesman has ever done. For 
a few brief months he embodied the faith of the idealists in a 
better world, and the last desperate hope of the defeated 
peoples for a soft peace. He was raised to a matchless 
pinnacle of prestige and power, and his name was spoken 
with reverence in varied accents in the remotest corners of 
the earth. * 

Just how much of Wilsonism was rhetorical exhibitionism 
and how much was the sound fruit of sober reflection will 
be in debate until the World War is a feeble memory. From 
a propaganda point of view it was a matchless performance, 
for Wilson brewed the subtle poison, which industrious men 
injected into the veins of a staggering people, until the 
smashing powers of the Allied armies knocked them into 
submission. While he fomented discord abroad, Wilson 
fostered unity at home. A nation of one hundred million 




people, sprung from many alien and antagonistic stocks, was 
welded into a fighting whole, " to make the world safe for 
democracy.” And the magic of his eloquence soothed the 
suspicions which Central and South America cherished 
toward the mighty colossus of the North, and brought most 
of them into the War on the Allied side. 

The propaganda of disintegration which was directed 
against the tottering realm of the Hapsburgs bore fruit in 
disaffection and ultimate secession among the Czechs, Slovaks* 
Rumanians, Croats, Poles and Italians. The Balfour 
Declaration hastened the reversal of Jewish sympathies 

in 1917. 

Some of the triumphs of propaganda were in the field of 
recruiting. In the race for Allies, the Germans won in 
Bulgaria and Turkey, but the honours went to the Allies in 
the United States, Italy, Rumania, Greece and in a wide 
array of lesser countries, and Germany stood isolated in 
sympathy, except for Spain and Sweden. The hand of the 
whole world was raised against the Teuton. The great tug 
of war in America was only won by the British and the 
French after a desperate struggle against the German 
propaganda. The French were admirable in the very sim- 
plicity of their appeal. They invoked the sacred name of 
Lafayette, implored the gods of democracy, blackguarded 
the Germans and advertised the Americans who had enlisted 

on the side of the French. * The British had less traditional 
affection to draw upon, and much more to explain away, but 
they had the powerful asset of the cables and the good sense 
to work, not secretly, but just outside the glare of publicity. 
And neither the British nor the French w r ere severely handi- 





capped by a military-diplomatic programme, which hurled 
all their fine pretensions in their teeth . 1 

Now a formidable list could be drawn up of the propaganda 
drives which failed or which accomplished their objective 
after a long period of waiting. Not all the propagandas to 
instigate defeat, Revolution, or secession and to preserve 
friendship succeeded. After all, India, Egypt, Ireland and 
Morocco did not respond to the proddings of German agents 
to rise up as one man to cast off the yoke of the Englishman 
and the Frenchman ; Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria 
and Turkey did hold out for four long years. France, 
Great Britain, and most of the Allies persisted through all 
discouragement to victory, in spite of the dangerous German 
peace offensive of I9ib-i7. But before regarding these 
negative results as a defeat for propaganda, it must be 
remembered that propaganda was not only an offensive 
weapon ; it was a powerful means of defence as well. Unity 
could be preserved just as it could be demolished by pro- 
paganda. Indeed, propaganda was present on both sides 
of every hotly-contested sector, and though it is one of those 
weapons whose precise effect is largely a matter of surmise, 
it is one which it would be foolhardy to neglect. 

A defeated country naturally exaggerates the influence of 
propaganda. The Italians sought to save their faces after 
the Caporetto disaster* by complaining of the terrible and 

1 The importance of propaganda in neutral countries has been illustrated, 
of course, in many other wars before the last one. President Lincoln tried 
every expedient to stimulate the pro-North sentiment in England’s indus- 
trial wage earners during the Civil War. He sent Henry Ward Beecher 
and perhaps a hundred other agents to, England to plead the cause of the 
anti-slavery side. One of the most effective and original stunts was to 
send a ship loaded with foodstuffs, to relieve the suffering in the cities. 

* The report of the special commission of inquiry into the Caporetto 
disaster which was appointed by the Italian Government is not now avail- 
able, and complete judgment cannot be made upon the whole affair 





insidious German propaganda, and Ludendorff devotes a 
great many pages to explaining just how it was that he did 
not lose the War, and how the Alien and Radical riff-raff in 
the population collapsed behind the lines, leaving a sort of 
vacuum, in which the German troops fell, victorious to the 

It is especially difficult to extricate the strands of pro- 
paganda influence from the means of control which are 
closely allied to it. When the Nivelle offensive drowned 
in a sea of blood in 1917, no less than twelve army corps 
were tainted by mutinous demonstrations. Soldiers began 
to start home, infuriated by the insensate butchery of their 
comrades. It was the remarkable work of General Pdtain 
which restored orderly enthusiasm to the front and thwarted 
the ominous diversion of hatred which threatened to turn 
the French soldiery against their own leaders and away from 
the enemy. He relied by no means exclusively upon pro- 
paganda. 1 

But when all allowances have been made, and all extra- 
vagant estimates pared to the bone.tthe fact remains that 
propaganda is one of the most powerful instrumentalities 
in the modem world.* It has arisen to its present eminence 
in response to a complex of changed circumstances which 
have altered the nature of society. ’ Small, primitive tribes 
can weld their heterogeneous members into a fighting whole 

1 For a description of his methods, see Mayer, La psychologic du com- 
mandemenl. and. in general, the reference in the section upon moral and 
military psychology ill the bibliography. 

* Sir Thomas More foreshadows the extensive use' of propaganda in 
Utopia. He record? how the Utopians spread distrust among their 
enemies by offering a reward for the capture or the voluntary surrender 
of prominent enemy leaders, and how they seek to divide the enemy by 
fostering the ambition of a rival to the reigning prince. 







by the beat of the tom-tom and the tempestuous rhythm of 
the dance. It is in orgies of physical exuberance that young 
men are brought to the boiling point of war, and that old 
and young, men and women, are caught in the suction of 
tribal purpose. 

In the Great Society it is no longer possible to fuse the \ 
waywardness of individuals in the furnace of the war dance ; 
a new and subtler instrument must weld thousands and even 
millions of human beings into one amalgamated mass of 
hate and will and hope. A new flame must bum out the 
canker of dissent and temper the steel of bellicose enthusiasm. 
The name of this new hammer and anvil of social solidarity 
is propaganda. Talk must take the place of drill ; print 
must supplant the dance. War dances live in literature 
and at the fringes of the modem earth ; war propaganda 
breathes and fumes in the capitals and provinces of the world 

Propaganda is a concession to the rationality of the mode 
world. A literate world, a reading world, a schooled world 
prefers to thrive on argument and news. It is sophisticated 
to the extent of using print ; and he that takes to print shall 
live or perish by the Press. All the apparatus of diffused 
erudition popularizes the symbols and forms of pseudo- 
rational appeal ; the wolf of propaganda does not hesitate 
to masquerade in the sheepskin. All the voluble men of 
the day — writers, reporters, editors, preachers, lecturers, 
teachers, politicians — are drawn into the service of propa- 
ganda to amplify a master voice. All is conducted with the 
decorum and the trappery of intelligence, for this is a rational 
epoch, and demands its raw meat cooked and garnished by 
adroit and skilful chefs. 





^.Propaganda is a concession to the wilfulness of the age. 
The bonds of personal loyalty and affection which bound 
a man to his chief have long since dissolved. Monarchy 
and class privilege have gone the way of all flesh, and the 
idolatry of the individual passes for the official religion of 
democracy. It is an atomized world, in which individual 
whims have under play than ever before, and it requires 
more strenuous exertions to co-ordinate and unify than 
formerly. The new antidote to wilfulness is propaganda. 
If the mass will be free of chains of iron, it must accept its 
chains of silver. If it will not love, honour and obey, it 
must not expect to escape seduction. 

Propaganda is a reflex to the immensity, the rationality 
and wilfulness of the modem world. It is the new dynamic 
of society, for power is subdivided and diffused, and more 
can be won by illusion than by coercion. It has all the 
prestige of the new and provokes all the animosity of the 
baffled. To illuminate the mechanisms of propaganda is to 
reveal the secret springs of social action, and to expose to the 
most searching criticism our prevailing dogmas of sovereignty, 
of democracy, of honesty, and of the sanctity of individual 
opinion. The study of propaganda will bring into the open 
much that is obscure, until, indeed, it may no longer be 
possible for an Anatole France to observe with truth that 
" Democracy (and, indeed, all society) is run by an unseen 





It is scarcely profitable in a study of this kind to rehearse 

the long list of printed materials which have been cited. Instead, 

a list that bears upon some of the main features of the general 

problem will be appended. 

I. The Technique of Influencing International 
Attitudes, During and Since the War. 

Angoff, Charles, " The Higher Learning goes to W'ar,” American 
Mercury, June, 1927, XI : 177-191. 

BaudriUart, Mgr. Alfred, Notre Propaganda, Paris, 1916. 

,, ,, „ Une campagne franfaise, Paris, 1917. 

Baschwitz, Kurt, Der Massenwahn, Munchen, 1924. 

Bemstorff, Count, My Three Years in America, New York, 1920. 

Blankenhom, Heber, Adventures in Propaganda, Boston, 1919. 

Brownrigg, Rear-Admiral Sir Douglas, Indiscretions of the Naval 
Censor, London, 1920. 

Busch, Moritz, Bismarck, New York, 1898. 

" Cincinnatus,” Der Krieg der IVorte. Stuttgart, Berlin, 1916. 

Cook, Sir Edward Tyas, The Press in War-time, with some 
account of the Official Press Bureau. London, 1920. 

Creel, George, How We Advertised America, New York, 1920. 

Demartial, Georges, La guerre de 1914. Comment on mobilisa 
les consciences. Paris, 1922. 

Demeter, Karl, “ Die Filmspropaganda der Entente im Welt- 
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Adventures as a German Secret Agent 
in 1917 (von der Golz), 146 
Aims of War, 58 

Air. propaganda carried by, 180 

Alliance Franfaise, 7 

America (U.S.A.) and propaganda. 

35. 43. “4. *35. M5 
Annexation and expansion, 70. 71, 

Anminzio, Gabriele d'. 141, 142 
Aston, Maj.-Gcn., Sir George, 19 
Atrocities. 81. 87. 89, 13 1. 162 
Audacious, 1x0 

Austin. 168. 174 

Bairmspathrr, Brock. 98 
Balfour, Lord, 63, 176 
Balloons, 182. 212 
Bang, Professor, 74 
Bankers, and the War, 49 
Baschwitz, Kurt, 1, 54 
Beavcrbrook, Lord, 20, 21, 40 
Bernstorfi, Ambassador. 34. 35. 140, 
x 5° 

Bi3marck, Prince. 33. 83. 129. X48 
Bombing, by air, 84, 200 
Borghese, Professor, 25 
Brcshkovsky, Madame, 121 
Bryce Report, 19 
Buchan, Colonel, 20 
Bullard, Arthur. 202 
Burnham, Lord, 20 
" Business as Usual " 101 

Carson, Lord, 20 
Catholicism and war, 72, 124, 130, 

Cave 11, Nurse Edith, 32, 34 
Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 30 

, Houston Stewart, 92 

Chicago Tribune , 145 
Chisholm, Hugh, 49 
Christine (Alice Cholmondcley), 94 
Churchill. Winston, 39. ioq. 203 
Civilians, effect of propaganda on, 

Civilization, wars to save, 67 
Collections, 2 

Committee on Public Information 
„ (U-S.A ) i8. 38, 4>. 194 
Congress, (U.S.A.), and propaganda, 

Corpse factories, 207 

Courtier de l Air. Le. 180 

Credo, for France, 57 

Creel. George, 1, 18. 29. 37. 43, 21 1 

Croix, La, 72 

Cxecho-Slo vales. 176 

Dacia, S.S., 141 
Daily News, 48, 60 
Defeat, propaganda of, 164 
D6martial, Georges, 2, 83 
Demburg, Dr., 149 
Deutsche Kriegsnachrichten, 23 
Donald, Robert, 20 

Editors, newspaper, 29 
Enemy Propaganda Department, 
20, 24 

Enemy, views of, 77 
English-speaking Union, 7 
Erb/eind, 128 

Fakes, use of, 206 
Fascio, in Italy, 53 
Fashions, and war, 76 
Fcldpost, Die, 166 
Films committee, 19 
Ford, Henry, 145 
Forest, Louis, 80 

Forgeries, of newspapers, 178, 179 
France, and propaganda, 24, 33, 80, 
85, 1 6b, 199 

Franco-Prussian War, 129 
Franklin, Benjamin, 158 
Frightfulness, 199 

Gaiette des Ardennes, 161, 171, 184 
George, Lloyd, 30, 63, 108 
German- American Alliance, 150 
Germans abroad. League of. 7 






German University League, 153 
Germany, and propaganda. 3. 22. 
32. 34 . 3 *. 56. 66, 78. 80, 83, 
80. 112. 127. 132. 139. 149. 
x6i, 167, 171, 178, 184, 197, 


Golr, von der, 146 
Grelling. Richard. 54 
Grey, Vbcount, 189 
Growth of a Legend (Langenhove), 
* 3 * 

Hale, W. B., 138, 150 
Handler and Helden, 68 
*' Hansi,” (Waitz). 33 
Hate, cult of, 96, 195 

Herv 6 . Gustave. 55 

Hurrah and Hallelujah (Bang), 74 

Innovations, secrecy of, m 
Instruments, of propaganda. 211 
Inter-Allied Corn mission, 23 

, Shipping Control. 25 

International Labour Office, 7 
, Law. 65 

Issues, in German Propaganda, 140 
Italy, 1 1 4, 14 x, 175 

J‘ accuse, 54, 178 

Japan, 7. 127 
Jews, 151, 176 
Joflre, Marshal. 40 
Jones, Leif, 40 

Journalists, as propagandists, 29. 
3 1 

Jutland. Battle of, no 

Kitchener, Lord, 40 
Kultur, 68, 91, 196 

Labour, and war, 63, 124 

Laved an, Henri, 57 

Law. A. Bonar, 78 

League of Germans Abroad, 7 

Lenroot. Senator. 44 

Letters, publication of, xoo, 135 

I-odge. Senator, 43 

Liberal Party, and the War, 48 

Ltbrc Belgique, La, 184 

Lithuania, 117 

Losses, publication of, 1x0 

Ludendorfl, 23, 28, 176, 220 

McClure, 36 

MacDonald, J. Ramsay, 49 
Mach, Doctor von, 35. 36 

Digitus Google 

Matson de la Presse, 24 
Marchand. Louis. 1 
Maaaryk, Professor, 174, 176 
Maxwell, W. N., 10 
M.I-7.b.. British Department, 180 
Ministry of Information. 40. 42 
Moysset, Henri, 25 

Heed of the Belgians , The, 138 
Negroes, 151 

Neutrals, propaganda to, 130, 134 
Hew Europe, 174 
News, handling of, 17 
Hew York Mail , 154 
Northcliffe. Viscount, 3. 15. 20. 21, 
24, 28, 32, 41, 45, 80, 193 
Novels, on the war, 99 

O'Connor. T. P.. 43 
Opinion, public, 6, 14 

Pacifism, 143 

Page, Thomas Nelson. 141 

, William Hines, 141, 147 

Palmer, Frederick, 136 
Parker, Sir Gilbert, 155 
" Patna," film, 144 
Peace Propaganda, 43. 143 
Peace-time propaganda, 7 
P6tain. General. 220 
Petit Journal, Le, 50 
Piave offensive. 29 
Plenge, Johann, r 
Plutarch Lied (Pierrefeu). 106 
Poindexter, Senator, 44 
Press Bureau, ig 
Prophecy, and war, 108 

Race, wars of,. 69 
Religion, and war, 71, 97 
Repington. Colonel. 109 
Representatives, official, X58 

Reuter's Agency. 3. 80 

Riddell, Lord, 20 
Robins, Colonel. 119. 159 
Roosevelt, Theodore, 133, 135, 157 
Root. Elihu, 159 
Roussct, Commander, 109 
Russia, 119. 125, 131. T59. 169. 215 

Salter, Sir J. Arthur, 25 
Samuel, Herbert, 15 
Schonemann, F., 1 
Scott. C. P.. 20 
Self-determination, 174 
Seton -Watson. 3*. *74 




Shaw, Bernard, 98, 135 n . 

Sheridan, General, 83 

Socialists, and war, 61 

Soviet, and Bolshevism, 7, 62, 

Spy mania, 106 

Steed, Wickham, 25, 29, 32, 116, 

Stera-Rubarth, Edgar, 1 
Street, Major C. J. C.. 180, 181 
Stuart, Sir Campbell, x, 29, 206 
Submarine campaign, hi 
S ymond3, Frank, *09 

Tardxbu, A., 1x7 
Times, The. 52. 55 
Toadies, Ferdinand, x, 92 
Treaties, secret, 171 

Union for Germanism abroad, 7 
Union of Democratic Control, 66 
Unity, Civilian. 11, 54, 55 
Unity of Control, 16, 193 

Victory, hopes of. 103 
V&ix du Pays, Lp, 180 

Wagner Culture Committee, 23 
Wells, H. G . 31. 62. 98. 129 

Wilhclmina, case of, 140 

William II.. ex-Kaiser. 56, 90, 162, 
i$ 9 . 197. 201 
Wilson. President. 216 
Wrcford, R. J. R. S., 201 

I Zeppelin raids, 200 
! Zionism, 176 

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